DID A UFO CRASH INTO THE TROODOS.pdf, updated 9/24/22, 10:29 AM


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The Truth is Already Here
IN 1973?


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4 Did a UFO crash into
the side of a mountain in
Cyprus in 1973? A world
exclusive report!
7 Roy Dutton gives us
his low down on his
Astronautical Theory.

16 An obituary article
with regard to the death
of arch UFO sceptic Philip

17 The very latest
sightings from around the

20 An extremely rare
article about the Foo-
Fighter enigma of the
Second World War from

24 The Big Picture-The
latest UFO sightings from
around the world.
28 A classic document
from 1973 pertaining to a
Army helicopter crew
being targeted by UFO
whilst in mid air.

Enjoy the magazine. GH


Welcome to the 16th
issue of UFO

This month we have a bit
of everything. We start
of with a World Exclusive
report of a possible UFO
CRASH and retrieval
operation in the Troodos
Mountains of Cyprus in

Having recently looked
at the work of Eammon
Ansbro with regard to
Roy Dutton’s
Astronautical Theory—
what better to have the
man himself fill us in on
his research.

Remember to keep
sending your photos,
articles and letters.

Enjoy the magazine. GH

Several months ago whilst
doing a BBC Radio Leeds show
a man rang in telling me about
an incident in Cyprus. He said
he’d once sent me an email
about it.

At the time I had vague
memories of the email but that
when I’d tried to return an
email to him the message
couldn’t be sent for some

Sadly the initial email he’d
sent me hadn’t provided me
with any other contact details
so I was unable to take the
matter further.

However there was now
another opportunity to pursue
this man’s claim. He told me
he had been in the army for
24 years (1965-
1989) and may
have been
involved in a
potential UFO
incident in Cyprus
in 1973.

Now armed with
full contact details
I began a
with him that
eventually led me to visit his
home. There I examined his
service papers and I have no
reason to doubt the following
account of the incident that
took place during an army
exercise high in the Troodos
Mountains of Cyprus.


‘I was selected to be a
member of an eight man
patrol consisting of six
soldiers, one sergeant and
one officer.

We were given an area, in
and around the mountain
area of the island and we
where to mount a watch
and report operation.

One thing from the outset
and we all thought strange
was the orange man never
made contact with us,
because know matter
where you went on Cyprus
it didn’t take long for one of
these individuals to find
you and set up a stall to sell
you fresh squeezed orange
juice, or sliced oranges to

We had all settled in for
the night in location.
Everyone mentioned how
clear the night was and on
the millions of stars and
things that could be seen.
Sentries were posted, and
the rest of us hunkered
down for whatever sleep
we could get.

We were all awoken at
about 2am by a brilliant,
but not dazzling bluish
bright light. At first we all
thought it must be a
helicopter looking for us or
something else.

What happened next is
hard to explain. There was
no explosion but we were
all hit by what I can only
describe as a shock wave
that knocked us all flat to
OF 1973—

the floor! The light just
disappeared or went out.

We all took up a defensive
position, believing we were
under attack, and I
remember being very
afraid. We all must have
laid there for what seemed
like hours, in total silence,
waiting to see what was
going to happen next, we
could see nothing.

The first sound I heard was
the sergeant on the radio
reporting what had
happened and asking for
instructions on what to do.

The officer with us took
over the radio and after a
short while he and the
sergeant briefed us and
told us that he and the
sergeant were to go
forward and carry out a
recce of the area where we
believed an accident of
some kind had taken place.
We were all told that we
were to stay in situ whilst
they went out and had a

After about an hour the two
arrived back, they said
there had been what looked
like a crash of some kind
and they had radioed the
information to base before
coming back to us and that
we were to stay put as
recovery and manpower
was on its way and we
were to help in securing
the area and retrieving
any wreckage.

Helicopters arrived and
people in black clothing
where seen getting out and
unloading stores from
them. We were only
allowed on the site when
all the large pieces had
been lifted off the area
under slung loads, our job,
then we were told to comb
the area for anything we
thought might belong to
the crash site and if
anything was found it was
to be placed in what looked
like large industrial waste

I picked up a
piece of what
like coke to
me but on
one side it
had what
looked like
gold tiles
covering it.
After placing
the object in
the bin I
noticed that
two pieces of this gold
substance had stuck to my
hands and one piece had
lodged behind the buckle
of my webbing belt. I
managed to put all three
pieces into the map pocket
of my combat jacket.

After what seemed like
hours a halt was called
and we were all lined up
and told that under no
circumstances were we to
talk about what we had
been doing and that we
were forbidden to take
anything from the site
under threat of Courts
Martial and that we were
all to be searched and that
we had to give a
declaration to the fact that
we had not removed
Piece of gold coloured foil-like debris with
interwoven thread running through it.
Diagram supplied by Tom Clarke

We were then all taken
from the area by helicopter
and flown to Alex Barracks
in Dheklie where we were
all taken to the cookhouse.
What looked like voting
booths had been set up to
one side. We were then all
interviewed separately. I
was asked to describe
exactly what I had seen
and done and was warned
again not to discuss with
anyone the events that had

After our individual
interviews we were all
gathered together and told
that we were never to
divulge anything we had
seen or done that day
because if we did as
serving members of the
armed forces we could be
tried for treason and shot!

All six of us were then split
into different troops and

I never saw our Platoon
Commander or the
Sergeant again, they did
not return to the UK with
our unit. After a week or
so all six of the remaining
members of the patrol were
posted far and wide. The
unit was moved from Ripon
to a brand new barracks in

The unit is now disbanded
and the new barracks at
Catterick are no more. I use
my computer at home and
am in regular contact with
many old comrades from
many of the units I served
in. A comprehensive list of
all the units of my old Corps
are display but not 60 Unit.

To date I have never been
able to make contact with
anyone who served in this
unit from my time with it.

This is a shortened version
of events which led me to
having these three pieces I
recovered from the site.
There maybe a simple
explanation why all that
happened did but I will
leave it at that.

This is the first time I have
talked about these events
all those years ago and the
first time anyone has seen
the items I have. I don’t
think I believe in flying
saucers or little green men
from Mars but I do have an
open mind.’


When I visited his home we
discussed his account in more

The people who arrived at the
crash site wore black overalls
with no insignia whatsoever.
He has never had any contact
with any of the others on the
exercise. All six were posted
within a week even though
none were due a posting.

The blue light did not make
any noise whatsoever despite
being in view for 7-8 minutes.
There was no arrival and no
departure of the light. One
second it was there another it
was gone.

The shock wave was extremely
powerful and again there was
no noise. At no
point did they
ever hear an
explosion on the
mountain that
would account
for the crash

The helicopters
that arrived to
pick up the
debris had no
whatsoever. On
arrival in the UK he was posted
to Northern Ireland within a
week when not due another
posting. From everything that
has been described I would
have to label this a UFO event.
Something obviously crashed
and by the response of the
military it was something
highly secret.

Questions-Just what was the
object recovered? Why were
there no markings on the
helicopters? Why no insignia
on the overalls of the people
sent to recover the debris?
What was the blue light? Why
was there no sound to it?
What caused the shockwave
that knocked them off their

In 24 years in the army (Royal
Corp of Transport) and after
being involved in countless
military exercises this event
was unlike anything else he
has ever known before or

I think that Tom may have
been unwittingly involved in a
UFO Retrieval operation. Tom
is open to that possibility.

As for the three pieces he
recovered. I plan to submit
them for analysis. I’ll let you
know the results in a later
issue. Thank you Tom for
coming forward I am
extremely grateful. GH

Reverse of the larger piece
plus another tiny fragment.

Foreword by Editor

In the last two issues of the
magazine I have given time
over to Eammon Ansbro to
outline his broad support
for Roy Dutton’s
Astronautical Theory. That
resulted in a call from Roy

After a lengthy chat on the
phone he agreed to release
the following article based
on his research. I believe
there is great merit in his
theories. GH


Major changes in human
thinking have sometimes
resulted from innovative work
carried out by lone individuals
working in isolation.

Understandably, the reactions
of professionals operating
within the boundaries of
established knowledge are
initially hostile towards such
work. This article is about work
to probe phenomena currently
regarded as taboo by the
pillars of modern science. As
a result, it has suffered
hostility and summary
dismissal for more than twenty
years. Nevertheless, as will
become apparent, the
discoveries being claimed have
resulted from long-term
objective and detailed
processing of the best
available data. It is hoped
that, some day, they may be
considered to be of
Human Limitations

A Quaker philosopher, Isaac
Penington, wrote in 1653:
All truth is but a shadow
except the last, except the
utmost; yet every truth is true
in its kind. It is substance in
its own place, though it be but
a shadow in another place ....
Surely, no truer words have
ever been written. Each human
generation is trapped within its
accumulated knowledge-base
and paradigms. This situation
is changed only gradually as
the old foundations are
replaced by new discoveries.
Most people are averse to
sudden changes.

