Luxury Men’s Makeup Brand Offers Filter Effect Cosmetics & Professional Advice

Luxury Men’s Makeup Brand Offers Filter Effect Cosmetics & Professional Advice, updated 9/6/21, 9:18 PM

Adonis Arcana, a men’s luxury cosmetic brand based in Revere, MA, have updated their website, offering one-on-one guidance on how to use the company’s products. Go to for more information.

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Luxury Men’s Makeup Brand Offers Filter Effect
Cosmetics & Professional Advice
Are you a man or male-identifying
individual that wants to look and
feel good? Tired of using makeup
brands aimed at women? Then
you need to try the products from
Adonis Arcana!
Adonis Arcana's mission is to
redefine the term 'masculinity' and
reclaim it as a word that
transcends the limitations of skin
tone, race, age, size, ability, and
When founder Felix Palafox began to
notice first-hand the increase in men
and male-identifying customers
searching for suitable makeup to
improve and elevate their appearance,
he also noticed how difficult such
products were to find.
Adonis Arcana now offers a
personalized guidance and advice
service, providing you with the
opportunity to learn from Felix
himself, and his many years of
experience in the beauty and
makeup industry.
The sessions include 30 minutes of
one-on-one time, where you can ask
Felix questions about skincare, learn
how to find the correct shades for your
skin, and receive tips and tricks on
how best to use the brand's products.
Products from the company have
been created to highlight your
bone structure, disguise
blemishes and imperfections
such as under-eye circles, and
sharpen your features.
Used in combination with the
brand's application techniques,
products such as the Shadow
Corrector can be used to create a
filter effect on your skin, without
looking cakey or over-applied.
Customers can learn more
about these techniques via
the brand's social media
channels, and through their
With the latest announcement, Adonis
Arcana continues to invest in offering
quality cosmetic products for men and
male-presenting individuals, and
informative resources and guidance
on how to use the products for
customers online.
Adonis Arcana is the men's
cosmetics brand you can trust
to provide top quality, luxury
makeup products, and
professional skincare advice!
to find out more!