virtual social media assistant (2)

virtual social media assistant (2), updated 7/12/24, 6:00 PM


Obviously a virtual social media assistant can't be a physical presence at your office, but they can log into your various social media channels, automate posts, handle research, identify trends, and much more. If you want to know which hashtags are best for your next post, ask a VA.

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What a Social Media
Virtual Assistant Can
Do For You
In some businesses, being on social media platforms all day can be a part of
the job description. So you don’t feel too badly when much of your time spent
on marketing strategy means logging in to social media profiles, updating your
LinkedIn page, or sending out tweets.
But it’s also easy to get lost in this way of doing things—so much so that you
let your social media manage you rather than the other way around. If you
want to get yourself organized and help your business grow, it helps to have a
virtual assistant who can help you with everything that comes with being a
social media manager. Here’s how.
In this article:
What to Expect from a virtual social media assistant A Day in the Life of a
Business with a Social Media Virtual Assistant The Advantages of Hiring a
Social Media Virtual Assistant How to Hire Your Virtual Assistant for Social
Media FAQ: Social Media Virtual Assistants
What to Expect from a Social Media
Virtual Assistant
First things first: what does a social media manager do? You wouldn’t turn to
virtual assistant services unless you could be sure about how it all works first.
For any small business looking to connect with a target audience, you’re likely
going to find that being on social media is going to benefit you. But when it
comes to the nitty-gritty of creating a consistent social media presence on
your blog, or doing the research to prepare for social media campaigns, all of
that extra time can start to add up. A social media virtual assistant helps
ensure that the time doesn’t become so all-consuming that it dips into other
areas of your business.
What can you expect from a social media virtual assistant? Here are just a
few things they can do:
 Managing multiple social media accounts. Paying attention to
replies, reaching out to people, posting content, sharing content,
scheduling content—it all falls under the auspices of managing multiple
social media accounts. An experienced social media virtual assistant
won’t only know how to do this, but how to do it so effectively that you
never have to worry about handling it all yourself.

Identifying and interacting with your target audience. As a small
business, you likely have a niche that you need to hit on social media.
Generalized posts designed to appeal to everyone don’t have as much
impact as those social media campaigns that appeal to that niche.
When it comes to online marketing tasks, outsource to a virtual
assistant who has the skills to make your social channels work for you.
 Scheduling and calendar management. Many people think that
virtual social media assistant are mainly there to manage your
schedule. And they can be. But scheduling posts for maximum impact is
also a skill that someone who works with your social media channels
should have intuitively. A virtual assistant with a background using
platforms like Hootsuite will know how to do this with ease.
 Follow-up and marketing. Some companies do so much lead
generation via social media that it’s important to have someone who can
dip into an account and handle follow-ups. Follow-ups also extend to
email communications that connect to social media accounts. If you find
it too difficult to handle this much workload, a virtual assistant with this
specific experience will help free up your time.