The dangers of making
discoveries ahead of their time
have been adequately
demonstrated throughout
history. What is considered
acceptable in a given Age
seems to be determined more
by political and personal
considerations rather than
philosophical ones - and even
scientists are not exempt from
such pressures.

There has been no more
effective way to incite outrage
and ridicule from modern
scientists than merely to
mention that one has been
researching UFO phenomena.
That despised acronym has
become to many scientists like
a red rag to a bull. Concerted
attempts seem to have been
made during the past thirty
years to relegate the topic to
the realms of science fiction.

Nevertheless, such
unexplained happenings have
continued to occur all over the
world and, despite the
much-quoted Condon’s Report
recommendations1 to the
contrary, they surely merit
thorough investigation and

During 1998, science writer
and SETI author, Edward
Ashpole, and I co-authored an
essay for a competition being
promoted by The National
Institute for Discovery Science
(NIDS), Las Vegas. Edward
Ashpole's suggested title for
the essay was "The Scientific
Search for Evidence of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence in
the Solar System".2 He would
write a "supporting science"
rationale to preface my
contribution, which would be a
summary of the nature and the
results of my thirty years'
objective analysis, and global
synthesis, of reports of
unidentifiable aerial craft,
collected from a period of more
than a century.

Much to our shared
satisfaction, we were informed,
some months later, that our
essay had been selected to be
one of three first prize winners
of the competition. Further-
more, the NIDS people wanted
to display the winning essays
on their web site, and to bring
them to the attention of
leading academics and SETI
specialists. So far, there have
been no enquiries from any of
those people as a result of the
publishing of that essay. That
Astronautical Theory for
UFO Events

by T.R. Dutton CEng., MRAeS, MIMechE

has to be surprising in view of
the profound nature of the
discoveries being claimed.

Could it be, given the
prevailing attitudes, that they
are being regarded as heretical
and definitely unfit to be
promoted by open debate?
This article is yet another
attempt to break through into
that exclusion zone. It will
describe the manner in which
the discoveries were made and
will place them within the
context of the past fifty years.
Finally, the main discoveries
will be listed for consideration.
Having been arrived at through
objective and painstaking
analysis and synthesis of the
best evidence available, if they
are eventually validated by
other researchers, they will
change several existing
scientific paradigms.

The Hynek Contribution

The late Dr. J Allen Hynek, an
American professor, was the
Director of the Lindheimer
Astronomical Research Center
at Northwestern University and
Chairman of that university's
Astronomy Department when
his book The UFO Experience:
A Scientific Enquiry3 was
published during 1972.

Prior to that he had been the
official astronomical consultant
to the U.S. Air Force's Project
Blue Book, a project set up to
investigate all American UFO
reports and, subsequently, he
had become a member of the
University of Colorado's team
created in 1966 to take over
Blue Book files from the USAF.
That team, headed by Dr.
Edward U. Condon, produced
the Condon Report (1968),
which concluded negatively.

The conclusion was not shared
by all the members of the
team and Prof. Hynek was one
of those dissenters. He wrote
his book to set the record
straight and to share his own
view of the topic. His book is
almost essential reading for
anyone wishing to come to
terms with the discoveries
about to be claimed in this

The original term "flying
saucer" was eventually
replaced by Unidentified Flying
Object (U.F.O.) to describe
mysterious aerial objects being
reported by eyewitnesses. That
change had the effect of
clouding the issues quite
effectively. In the late 1940s
and early 1950s, the name
"flying saucer" had indicated
that the object being reported
had had the appearance of
being an aerial craft of some
kind, even though many were
not saucer-shaped. When SAC
(strange aerial craft) were
placed under the "UFO"
heading, they became
rarely-occurring items within a
plethora of all sorts of things in
the sky that members of the
general public had been unable
to identify. Whether that
change of categorisation had
been made deliberately to
mislead, or not, it certainly
provided the cynics with
sufficient evidence to enable
them to assert that UFOs were
the results of inadequate
observation - and any
craft-like things were just
figments of imaginations
over-stimulated by sci-fi books
and films.

Offsetting these dismissive
assertions in his book of 1972,
Dr. Hynek defined six
categories for the UFOs he had
investigated in his official role
with the U.S.A.F.:

•Nocturnal Lights - Strange
lighting formations seen at

• Daylight Discs - Objects
witnessed in daylight, often

• Radar-Visuals - Objects
seen and also picked up by

• Close Encounters of the
First Kind (CE 1) - strange
object seen at close quarters
but leaving no physical
evidence of its visit.

• Close Encounters of the
Second Kind (CE 2) - As for
the First Kind but with physical
evidence left behind.

• Close Encounters of the
Third Kind (CE 3) - Alien
creatures reported in
association with a strange
(usually craft-like) object at
close quarters.
Subsequently, the last of these
categories was brought into
public focus by Steven
Spielberg’s famous (but
fanciful) film of the same
name. Hynek was the UFO
advisor to Spielberg and his
services were recognised when
he was given a short walk-on
part in the climax scene of the
film. Unfortunately, that film
opened the topic to a flood of
even more fanciful films and
TV series and these have
played their part in further
devaluing UFO research as a
serious scientific pursuit.

A Personal Quest

Introduction to the UFO scene
occurred, for me, during my
final years (c.1953) at
Grammar School. One day, a
school friend who shared my
intense aeronautical interests
handed me a book. He asked
me to read it and to give him
my opinion of it. It was the
controversial Leslie/Adamski
book, Flying Saucers have
Landed.4 When I handed it
back, my view of it was that it
was very fanciful.

Nevertheless, that book made
me wonder whether there
might be better ways of flying
than those we already knew
about and set me thinking
along those lines. Particularly,
it focused my attention on the
nature of Gravity. Two years
later I had realised my
ambition to become accepted
as a trainee engineer in the
British aircraft industry. One
of my new-found friends
re-introduced me to the UFO
topic when he handed me a
book by the late Major Donald
Keyhoe, a retired U.S. Marine
with contacts in the Pentagon.
The book's title was The Flying
Saucers are Real.5 That book
certainly opened my eyes to
the possibility that alien
technology could be visiting
this planet and it caused me to
keep my mind open to new

By the year 1967 I had settled
with my wife and small son in
Bramhall, a Cheshire village on
the fringes of the large Greater
Manchester conurbation.
During the late summer of that
year the local press began to
feature reports of strange
aerial craft received from
residents in the South
Manchester area. As the weeks
passed, the reports became
more frequent.

Prior to all this, during the
period 1959-1963, I had been
a member of the Special
Projects Office, Weapons
Research Division (WRD),
A.V.Roe & Co. Ltd., located at
Woodford Airfield, near
Bramhall, Cheshire.
My work in that think-tank
had involved participation in
feasibility studies of advanced
space launchers and, also,
analysis of photographs of
existing launchers (American
and Russian) to determine
their performance capabilities.
Our long-term objective had
been to explore means by
which a more economical
launcher system might be
produced to enable Britain to
maintain a Space Programme.
Unfortunately, all that came to
an end when new owners,
Hawker Siddeley Dynamics,
Ltd. decided to close WRD,
beginning with the closure of
the Special Projects Office
during 1963. I had then been
pleased to accept a transfer to
the Wind Tunnels Department
of Hawker Siddeley Aviation,
Ltd., at the same airfield site.
This was still my application
when those reports of strange
things in the sky began to
create newspaper headlines.
Investigations Begin

Having the background just
described, I was naturally
curious to know more about
the strange aerial craft (SAC)
being vividly described by the
eyewitnesses during 1967 and
began to carry out private
investigations of them. Most
of the witnesses had been
deeply shocked by the sight of
large, noiseless, craft hovering
or moving slowly over their
homes and surroundings,
usually at very low altitudes.
Furthermore, the craft had
sometimes glowed in the
darkness and/or displayed
multitudes of brilliant lights.

There were also several
sightings of craft-like objects
during daylight. As my
investigations of local events
progressed, I learned that
similar reports were being
recorded in the Stoke-on-Trent
area of Staffordshire.
Subsequently, in 1968, I was
able to incorporate some of
those events into my database
after the limited publication of
an in-depth report6 produced
by two Stoke-based amateur
astronomers, Roger Stanway
and Anthony Pace. Having
selected some fifty convincing
cases from this combined
database, I progressed into
analysis of craft characteristics
and a survey of all the sites
from which reports had been
received during that exciting
period occupying the months
between July and December.

