Pakistani Children Get A Timely Gift from HRM Crown Prince Maurice D. Ravennah

Pakistani Children Get A Timely Gift from HRM Crown Prince Maurice D. Ravennah, updated 12/10/20, 6:20 PM


Covid-19 shakes world economies hitting nonprofits hard. HRM Crown Prince Maurice D. Ravennah and his brother HRH E. Blake Ravennah of the SDKT have Sent aid to Pakistan to help where they can.

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Pakistani Children Get A
Gift from The Sovereign
Democratic Kingdom of
The SDKT partners with other individuals and
organizations to amplify the good they can do.
HRM Crown Prince Maurice D.
Ravennah partnered with Phoenix
International Inc. of the US and The
Rejoice In The Lord Organization
of Pakistan to Help.
HRM Crown Prince Maurice Signed an Aid Package for
Pakistan December 8th 2020
The Sovereign Democratic Kingdom of Terramor
and the Royal House of Ravennah announced
they would create a fund to help Orphan children
in Pakistan, they will also sponsor a page for the
organization which until now had no web
presence other than Instagram.
The Rejoice In the Lord Organization of Pakistan Got a new
Logo Designed by Griffin Global Incorporated. This too was a
gift from the SDKT.
HRM Ravennah says they've always admired
Rejoice In The Lord Organization of Pakistan and the
work they do helping Orphan children. The logo is
made in the green and white colors of the Pakistani
flag. It features a green figure of adult and child
fashioned from an olive branch within a Jesus fish
Atish Finhas Director of The Rejoice In The Lord
Organization of Pakistan
Atish reached out to HRH Prince Blake
some time ago. The two have been in touch
for months. Prince Black appealed to HRM
Crown Prince Maurice D. Ravennah who
decided the Sovereign Democratic Kingdom
of Terramor must help!
The organization feeds, clothes, and educates
orphaned children.
There are over 3,000
orphaned Pakistani children
that need the worlds help!
HRM Ravennah signed the 2021
Initiative which will supply aid
throughout the year with a goal of
shoes for all the youth as well as
meals and other supplies.
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