The Definitive Guide To ACP: Learn About Eligibility Criteria, Benefits & Application Process

The Definitive Guide To ACP: Learn About Eligibility Criteria, Benefits & Application Process, updated 5/25/23, 1:59 PM

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Definitive Guide To ACP: Learn About
Eligibility Criteria & Application Process
Are you on the wrong side of the digital
If reliable internet has always
been out of reach - for financial
reasons or because of where
you live - check out the new
guide to the ACP from Uncle
Sam Helps!
The website is dedicated
to explaining and
improving access to US
government programs that
help families and
individuals on low incomes.
The guide explores
the background,
eligibility criteria, and
application process of
this government-
funded initiative.
The ACP aims to help
millions of Americans like
you who are unable to
access reliable internet
services due to
socioeconomic and
geographical factors.
Already enrolled in other government assistance programs like Medicaid, SSI,
SNAP, Veteran's Affairs Survivor's Benefit, and Lifeline? You may also be
eligible for ACP support.
If you're meeting some resistance getting Federal
assistance, put your faith in Uncle Sam Helps!
Go to
connectivity-program-acp/ for more.