The analysis of craft
characteristics revealed a
number of commonalties
effectively defining them as
being technological objects
demonstrating capabilities
beyond human achievement.
Even though a variety of
shapes was evident, all had
appeared to have been
propelled in the same puzzling
manner. They had operated
silently, close to the treetops,
in radar clutter, and had
sometimes been witnessed to
depart, finally, by streaking
upwards with very high
accelerations, before being lost
to view in seconds - thereby
again avoiding detection by the
radar systems then in service.
It was found that the sites
visited had mostly occupied a
narrow, 35 miles wide,
magnetic north-south band,
with the newly opened M6
motorway lying near its
centreline and that large
man-made topographical
features, capable of being seen
from high altitude, had
occupied all the sites visited.

Taking all this evidence
together, it seemed logical to
conclude that a developing
part of NW England had
undergone detailed survey by
non-human agencies. The
evidence pointed towards
space as being the likely
source of those agencies.

After having drawn so much
from the data already
collected, I decided to continue
monitoring British reports and
to analyse them progressively.
This spare-time study

continued until 1973.

All the early findings had been,
by then, vindicated and there
was felt a desperate need to
be able to begin a study of
similar reports gathered from
all over the world. Only in that
way would it be possible to
recognise any planned
activities from space - it being
hoped that, as within Britain,
evidence of planned
surveillance might become
evident in other parts of the

The Global Study

Through an association I had
established with the
investigations group D.I.G.A.P.
(Direct Investigations Group
for Aerial Phenomena), I was
able to create a global
database by selecting the most
significant reports from two
comprehensive catalogues.

The earliest report selected for
a global distribution exercise
occurred in 1865. However,
when the exercise developed
to consider the dates and
times of the recorded events,
the original database had to be
reduced because some records
did not provide sufficient
information. The earliest case
qualifying for the timing
exercise occurred in 1885 and
the number of cases selected
had been reduced from 450 to
368. Then followed years of
processing. Several
unproductive attempts to
synthesise the data used up
many hours of precious spare
time, but each attempt
seemed to point towards
another possibility to be

By 1980 a discernible global
pattern of activity had
emerged from all this, strongly
indicating that some sort of
programmed, automated,
surveillance had been carried
out over a period of some 86
years - and was being
continued. All the evidence
seemed to suggest that the
small SAC seen in the
atmosphere had been
delivered to, and retrieved
from, the targeted locations by
larger craft operating mainly in
space. Further intensive study
of the possibilities during the
early 1980s led to the
recognition of a coherent
strategy. This finding was then
presented for consideration
during an invited lecture to
B.U.F.O.R.A. (British UFO
Research Association) in May

No lasting follow-up resulted
from this, possibly because
many present at that lecture
did not have the necessary
background required to
understand the rudiments of
astronautics and
astro-navigation. Even if
anyone there had had that
kind of knowledge, they would
have found themselves faced
with a very unfamiliar
scenario. In view of that
probability, I felt the need to
develop the work, so as to
enable testing to be carried
out, using new data.

Development by Computer

Until a PC was purchased
during 1988, all the work had
been done manually. Then
began work to write computer
programs for the PC that would
encapsulate mathematically
the features of the model
derived by slide-rule and
graphs. By 1990 the essential
programs had been written
and tested.

Next began the process of
collecting data to check
whether new reported events
seemed to confirm (or
otherwise) the model created
from the historical database.
The reasons why those people
already familiar with
astronautical techniques would
have found themselves
considering an unfamiliar
scenario were these:

*The evidence had suggested
that those hypothetical
"motherships" had always
approached the Earth in
retrograde motion: i.e. from
East to West, against the
planet's rotation.

*They had always entered
short-term or partial orbits, at
the same precisely-determined
super-orbital speed, to carry
out their drops and retrievals,
the implied speed being
roughly Escape Velocity (if at
380 miles altitude).

*The paths they had followed
over the Earth's surface had
repeatedly referenced a set of
fixed navigational points on
the Earth's equator.

*Ten well-defined orbit
inclinations to the equatorial
plane had been adopted to
provide coverage of the
inhabited regions of the world
lying between latitudes 76°
North and 76° South. No
humanly-produced spacecraft
of the present time could
possibly emulate this activity.
Furthermore, the timings and
dates of the reported SAC
events in the atmosphere had
indicated that

*The paths in space followed
by the hypothetical
delivery/retrieval craft had
been referenced to specific
celestial markers. It was all
rather incredible - and that
was why testing was so

To date, almost 1,000
additional selected cases have
been processed through the

computer programmes. The
checking has been done in
various ways. Sometimes I
obtained a batch of sightings
from a given area (e.g. the
San Luis Valley, Colorado) and
this facilitated graphical as well
as numerical checking of the

Graphs are computer-produced
for a specified location and the
computer selects up to seven
optional real-time paths in
space (selected from the
programmed global set) that
could be used to access that
site. As the programmed
timing options available to the
perpetrators are linked to
celestial markers, the available
times for delivery and retrieval
of probes associated with the
identified paths are
predictable, and change from
day to day with the movement
of the Earth round the Sun.

The timings graph displays a
series of lines representing
those times, throughout any
year, for the set of available
access paths identified.
Superimposing actual
(reported) time and date for
each event on this
arrangement of lines shows
how close the reported time is
to the nearest prediction at
that date. If this is done for all
the other reports in the same
batch, it can then be seen if a
particular path and/or
orientation has been favoured
to access that location. Such
indications can aid in-the-field

Of the additional cases
processed, over 60% (600+)
of the reported times have
correlated within 20 minutes of
the nearest predictions. In
considering that result, it must
be remembered that surprised
eyewitnesses do not usually
look at their watches
immediately on seeing a
strange thing in the sky. In
other words, some of the times
given will have been given
with hindsight and from
memory. [One special
exercise, with data not
included in the main checking
sample, checked a set of
random times against the
same number of collected
recorded times for a given
area and showed that about
20% (60) of the random times
had not occurred within 1 hour
of any predictions, whereas all
the actuals had qualified within
that timescale.]

A further characteristic of the
SAC seems to be revealed by
these results:

*Since the SAC in processed
reports have been found,
largely, to have been sighted
within 20 minutes of the
nearest predicted times, it
follows that an atmospheric
probe (SAC) is probably most
visible soon after its arrival
from space and, again, when it
has become highly charged
with energy just prior to its
departure. However this
observation does not preclude
that visibility may also occur
at other times during the
duration of its clandestine

Examination of a significant
number of alleged Close
Encounters accompanied by a
period of witness amnesia
(now known as a CE 4s) has
shown that the time at the
beginning of the encounter and
the time when restoration is
experienced often correspond
to the predicted times for two
consecutive overhead passes
of a hypothetical mothership.
This implies that:

*The minimum mission time
available to any probe (SAC),
on a given day, is represented
by the gap between two
consecutive timing lines on the
timings graph produced for a
given location.

Summary of Claimed

It is now possible to bring
together all the elements of
the Astronautical Theory for
SAC/UFO Events, a theory
encapsulating the following

*Strange aerial craft (SAC)
displaying inexplicable
characteristics, but described
by reliable eyewitnesses, are
physically real.

*The SAC descend from the
sky and depart back into it and
display operational capabilities
beyond our current

*The SAC are atmospheric
probes. They are deposited
into the atmosphere by
advanced spacecraft
("motherships") and are, later,
retrieved by them.

*All the fully automated craft
are engaged in continuing
Earth surveillance and
exploration activities.

*The hypothetical spacecraft
motherships follow
well-defined paths in space as
they approach the Earth and
then orbit transiently, at
super-orbital speeds, to
release the SAC over selected
target zones on the Earth's
surface before accelerating

*The motherships' approach
paths in space are governed by
fixed (programmed) rules
determining orbit inclination
and celestial orientation.

*Two kinds of celestial
orientation have been
identified. Two orientations are
referenced to the fixed stars.
The remaining two are linked
to the position of the Sun

amidst the stars and,
therefore, move round the sky
with the Sun throughout any

*The presence of a solar
system body (planet, minor
planet, comet, etc.) in visual
alignment with one of the
programmed approach paths
seems often to signal the
choice of that path for the
activity in hand.

