Manhattan Bronx Queens NYC Uber Rideshare Personal Injury Attorney Legal Service

Manhattan Bronx Queens NYC Uber Rideshare Personal Injury Attorney Legal Service, updated 4/23/20, 4:35 AM


Rideshare companies are popular these days, especially in a busy city like New York. These have created new passenger injury cases that are addressed by experts in the field at the Law Firm of Richard M. Kenny.

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Manhattan Bronx Queens NYC Uber Rideshare
Personal Injury Attorney Legal Service
In as much as cabs, the iconic yellow taxis that add to the ambiance or colorful
scenes in the city, figure in a lot of personal injury cases, rides through a mobile
app have created their own kinds of cases.
One of the most common cases is when an Uber driver,
for example, fails to get to his ride on time and that ride is
a matter of urgent need to the client.
While this cannot actually be the basis for suing Uber, what
anyone can do is get advice from a lawyer of a firm of attorneys
that has handled personal injury cases involving Uber and
similar companies.
At the Law Firm of Richard M.
Kenny or RMK, legal professionals
are constantly updating themselves
on new developments related to
personal injury cases.
For help in cases resulting from accidents in rideshare vehicles,
the best bet will be a personal injury attorney.
Again, will depend on how the
lawyer handling the case will
present the facts of the case in
Cases are coming up fast that are
defining how or what the law in such
situations will favor.
Richard's firm typically offers free consultation services from RMK law
for a case involving injuries sustained when riding a Lyft or Uber for-
hire vehicle.
The firm gets the best case reviews from
clients all the time, and a prospective
client can consider these when deciding
on getting personal injury attorney
Clients can call RMK Injury law 421-
0300 or visit the website today for
any questions regarding personal
injury accidents.
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