What's Mini Facelift Surgery Recovery Process in Raleigh_

What's Mini Facelift Surgery Recovery Process in Raleigh_, updated 2/22/23, 10:38 AM


A mini facelift is the least invasive form of surgical facelift that a patient can benefit from. Generally, patients who are good candidates for a mini facelift surgery are on the younger side of needing a facelift, usually around forty to fifty. This correlates to only a mild amount of extra skin and jowl formation. However, their sagging and loose skin is often too much to address with only non-surgical treatments. 

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What's Mini Facelift Surgery Recovery Process in Raleigh?
A mini facelift is the least invasive form of surgical facelift that a patient can benefit from.
Generally, patients who are good candidates for a mini facelift surgery are on the younger
side of needing a facelift, usually around forty to fifty. This correlates to only a mild amount
of extra skin and jowl formation. However, their sagging and loose skin is often too much to
address with only non-surgical treatments.
In this limbo where a patient may not be ready for a full facelift and non-surgical
treatments are not enough, a mini facelift can often give a patient another decade or so
before requiring a full facelift, if not even longer. Additionally, a mini facelift is an attractive
procedure for patients because it comes with less recovery and they can return to their
busy lives quicker than if they underwent a full facelift surgery.
Mini facelift surgery is also frequently performed under local anesthesia which can reduce
the duration and severity of recovery. Some patients do take prescription pain medications,
but many find them unnecessary. Still, patients will still require a short recovery period to
allow side effects to dissipate and lower the risk of hindering their results.
The Mini Facelift Recovery
As mentioned, mini facelift surgeons Raleigh often explain that the recovery process for a
mini facelift is much less intensive than traditional facelift surgery. While this is only part of
the determining factor on if the surgery is suitable for your needs, it is an important
distinction to make.
Immediate Recovery
When you come out of surgery, you will likely have some bandages either around your chin
and head or just on the incisions. You may see an immediate difference, but this soon will
become obscured by swelling. Even if your procedure is performed under local anesthesia
where you are not totally sedated, it is likely that your surgeon will prescribe an oral
sedative beforehand or use an IV for twilight anesthesia. Therefore, it is normal to feel a bit
tired and groggy.
After a short observation period, your caregiver can take you home. For the first day, you
should focus on resting and eating carefully. Though you can usually eat normal food
because local anesthesia does not tend to cause severe nausea, it could as well as pain
medication. Therefore, start with something light and work up to eating more. Most
patients are able to eat normally after the first day.
1-2 Days After Surgery
One to two days following surgery you will likely begin feeling more like yourself. Many
patients even discontinue their pain medications during this time. You will likely have your
first post-operative appointment and your Raleigh plastic surgeon may then remove your
Patients can slowly become more active at home. While you should not work out, doing
basic daily activities within reasonable limits is usually fine. Pace yourself and if you feel
pain or begin to sweat, take a break and rest. However, most patients can be mostly
self-sufficient at this point.
Driving can commence once the patient has been off pain medication, preferably for a day
or so. Most mini facelift surgeons do still recommend that patients do not return to work
yet, even if they feel up to it.
One Week
Within one week, patients can usually resume nearly all of their activities. While some
exercise may still be limited, patients can usually return to work, run errands, and go about
daily life. Some swelling may persist for several weeks. Within seven to ten days, it is
normally imperceptible to an untrained eye and easily covered with makeup.
Often, patients return to work in three to four days. Therefore, this procedure is often called
a “weekend facelift” since it does not take long to recover from. Though, promoting the best
results and safety is the most important. Follow your surgeon’s instructions after your mini
Mini facelift surgeons take the time to evaluate each patient and craft an individualized
surgical plan. Helping patients look years younger with the least invasive techniques
possible is a common goal among both patients and surgeons. In the right candidate and
under the care of the right surgeon, a mini facelift can be absolutely life-changing.