All of these claimed discoveries
are now in great need of
rigorous scientific
investigation. In view of their
potential importance and the
weight of evidence supporting
them, they surely warrant that
kind of response, but to date
there has been little movement
in that direction.

One notable exception has
been the interest shown by an
Irish astronomer who, having
had much success in being in
several right places at the right
times, as a result of using my
timing information, is now
setting up a special
observatory in a remote area
of Ireland. The observatory will
be equipped with advanced
equipment to record and ana-
lyse the strange recurring UFO
phenomena in the skies of that
region. Mr. Eamonn Ansbro,
FRAS, is a member of the
SETV group of SETI scientists,
whose aims are to search for
evidence of ET vehicles in the
Solar System.

Testing by Amateurs

Amateur direct observation
groups, using supplied
information from me, are
sometimes reporting very high
success rates. The category
Close Encounters of the 5th
Kind (CE 5) has been created
by Dr. Steven Greer, founder
and active member of the
controversial Centreer for the
Study of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (CSETI). Dr. Greer
and his rapid reaction teams
have visited many UFO
activity areas in the world and
claim to have witnessed SAC
at close quarters on several
occasions. The CSETI mission
objective is to establish direct
communications with the
visiting craft. Light signals
from powerful hand-lamps
have been used, and it is
alleged that signals have been
returned by lights on the
visiting craft during
encounters. It is also claimed
that some of those CSETI
encounters were facilitated by
the use of timing graphs they
had received from me.

Yet more cause for outrage

For the sake of completeness,
it seems important to record
the author's investigations into
the nature and cause of
crop-circles. The 1987 BUFORA
lecture resulted in a request,
from someone present in the
audience, that I might visit
Southern England to view the
strange circles appearing each
summer in the crop fields of
that region. That person was
Colin Andrews, who is now a
well-known celebrity. My first
encounter with those enigmas
occurred in August 1988 - and
from the evidence presented to
me then, I knew that the
genuine items could not have
been produced by any kind of
mechanical means.

This caused me to examine the
nature of the swirled patterns
produced by the flattened
wheat and barley stalks. In
this I was aided by
near-overhead photographs of
small circle specimens donated
by Mr. F.C. Taylor (also now
well-known as an aerial
photographer) and by
accurately measured drawings
from Mr. Andrews. By analysis
of the swirl patterns in each of
the cases presented to me, I
was able to discover a vortex
law that applied to them all.
That law did not apply to any
natural vortex. When it was
written into a computer
program for my PC, I
discovered the swirled patterns
had almost certainly been
produced by a piece of
technology - a rotating

The stalks in the specimens
examined had clearly been laid
down as a series of strips. The
computer program not only
produced the correct swirl
pattern but, also, the same
number of strips observed in
each case. This finding
supported my initial
observation that the stems had
not been flattened by
mechanical means and pointed
instead towards a focused
beam of high-frequency
radiation, such as might be
produced by a scanning
airborne laser.

However, the true nature of
the beam is still unresolved,
because not only would it have
to have the ability to heat the
plant cells, transiently, at the
base of the stems, it would
also have to be able to apply
gentle overpressure in order
to sweep the crop down in the
beam's direction of travel,
without causing damage. In
my view, this is a form of
technology not yet developed
by Man, and the discovery
gives credibility to the idea
that genuine crop formations
are the result of SAC activity.

Furthermore, on several
occasions these mysterious
circles had been witnessed
being laid down, without
visible cause, in daylight. The
time of each of those events,
on the dates given, correlated
very well with the nearest
predicted SAC time for that
local area.

Documentation by the

Over the thirty-six years of
this study, the author has
documented progress as it has
occurred, at first in papers
presented to B.U.F.O.R.A.
during the 1970s. After the
discovery of a programmed
activity from space during
1979/80, he began to set
down the details of the study
in the form of a book, believing
that only in that way could all
the facts be presented
together. The manuscript was
completed during 1984, but it
then failed to attract a
publisher. The next attempt
was the paper produced for,
and delivered to, B.U.F.O.R.A.
during May 1987.

Over the period of
computerised development,
1988-2001, several research
papers were written to record
investigations into various
offshoots of the main theory.
They were listed in the
bibliography of a major paper7
produced during early 2001,
the purpose of which was to
place on record all the major
steps which led, ultimately, to
the derivation of the
astronautical theory. That
bibliography also listed all the
earlier papers and the NIDS

Closing Comments

In view of all that, it seems to
be significant that, over the
years, I have been unable to
publish anything in scientific
journals, that the British
national press has always
declined to publish anything
about the work and that I have
never received further
enquiries following my few
brief appearances on British
television. Why did information
sent to our Ministry of Defence
(MoD), via MoD author, Nick
Pope, fail to stimulate a
request for more details? Once
again, I have to suspect that I
have discovered things that
some people in high places
think should be kept to myself.
To offset this effective
censorship by exclusion,
during 1994, following up a
1992 offer from an
ex-aerospace colleague, Roy
Rowlands, I recorded the first
of a series of three videos8
with the primary purpose of
bringing together all the main
threads of the work for poster-
ity's sake. The final Part 3 was
recorded during June 1999.
Although this video trilogy is
available in Britain through a
local distributor, the major
distributors do not consider it
to be commercially viable -
and that may well be the case.
Unfortunately lacking any
distributor in the U.S.A., the
videos are not currently
available in American NTSC

Edward Ashpole, in his book of
1995/6, The UFO Phenomena,9
devoted an entire chapter to
the basics of the Astronautical
Theory and requested a sky
search by astronomers. The
only person to respond, who
was adequately equipped to
carry out meaningful searches,
was Eamonn Ansbro, the Irish
astronomer referred to earlier.
Edward Ashpole has continued
to promote the work in various
ways up to the present day.
1.. D. S. Gillmor (Ed.) Scientific Study of
Unidentified Flying Objects. Univ. of
Colorado under contract to the
U.S.A.F. (1968).
2. Dutton/Ashpole "The Scientific
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligen-
ces in the Solar System," Winner,
NIDS Essay Competition, 1998.
ole essay. shtml
3. J .A. Hynek. The UFO Experience - A
Scientific Enquiry. Abelard-Schuman
Ltd. (1972).
4. D. Leslie/G. Adamski. Flying Sau-
cers Have Landed. Neville Spearman,
Ltd. (1954 &1970). Paperback, Futura
Publications, 1977, 1978.
5. D. E. Keyhoe. The Flying Saucers
are Real. New York: Fawcett (1950).
6. R. H. Stanway/A. Pace. "UFOs,
Unidentified, Undeniable," Newchapel
Observatory, Stoke-on-Trent,
Staffordshire. Report, February, 1968.
7. T. R. Dutton. "Puzzling Global
Reports of Strange Aerial Craft (SAC)/
A comprehensive Technical
Assessment and a Testable Theory/1.
Early work and the derivation of an
Astronautical Theory. Paper, March
8. Dutton/Rowlands. We are DEFI-
NITELY not Alone. Video series Pts 1,2
&3 (4.5 hours) PAL. □ inc p&p (UK
only). UK Distributor: Horizon Video,
P.O. Box 3, Torquay, Devon, United
9. Edward Ashpole. The UFO
Phenomena. Headline Book
Publishing 1995 & 1996 (Paperback).

About the Author
T. Roy Dutton is an innovative
professional aeronautical and
mechanical engineer, who served for
almost 37 years within the British
aircraft industry before his early
retirement in 1991.
Through his versatility (which enabled
him to survive several reorganisations)
he gained a wide experience of many
aspects of the industry whilst serving
at the same site. His career began
with future Space applications and
afterwards encompassed aircraft R&D,
Aerodynamics, Performance, Design
and Programme Control activities.
Before his voluntary retirement at 55
he was a Principal Engineer, Future
Projects Department, BAe PLC,
Manchester Division, based at
Woodford Airfield, Cheshire.
He has a life-long vocational interest
in aerospace matters in addition to a
wide range of other interests besides,
some of which this article
encompasses. He is currently engaged
in the design, building and testing of a
large radio-controlled surface
skimming flying boat model, of novel
design, with hoped-for future
commercial applications - and has
several other innovative concepts still
waiting to be investigated. He is
happily married, has one married son
and now has three teenage
Editorial Comment
This appears to be fine research
and makes you think. I know
Eammon Ansbro is getting
consistently high percentage
correct predictions for UFO events
based on Roy’s theories. Thank
you Roy. GH

This year's conference will
offer attendees a unique and
valuable perspective on the
latest developments in the
UFO phenomenon.

This year we are starting a
new trend. We will be
presenting a complementary
lecture open to the public and
press on the UFO subject.

