Magento 2 Auto Invoice Shipment | Userguide

Magento 2 Auto Invoice Shipment | Userguide, updated 7/5/24, 10:24 AM

Streamline your order processing with the MageAnts Magento 2 Auto Invoice Shipment Extension. This powerful tool automates the generation of invoices and shipment documents, saving you time and ensuring efficient order fulfillment.

Key Features:

Automatic Invoicing: Generate invoices automatically upon order placement or fulfillment.

Automated Shipments: Create shipment documents automatically, speeding up the shipping process.

Customizable Settings: Configure automation rules to match your specific business requirements.

Enhanced Efficiency: Reduce manual effort and improve accuracy in order processing.

Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with your Magento 2 store’s existing workflow.

Upgrade your Magento 2 store with the MageAnts Auto Invoice Shipment Extension to enhance efficiency and accuracy in order management. Save time, reduce errors, and ensure timely fulfillment with automated invoicing and shipment processes.

About MageAntsStore

MageAnts is your trusted partner of Magento Custom DevelopmentHyvä theme development solutions provider. Put your trust in us to create an online presence for you. Let us bring you into the digital age to embark on an incredible journey. Enhance your Magento store with our Magento 2 extensions & extend store functionality.

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Auto Invoice Shipment – Magento 2
User guide 1
T a b l e O
o n te
n ts

Installation Guide…………………………………..…………….………….....4
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE .....……....…....................4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually …………………………………............................5
Back-end Example........….......................................…………………….....6
Front-end Example …...........................................…………………….…...9 2
-AutoInvoiceShipment for Magento 2 extension allows automatic
generation of invoices and shipments after customers’ orders are
-Admin can save time and effort with the smart mechanism of auto-
generation instead of manually creating invoice and shipment
document in the backend.
-Moreover, the invoice and shipment confirmation emails are also
automatically sent to customers and Compatible with multiple
payment methods and easier to apply auto-generate invoice and
shipment for the same. 3
There are two ways of installing extension in magento2.
- Manually Install extension.
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE (Recommended)
Follow below steps to install extension from the command line.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory If code
directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System -> Cache Management.
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line: php
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the admin panel
and switch
to Stores --> Configuration
--> Mageants
AutoInvoiceShipment , the module will be displayed in the admin panel. 4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory If
code directory does not exists then create.
Step3: Disable the cache under System->Cache Management Edit
file and add one
line code:

Mageants_AutoInvoiceShipment’ => 1.
Step 4:
Disable the cache under System -> Cache Management
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the admin
panel and switch to Stores --> Configuration --> Mageants -->
AutoInvoiceShipment , the module will be displayed in the admin panel. 5
Back-end Example
- After Installation of AutoInvoiceShipment to magento admin panel for set
configuration of the extension.
- You can find configuration at Stores -> Configuration -> Mageants ->
- In Module Enable choose Yes to enable it or No to disable it.
- In Invoice auto creation choose Yes to generate auto invoice automatically after orders
are placed. 6
- In Select Payment methods for Invoice ,Select one, multiple or all payment methods to
apply auto-invoice generation.
-In Select Payment methods for Shipment ,Select one, multiple or all payment methods
to apply auto-shipment generation. 7
- In Shipment auto creation choose Yes to generate auto-shipment automatically after
orders are placed.
- Remember that only when auto-invoice generation is enabled, you can enable auto-
shipment generation. 8
Front-end Example
- Here you can see invoice is generated in frontend.
- Here you can see shipment is generated in frontend. 9
-If you enable both automatic invoice and shipment generation , your customer will receive
3 emails after ordering completely :order confirmation ,invoice confirmation and shipment
confirmation .
-Here you can see order mail sent to customer.
-Here you can see invoice mail sent to customer.
-Here you can see shipment mail sent to customer. 10 11
Thank you!
Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at:
Your feedback is absolutely welcome! 12