"Ufology 101" will be held
Friday afternoon September
2nd at 1:00 on the second
floor of the Renaissance
Hotel. This will be a great
chance to learn the basics of
UFO's especially if this is your
first conference or if you have
a limited knowledge of the
subject matter.

NUFOC has been presenting
fresh, objective information
to the public for over 40 years.
NUFOC is proud to be the
longest running UFO
conference in America.

2005 Speakers &

Richard Dolan
Nick Redfern
Linda Moulton-Howe
David Sereda
Farah Yurdozu
Dr. Lynne Kitei
Greg Bishop
Terry Hansen
Grant Cameron
Dr. Richard Sauder
Also ...

"Master of Ceremonies" Cheryl
Jones-Former CNN news

"UFOLOGY 101" with
International Ufologist Rob

"Startling New Evidence on the
Billy Meier Case" with UFO
Researcher Michael Horn

Keynote by Steven Bassett
National UFO Conference
Hollywood, California
September 2-4, 2005


It’s been a while since Russel
Callaghan’s name has
appeared in UFO Monthly.com
following his decision to spend
more time with his family but I
am glad to say that he is far
from ‘retired’.

Russel has been building up his
own website along with former
UFO Magazine researcher,
Tony Barker. The site is called:

It is a worthy addition to the
list of sites on UFOs.

Such has been the loss of
Graham Birdsall that the loss
of the Leeds UFO Conference
has been sadly missed.

However Russel has got
together with respected
researcher Philip Mantle and
Michael Buckley to organise a
conference in Leeds on
Saturday October the 1st

The venue is the Leeds Rugby
Supporters club based at the
world famous Headingley
Rugby and Test cricket ground
just outside Leeds city centre.
There is ample free parking at
the venue and a hotel within
the complex for those who
might wish to stay over.

See the website for further

At the moment there are five
guest speakers listed for the

Philip Mantle—Author,
researcher, broadcaster and
former BUFORA press officer.

Malcolm Robinson—SPI
(Scottish Paranormal
Investigations) founder.

John Hanson—Retired Police
officer (27 years service) John
doing his own UFO research
since investigating a
colleagues sighting in 1995.

Ann and Jason Andrews—
Jason is an abductee and has
a remarkable story to tell.

Christopher Martin—He has
filmed numerous unusual
objects over the last six years
and has lectured regularly in
Britain and overseas.
A sixth speaker is yet to be
confirmed. The cost is £15 for
the entire day. It promises to
be an excellent day.

From small acorns……...GH


No doubt many people within
the UFO community will see
the passing of Philip Klass
as something of a blessing.

He has been one of the
biggest, if not the biggest
sceptic against the subject
for decades.

However should we knock
anyone who holds genuine
beliefs just because they
differ from our own?

I believe passionately in
the circumstantial evidence
that points to a small
proportion of UFO sightings
being real. Should I be
condemned likewise for my

Whatever your personal
thoughts on Philip Klass
you surely have to have a
sneeking regard for his
dogged determination for UFO
researchers to show,
beyond a reasonable doubt,
the evidence to convince him
of the reality of aliens.
My own criticism of the man is
the way he chose to ignore
good evidence by totally
ignoring the facts and speaking
in generalisations. A common
deflection technique.

I hold firm beliefs in the reality
of alien visitations but that
does not blind me to the truth
if the truth is revealed. I will
always look at each case on
its merits without a
preconceived opinion.

If the facts support the ET
hypothesis I will go with it if
it doesn’t then I won’t.

Philip Klass appeared to
follow a school of thought
that took an opposite view—
no matter what you present
to me as evidence I will
always find a way to
discredit it.

For me that does not show
objectivity and for that
reason I am critical of his

However I had to admire his
tenacity and his ability to put
the UFO community on the

One thing is certain, his death
represents the end an era. GH

PHILIP KLASS 1919-2005
Go to:

and click on the
EBAY link to get details
on how to purchase the
latest issue.

Look further down the
EBAY page and you will
see a link to the
magazine shop.

Payments can now be
accepted worldwide using
the PAYPAL option.



UFO sighting near
Manchester Airport
England, 23rd July

MARA received the following
UFO report from a member of
the public.
Dear Bill,

I found your website by doing
a search tonight on Google. I
hope that I am emailing the
appropriate person but I
wanted to report an unusual
sighting tonight.

I happened to be looking out
from my kitchen window out
over the garden tonight, in a
north-westerly direction at
21.45. I saw an object in the
sky. It was a dark, round
object, around 20 degrees
above the horizon and it
remained absolutely stationary
for about 3 minutes.

It appeared to have caught
the last rays of the sun below
the horizon because it glinted
briefly like a high-flying
aircraft; it was this glint which
caught my attention. There
were no clouds in the sky and
it stood out against the dark
blue background.

I had thought it was a distant
hot air balloon but it
unexpectedly moved to the
left and then upwards. I
shouted out to my wife to get
the video camera but the ob-
ject was too small to focus on.

Around 3 minutes after I first
noticed the object , it moved
to the right and then
disappeared. I scanned the
sky with binoculars but could
not see anything.
We live under a very busy
stretch of airspace but
typically, I could not see any
aircraft at all and there were
no vapour trails which I could
compare the object's position

Also, there had been a regular
stream of aircraft coming off
Manchester Airport's runway
06L but at this point, there
was nothing to compare the
object's position/altitude with.

Hope this is of interest. I have
excellent eyesight and am a
keen plane spotter and know
that this was no normal

I saw something like this some
years ago but didn't report it
because somebody else had
already posted it on the
internet with a description
which matched mine perfectly.

Look forward to hearing from
you and am hoping that some
other people saw it.

Alastair Bewsher

Courtesy of:

Dunwich, Suffolk
August 5th 2005
Dunwich, Suffolk UK An
Unusual Flashing LightTime:
10:00 -11:00 p.m.Number of
witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unknown.
Full Description of event/
sighting: I was watching
satellites go over at night on
a very clear night (clearly see
the Milky Way). Other
identifiable objects such as a
couple of jet planes. There
was no moon and very low
light pollution.
The object was a bright
flashing light tracking across
the sky, west to east at first,
flashing at non regular
intervals, much brighter/larger
emission of light than any
plane we had seen that
I mistook it for a plane initially.
It was brighter than any star
or satellite by about 5 times,
and larger than any other
visible body by about 5-10
times. But still small, it
appeared to be at very high
altitude and heard no noise. It
was not a plane, as there were
no other navigation lights, and
was much brighter/larger
emission of light than any
plane we had seen that
It only grabbed my attention
when it shifted course several
times, and appeared on a
different heading with each
flash, ended up exiting view
20-40 seconds later in a north
east direction. Also it was
clearly visible, then
disappeared (perhaps behind
cloud) but was clearly visible
at a 20 degree elevation above
the horizon when no stars
were visible at that elevation.
I have no idea what it was, but
it did not behave like anything
I have ever seen and I have
spent quite a few nights
watching stars and satellites
track across the sky.
Courtesy of Brian Vike,
Director, HBCC UFO


First of all, I would like to point
out that I am a big skeptic as
far as UFO sightings are
concerned but in some ways
this only makes me more
determined to show the photos
to people and to try and get
some kind of answer or
comment about them...

The bottom line is... that
myself and colleagues know
what we saw whilst not
knowing what is was and
ultimately if need be would
take a lie detector test to
prove that we are telling the

The photos were taken
using a Cannon 300D
camera with a 300mm
image stabilising lens.
The original photographs
untouched are available
if required.

At around 10 am July
10th 2005 I was sitting outside
with four colleagues when I
saw a very
object in the
sky. This I
pointed out
to everyone,
and every-
one saw it.

At this point
I must say
that I am
one of
the worlds greatest
sceptics with regards to
UFOs. I managed to
photograph the object
and have 6 very good
photos of it.

Please do not take this
email as a crank contact
as I must admit that I
would be very dubious
but others saw it as well.

To continue... 3-5 minutes
after the object had passed
over we all saw another
object flying in at the opposite
direction at great speed
against the wind direction
and seconds later suddenly
took a sharp turn to the left,
second later to disappear from
We are all professional people
and quite frankly have better
things to do with our time than
to make wacky emails or
photos but we all feel that
what we saw was totally
unexplainable taking into
account the possibilities of the
object being a weather balloon
or plane reflecting the sunlight.

I must say once again, please
do not take this email as a
hoax. I have the photographs
to back up our claim of seeing
a UFO. Steve Mera
Courtesy of HBCC UFO

Editorial—An almost identical
sequence has been videotaped
in Mexico. See next month’s
issue. GH
Manchester 10th July 2005


Date: Monday 8th August 2005
Time: Approximately 1220am GMT
Approach Direction: south west
Departure Direction:south west
Witness Direction: South

Description: ‘I was sitting in the
living room and I heard a
humming noise so I looked out
of the window to see what it was
and all I saw was a triangle
shaped object with three white
lights at each point and one red
light in the middle flying slowly
over the house so I rushed outside
to watch it and it must of took at
least five minutes to go
completely out of sight.

It could of been an plane but I
hadn’t seen one like this or go so
slow before.’

Color/Shape: Triangle, three white
lights on each point and one red
one in the middle.
Height & Speed: unsure.

Courtesy of UFOINFO


Eyewitness Tim Francis reported,
‘Yesterday evening (Saturday,
August 13, 2005) at
approximately 10:30 p.m.,
there was a series of bright
orange moving lights in the sky
over my neighbourhood.

‘They were moving westward from
Smithleigh. Initially it was
possible it was lights flying
together in some sort of
formation. It looked like a star
constellation until we spotted the
lights moving towards us, and
some were too bright and too
orange in colour to be stars.

As the lights got overhead, the
formation changed, with one of
the lights speeding up a bit faster
than the others. No noise
could be heard from the objects,
although there was road noise
from the nearby (motorway) A38,
which could have drowned out
faint sounds. After the first
formation had gone, there came
several more objects over the
next ten minutes. I think there
were two occurrences of two lights
together and then two single lights

The last object flew over and
seemed to be lower than the
others. As it got overhead, it
seemed like you could make out
a rectangular shape, which
appeared almost fluid. My friend
(there there three of us present)
said it looked like a jellyfish,
I think, because the shape
appeared to be changing.

All of them seemed to have a
bright orange light at the front
and back, or maybe on top, as you
could see the lights when they
were coming towards us or going
away. But the light was not
visible while they were overhead.’

Courtesy of UFOINFO

Whilst trawling the net for
this month’s issue I came
across the following article
about the ‘Foo Fighter’
enigma of the Second
World War. What drew my
particular attention is the
fact that the article was
written just months after
the war had ended ie;
December 1945!

As far as I am aware this is
the earliest magazine
article I have ever read on
the subject and therefore
has to be of historical
importance in UFO

I hope you enjoy reading it
as much as I did. GH

The Foo Fighter Mystery
By Jo Chamberlin

MAGAZINE - December, 1945

DURING THE last months of
the war the crews of many
B-29s over Japan saw what
they described as "balls of fire"
which followed them,
occasionally came up and
almost sat on their tails,
changed colour from orange to
red to white and back again,
and yet never closed in to
attack or crash, suicide-style.

One B-29 made evasive
manoeuvres inside a cloud, but
when the B-29 emerged from
it, the ball of fire was following
in the same relative position.
It seemed 500 yards off, three
feet in diameter, and had a
phosphorescent orange glow.
No wing or fuselage suggesting
an aerial bomb or plane was
seen. The ball of fire followed
the B-29 for several miles and
then disappeared just as
mysteriously as it had
appeared in the dawn light
over Fujiyama.

Some B-29 crews said they
could readily lose the ball of
fire by evasive manoeuvres,
even though the ball kept up
with them at top speed on a
straight course; other B-29
crews reported just the

Nobody could figure it out. Far
to the south, a B-24 Liberator
was at 11,000 feet over Truk
lagoon, when two red lights
rose rapidly from below, and
followed the B-24. After an
hour, one light turned back.
The other kept on - sometimes
behind, sometimes alongside,
sometimes ahead about 1,000
yards, until daybreak when it
climbed to 15,000 feet and
stayed in the sun, like a Jap
fighter seeking game, but
never came down.

During the flight, the light
changed from red to orange,
then white, and back to
orange, and appeared to be
the size of a basketball. No
wing or fuselage was ob-
served. The B-24 radioed
island radar stations to see if
there were any enemy planes
in the sky.

The answer was: "None."

A curious business, and one for
which many solutions have
been advanced, before the war
was over, and since. None of
them stand up. The important
point is: No B-29 was harmed
by the balls of fire, although
what the future held, no one
knew. The Japanese were
desperately trying to bolster
up their defence in every way
possible against air attack, but
without success. Our B-29s
continued to rain destruction
on Japanese military targets,
and finally dropped the atomic

Naturally, U. S. Army
authorities in Japan will
endeavour to find the secret -
but it may be hidden as well as
it appears to be in Europe.

The balls of fire continue to be
a mystery - just as they were
when first observed on the
other side of the world - over
eastern Germany.

This is the way they began.
At ten o'clock of a November
evening, in late 1944, Lt. Ed
Schlueter took off in his night
fighter from Dijon, France, on
what he thought would be a
routine mission for the 415th
Night Fighter Squadron.

Lt. Schlueter is a tall,
competent young pilot from
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, whose
hazardous job was to search
the night sky for German
planes and shoot them down.
He had done just this several
times and had been decorated
for it. As one of our best night
fighters, he was used to
handling all sorts of
emergencies. With him as
radar observer was Lt. Donald
J. Meiers, and Lt. Fred
Ringwald, intelligence officer
of the 415th, who flew as an

The trio began their search
pattern, roaming the night
skies on either side of the
Rhine River north of
Strasbourg - for centuries the
abode of sirens, dwarfs,
UFOs and the Web

UFOs and the Web
gnomes, and other
supernatural characters that
appealed strongly to the
dramatic sense of the late A.

However, at this stage of the
European war, the Rhine was
no stage but a grim
battleground, where the
Germans were making their
last great stand.

The night was reasonably
clear, with some clouds and a
quarter moon. There was fair

In some respects, a night
fighter plane operates like a
champion boxer whose
eyesight isn't very good; he
must rely on other senses to
guide him to his opponent.
The U. S. Army has ground
radar stations, which track all
planes across the sky, and tell
the night fighter the
whereabouts of any plane.

The night fighter flies there,
closes in by means of his own
radar until usually he can see
the enemy, and if the plane
doesn't identify itself as
friendly, he shoots it down.
Or, gets shot down himself,
for the Germans operate
their aircraft in much same
way we did, and so did the

Lt. Schlueter was flying low
enough that he could detect
the white steam of a
blacked-out locomotive or the
sinister bulk of a motor
convoy, but he had to avoid
smokestacks, barrage
balloons, enemy searchlights,
and flak batteries. He and
Ringwald were on the alert, for
there were mountains nearby.
The inside of the plane was
dark, for good night vision.

Lt. Ringwald said, "I wonder
what those lights are, over
there in the hills."

"Probably stars," said
Schlueter, knowing from long
experience that the size and
character of lights are hard to
estimate at night.

"No, I don't think so."

"Are you sure it's no reflection
from us?"

"I'm positive."

Then Ringwald remembered -
there weren't any hills over
there. Yet the "lights" were still
glowing - eight or ten of them
in a row - orange balls of fire
moving through the air at a
terrific speed.

Then Schlueter saw them far
off his left wing. Were enemy
fighters pursuing him? He
immediately checked by radio
with Allied ground radar sta-

"Nobody up there but
yourself." they reported. "Are
you crazy?"

And no enemy plane showed in
Lt. Meiers' radar.

Lt. Schlueter didn't know what
he was facing - possibly some
new and lethal German
weapon - but he turned into
the lights, ready for action.
The lights disappeared - then
reappeared far off.

Five minutes later they went
into a flat glide and vanished.
The puzzled airmen continued
on their mission, and
destroyed seven freight trains
behind German lines.

When they landed back at
Dijon, they decided to do what
any other prudent soldier
would do - keep quiet for the
moment. If you tried to explain
everything strange that
happened in a war, you'd do
nothing else. Further,
Schlueter and Meiers had
nearly completed their
required missions, and didn't
want to chance being
grounded by some sceptical
flight surgeon for "combat

Maybe they had been "seeing

But a few nights later, Lt.
Henry Giblin, of Santa Rosa,
California, pilot, and Lt. Walter
Cleary, of Worcester,
Massachusetts, radar-
observer, were flying at 1,000
feet altitude when they saw a
huge red light 1,000 feet
above them, moving at 200
miles per hour. As the
observation was made on an
early winter evening, the men
decided that perhaps they had
eaten something at chow that
didn't agree with them and did
not rush to report their

On December 22-23, 1944,
another 415th night fighter
squadron pilot and
radar-observer were flying
at 10,000 feet altitude near
Hagenau. "At 0600 hours we
saw two lights climbing toward
us from the ground. Upon
reaching our altitude, they
levelled off and stayed on my
tail. The lights appeared to be
large orange glows.

UFOs and the Web
After staying with the plane for
two minutes, they peeled off
and turned away, flying under
perfect control, and then went

The next night the same two
men, flying at 10,000 feet,
observed a single red flame.
Lt. David L. McFalls, of
Cliffside, N. C., pilot, and Lt.
Ned Baker of Hemat,
California, radar-observer, also
saw: "A glowing red object
shooting straight up, which
suddenly changed to a view of
an aircraft doing a wing-over,
going into a dive and
disappearing." This was the
first and only suggestion of a
controlled flying device.

By this time, the lights were
reported by all members of
the 415th who saw them.
Most men poked fun at the
observers, until they saw for
themselves. Although
confronted with a baffling
situation, and one with lethal
potentialities, the 415th
continued its remarkable
combat record.

When the writer of this article
visited and talked with them in
Germany, he was impressed
with the obvious fact that the
415th fliers were very normal
airmen, whose primary interest
was combat, and after that
came pin-up girls, poker,
doughnuts, and the derivatives
of the grape. The 415th had a
splendid record.

The whole outfit took the
mysterious lights or balls of
fire with a sense of humour.
Their reports were received in
some higher quarters with
smiles: "Sure, you must have
seen something, and have you
been getting enough sleep?"

One day at chow a 415th pilot
suggested that they give the
lights a name. A reader of the
comic strip "Smokey Stover"
suggested that they be called
"foo-fighters," since it was
frequently and irrefutably
stated in that strip that "Where
there's foo, there's fire."
The name stuck.

What the 415th saw at night
was borne out in part by day.
West of Neustadt, a P-47 pilot
saw "a gold-coloured ball, with
a metallic finish, which ap-
peared to be moving slowly
through the air. As the sun
was low, it was impossible to
tell whether the sun reflected
off it, or the light came from

Another P-47 pilot reported "a
phosphorescent golden sphere,
3 to 5 feet in diameter, flying
at 2,000 feet."

Meanwhile, official reports of
the "foo-fighters" had gone to
group headquarters and were
"noted." Now in the Army,
when you "note" anything it
means that you neither agree
nor disagree, nor do you
intend to do anything about it.
It covers everything. Various
explanations were offered for
the phenomena - none of them
satisfactory, and most of them
irritating to the 415th.

It was said that the
foo-fighters might be a new
kind of flare. A flare, said the
415th, does not dive, peel
off, or turn.

Were they to frighten or
confuse Allied pilots?
Well, if so, they were not
succeeding - and yet the lights
continued to appear.

Eighth Air Force bomber crews
had reported seeing
silver-coloured spheres
resembling huge Christmas
tree ornaments in the sky -
what about them?

Well, the silver spheres usually
floated, and never followed a
plane. They were presumably
some idea the Germans tried
in the unsuccessful effort to
confuse our pilots or hinder
our radar bombing devices.

What about jet planes?
No, the Germans had jet
planes all right, but they didn't
have an exhaust flame visible
at any distance.

Could they be flying bombs
of some sort, either with or
without a pilot? Presumably
not - with but one exception
no one thought he observed a
wing or fuselage.

Weather balloons?

No, the 415th was well aware
of their behaviour. They
ascended almost vertically,
and eventually burst.

Could the lights or balls of fire
be the red, blue, and orange
coloured flak bursts that Eighth
Air Force bomber crews had

It was a nice idea, said the
415th, but there was no
correlation between the
foo-fighters they observed and
the flak they encountered. And
night flak was usually directed
by German radar, not visually.
In short, no explanation stood

UFOs and the Web
On Dec. 31, 1944, AP reporter
Bob Wilson, was with the
415th and heard about the
foo-fighters. He questioned
the men until 4 a.m. in the
best newspaper tradition until
he got all the facts. His story
passed the censors, and
appeared in American
newspapers on January 1,
1945, just in time to meet the
customary crop of annual

Some scientists in New York
decided, apparently by remote
control, that what the airmen
had seen in Germany was St.
Elmo's light - a well-known
electrical phenomenon
appearing like light or flame
during stormy weather at the
tips of church steeples, ships'
masts, and tall trees. Being in
the nature of an electrical
discharge, St. Elmo's fire is
reddish when positive, and
blueish when negative.

The 415th blew up. It was
thoroughly acquainted with St.
Elmo's fire. The men snorted,
"Just let the sons come over
and fly a mission with us.
We'll show em."

Through January, 1945, the
415th continued to see the
"foo-fighters," and their
conduct became increasingly
mysterious. One aircrew
observed lights, moving both
singly and in pairs.

On another occasion, three
sets of lights, this time red and
white in colour, followed a
plane, and when the plane
suddenly pulled up, the lights
continued on in the same
direction, as though caught
napping, and then sheepishly
pulled up to follow.
The pilot checked with ground
radar - he was alone in the

This was true in every instance
foo-fighters were observed.

The first real clue came with
the last appearance of the
exasperating and potentially
deadly lights. They never kept
415th from fulfilling its
missions, but they certainly
were unnerving.

The last time the foo-fighters
appeared, the pilot turned into
them at the earliest possible
moment - and the lights
disappeared. The pilot was
sure that he felt prop wash,
but when he checked with
ground radar, there was no
other airplane.

The pilot continued on his way,
perturbed, even angry - when
he noticed lights far to the
rear. The night was clear and
the pilot was approaching a
huge cloud. Once in the cloud,
he dropped down two
thousand feet and made a 30
degree left turn.

Just a few seconds later be
emerged from the cloud - with
his eye peeled to rear. Sure
enough, coming out of the
cloud in the same relative po-
sition was the foo-fighter, as
though to thumb its nose at
the pilot, and then disappear.

This was the last time the
foo-fighters were seen in
Germany, although it would
have seemed fitting, if the
lights had made one last
gesture, grouping themselves
so as to spell "Guess What" in
the sky, and vanishing forever.
But they didn't.
The foo-fighters simply
disappeared when Allied
ground forces captured the
area East of the Rhine. This
was known to be the location
of many German experimental
stations. Since V-E day our
Intelligence officers have put
many such installations under
guard. From them we hope to
get valuable research
information - including the
solution to the foo-fighter
mystery, but it has not
appeared yet. It may be
successfully hidden for years
to come, possibly forever.

The members of the 415th
hope Army Intelligence will
find the answer. If it turns out
that the Germans never had
anything airborne in the area,
they say, "We'll be all set for
Section Eight psychiatric

Meanwhile, the foo-fighter
mystery continues unsolved.

The lights, or balls of fire,
appeared and disappeared on
the other side of the world,
over Japan - and your guess
as to what they were is just as
good as mine, for nobody
really knows.

This is a brilliant article for
me. The pilots clearly could
distinguish between natural
phenomena and something
entirely different. The foo-
fighters displayed intelligent
movement. The writer
obviously hoped that the
answer may lay with captured
German technology. History
has proved that to be wrong. I
do not believe they were man-
made. In light of today—do
you? GH

August 21st 2005
UFOINFO Sighting Form Report
Location: Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada Time: From 3AM until
Approach Direction: From
West to east then it stopped.
Moved a little to my right as I
was facing west.
Departure Direction: From
West to east then it stopped.
Moved a little to my right as I
was facing west.
Witness Direction: West
Description: Well I have to say
I don't believe it until I see it,
but right now its 5:04 AM on
Aug 21/05 and I've been
watching 3 lights in the sky for
the past 2 hours that I just
can't explain. They are
constantly moving up, down,
left, right, but generally
staying in the same spots.
They are a little brighter then
any stars but you can tell it's
much closer. I have a 6.3 MP
digital camera but I couldn’t
see anything with it because
there are too many lights
around my house, but I did get
a closer look with my crappy
7*35mm binoculars. I first
spotted the one because it was
moving like a satellite but then
it stopped, and within the next
15 mins I noticed the other 2.
I had 5 friends witness this
phenomenon. Thought I‘d pass
this information on.
Color/Shape: 2 where white
and the other one looked more
orange which was the closest
to me.
Height & Speed: Don't know.
TV/Radio/Press: No, but I did
have 5 friends witness this.

Date: August 8, 2005

Time: 8:40 p.m. Location of
Sighting: My home.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Moving
ball of light.
Full Description of
event/sighting: Hello Brian,
Just Tonight, I was outside
our home, when I looked into
the sky and noticed a star-like,
object, moving in an Easterly
Direction out to sea. The
object was the same size as
the two strange rotating lights
that I saw only a few weeks
ago, and was in the same part
of sky as them as well.
The object was moving not too
fast, not too slow. I know what
a satellite looks like, and this
object was much larger, and
traveling a little faster than I
have seen them travel. It had
no flashing lights, just a ball of
I called for my younger brother
to look, and he noticed it as
For the past couple of weeks,
I have been noticing a lot of
helicopters flying around the
area. Although I don't live far
from the Airport, I have never
noticed them before. Tonight,
I may have seen why they are
really there.
As I was watching the light
move east, I heard a
Helicopter in the north. I
watched it as it moved east,
but then it stopped and
became stationary. It hovered
in the same location facing the
object until I saw the object
dim out. Then it began to
move again. I was convinced
that the Pilot & Passengers of
the helicopter were watching
the object.
And I just checked with my
friend again and he said he
remembers a Helicopter in the
area when he saw three lights
in formation rotating in the
sky. He told me before, but I
excluded it from my last
report, as I didn't think it had
any relevance. But now, it has
put a whole new angle on the
situation. I have footage of the
Helicopter, but it is too blurred
to review. Unfortunately, I was
too busy watching the light, I
forgot to get my camera, but
next time I will make sure it is
Just checking outside now, I
can see two helicopters moving
about East of my position. I
am unsure how many are
"patrolling" the skies, but if
they come close to my house,
I will try to note their ID
numbers and check it out with
the airport.
I think there has been a spike

of objects in my area,
although, I have only started
observing a few months ago,
so perhaps these objects may
have existed in my area prior
to my knowledge. Also, I think
I may be the only person in
my area that is actually
reporting descriptions of these
objects on this site, or on any
If there is anyone in my area
or anywhere on the far eastern
parts of New South Wales &
Queensland, Please
occasionally check the skies in
your area for any strange
Orange or White Moving lights,
or anything out of the
Director HBCC UFO

August 19th 2005

Over Huntsville, Alabama
Round Chrome Colored Ball
Observed From Aircraft
Time: Approx: 6:10 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note:
I am looking into this sighting
as I have a number of
excellent sources in the state
of Alabama who may be able
to shed some light on this, or
at least be able to look into
this sighting. But in the mean
time, if anyone should have
any information that might be
important on this event, would
you please be kind enough to
contact me. Thank you, Brian.
I had been in Atlanta for a
couple of days. I was flying
home with a business
associate. We were in his
private plane. He is a pilot, so
he was at the controls on his
small plane (4 person aircraft /
piper). He did not see this,
and I have not even mentioned
it to him. I did not mention it
to him when it happened
either. I was embarrassed as
to even know how to try to
discuss it as he and I are not
good friends, but instead only
associates, and this was the
very first time I had been
around him much.
It was also the first time I had
been up in his plane as well.
So, the last thing I wanted to
do was to start telling this guy
I don't know very well, about
how I just saw a UFO during
our first business trip together
in his plane.
Here is my story, and will try
not to change it from the
"exact" facts only. It was
August 19, 2005 at approx
6:10 p.m. on my watch (set to
west Tennessee time). We
were flying home from Atlanta.
I was looking out the window
towards the ground just
watching. I haven't been up in
a small plane but once before,
so this was fun to me and I
was just enjoying watching the
I noticed below us what
seemed to look like maybe a
chrome ball, or maybe a Mylar
balloon? It basically looked
sort of chrome in colour and
round. It seemed to be about
maybe 500 to 1000 feet away
(I knew distance because we
had recently had a plane pass
under us and the pilot said he
was about 1000 feet below
us). Anyway, I saw this round,
chrome coloured ball below us
(between us and the ground).
It seemed to me to be
approx 1000 feet below us
(or so). It began to move
upward and sort of toward us.
I thought maybe it was a
balloon. However, I
remembered we were
"moving" in a plane so we
should have passed by it, if
it was a slow rising balloon. It
didn't act like a balloon any-
I am looking out the window
watching this ball rise towards
us. It seemed like maybe it
was rising slow at first (or
stopped), then within maybe
3-6 seconds or so, it rose up to
the same altitude as our plane,
then moved sideways (as if it
were parallel with us and
moved in the opposite
direction as what we were
I had to turn my head
backward to watch it move
by through the back seat area
glass (I was in the front
passenger seat). Then, as it
moved by us, it seemed to
shoot up really fast and
Basically within about 10
seconds or so from the
moment I saw it, it rose up
to our level, was about maybe
100 feet away (when at our
level), moved sideways (like
going opposite direction as us),
then swooped upwards (a lot
faster than it was moving
before) and vanished.

I was a little scared and did
not know what I saw. I did not
say anything to the pilot about
it as I just did not know what
to say. I did however, ask him
right away "Where Are We
Right Now?" and "How High Up
Are We?" I thought this may
come in handy somehow later
if I wanted to try and
investigate this.
I had no idea where we were
(above what state or city etc)
as I am not familiar with plane
routes. So I had no idea where
we were. Anyway, he told me
we were above Huntsville,
Alabama and we were at 6000
feet. I then looked at my
watch at noted it was about
6:10 p.m. (my watch set at
time zone of my home in
West TN). I am not sure if
that would be the same time
in Huntsville, Alabama or not.
I did not see this out of the
corner of my eye. It was pretty
clear skies and I watched it
clearly. It appeared to be
something like a "round ball"
and looked sort of chrome in
colour. I have no idea of the
size, as the distance would be
sort of hard to gauge in the air
for me but if I had to guess I'd
say maybe 5 to 20 feet in
Director, HBCC UFO

August 13th 2005
California Objects Disappearing
Date: August 13, 2005
Time: Approx: 9:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Bright
orange/yellow circular.
Full Description of
event/sighting: Outside my
patio I looked up to see a
bright light. It was overcast
so there were no stars. My
boyfriend and I started to
watch this bright light as it
faded in and out. We then
noticed two other objects
appear from nowhere. They
crisscrossed each other and
then the two disappeared.
All the while the main one
pulsed. They then reappeared
on the other side of the
horizon, zigzag again in the
V shape. During this time my
two kids came out to see what
it was. Again they disappeared
and reappeared in another part
of the sky with the V shape
downward zigzag. They faded
across the horizon. They flew
at a rate of speed that is
unmatched by our planes (that
we are told of) and none of a
planes usual lights being that
it only had one each that was
visible. The main seemed to
melt slightly down and then
up as it pulsed. 4 people
witnessed this over a 10-15
minute period.
August 17th 2005
We have received the following
information from Prof. Ana
Luisa Cid in Mexico:
"Photo taken to the north of
Mexico City by Gerardo Nieto
Cid, 14, son of researcher Ana
Luisa Cid. This photo was
taken on August 17, 2005 at
11:51 hours with a 4
megapixel digital camera.
"The strange structure was
not visible to onlookers until




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Continued from page 26

the photos were checked on a

The original is preserved on a
Kodak Digital Film 64 MB
memory stick, along with the
complete sequence of images
taken that day.
"Sincerely -- Ana Luisa Cid"

Courtesy of HBCC UFO



A famous report made by a crew of a US Army helicopter on 18th October 1983.
Courtesy of Above Top Secret by Tim Good, Publishers; Sedgwick and Jackson.


Majestic Documents.com is
the sponsor of the UFO

The team's mission is to clarify
the UFO phenomenon, its
agenda and history,
particularly government
documents, and to implement
the most effective way to
educate the public and world
governments to the
overwhelming reality and
implications. The speakers

Reme Bacca
San Antonio, NM August 1945
Crash Retrieval

Richard M. Dolan
UFO Secrecy: Political and
Ethical Implications

Ed Gehrman
Alien Autopsy Film – A Decade

William F. Hamilton
The Case for Reverse
Engineering and Alien

Linda Moulton Howe
A New Crash Retrieval

Dr. Roger Leir
Varginha: Brazil Crash
Retrieval Case

Nick Redfern
Kingman AZ UFO Crash
Peter Robbins
Orgone Energy & Wilhelm
Reich and UFOs

Tom Valone
Future Energy Technology and
Field Propulsion
Ryan S. Wood
Majic Eyes Only: Earths
Encounters with
Extraterrestrial Technology

The conference will be held at
the Embassy Suites Hotel and
Convention Center in Las
Vegas. A block of suites has
been reserved for the
conference at a reduced rate
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The 3nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval
Conference, Friday, November 4th – Sunday,
November 6th, 2005 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA