Beginner’s Guide to React

Beginner’s Guide to React, updated 11/11/19, 6:51 PM

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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to

By Kristen Dyrr
Software Engineer and Web Developer

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Beginner’s Guide to React.js, With Examples
Download the source code
Learn React online
Tutorial requirements
Downloading React and getting started
Why React is better with JSX
Understanding React components
React component states
How to use props
Organizing your interface
Chapter 2: Form Validation Tutorial with React.JS
Download the source code
Tutorial requirements
Getting started with the tutorial
Setting up for form submission
Creating abstract form elements
Creating input fields
Chapter 3: How to Submit Forms and Save Data with React.js and Node.js
Download the tutorial files
Tutorial requirements
Making revisions to a React user interface
Displaying new data from everyone
Submitting form data
Emptying fields on form submission
Saving data to the server
Chapter 4 Creating a Crossword Puzzle game with React.JS
Download the source code
Tutorial requirements
Intro to JSFiddle
Downloading React
Defining Components
Rendering Components
Populating Props
Populating Properties in the Game
Composing Components

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Chapter 1: Beginner’s Guide to React.js, With

React.js is a JavaScript library that was created by Facebook. It is often thought of as the “view”
in a model-view-controller (MVC) user interface. This makes sense when you consider the fact
that the only function that must be implemented in React is the “render” function. The render
function provides the output that the user sees (the “view”).

Let’s take a look at why you may want to use React and how to set up a basic interface.
Download the source code
You can download all of the files associated with this tutorial from here.
Learn React online
If you are keen to learn React from the ground-up feel free to check Learn and Understand
React JS on Zenva Academy which covers all the basics + lots of bonus topics like React
Router and Flux.
Tutorial requirements
● This tutorial assumes that you have at least a beginner’s grasp of HTML and JavaScript.
● You will need to download the React library if you want to go beyond the testing phase.
We show you how to get around this during testing.
● You will need a text editor of some sort. Notepad++ is popular for those on Windows
machines, and TextMate is popular on a Mac. Editors that highlight code are preferable.
● Normally, you would incorporate React into a larger application. If you want to test the
basic code with external data files at the end of the tutorial, you will need to use a local
or remote web server to get the page to work. MAMP is popular on Mac, and WAMP is
most common on Windows machines. You can also use a lightweight Mongoose web
server, or Python’s HTTP server. Many people use React with Node.js, so you can also
use a Node.js server. The React library download page (above) also includes a server
and other options.

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Downloading React and getting started
There are many options for downloading and installing React and its various add-ons, but the
fastest way to get started and begin playing around with React is to simply serve the JavaScript
files directly from the CDN (as described on the React GitHub page… the most common CDN
options are listed there):

Both the download pages go into detail on the various ways to download, install, and serve
React in various formats, but we’re going to stick with this most basic option so we can focus on
learning how to code with the React library itself. It’s a good idea to have the React API open
while you work for reference.

From there, we create an index.html file, and a main.js file. I’ve also included a css file for basic

In order to get around using a server while testing, I’m calling the React.js, react-dom.js, and the
browser.min.js babel-core files from the CDN. You wouldn’t want to do this in production. The
babel-core file allows us to use JSX, and the script type must be “text/babel” in order for it to
work properly. Our main JavaScript code goes in main.js, and that’s where it all starts.

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Why React is better with JSX
Most React implementations make use of JSX, which allows you to put XML-like syntax right
within JavaScript. Since React displays output as it’s main function, we will be using HTML in
just about every component. JSX simplifies the code that would normally have to be written in
JavaScript, which makes your code much more readable and simplified.

JSX is not required, but consider the difference between two very simple statements. The
following statement is created without JSX:

The following is with JSX:

As you can see, the JSX code is much easier to read. Now that we have a basic understanding
of what our output syntax will look like, let’s dig in and learn the building blocks of React.
Understanding React components
React is based on components and states. This is what makes React such a popular library.
When you want to create an application, you usually break it into simpler parts. When
programming with React, you will want to break your interface into its most basic parts, and
those will be your React components.

Components are wonderful because they are modular and reusable. You can take a basic
component used in one area of an application and reuse it in others without having to duplicate
code. This helps to speed up development.

Components can be nested, so that the most basic components can be grouped into a parent
component. For example, if you were to create a home listing interface with React, the top level
component would be the home list itself. Within the list, you would have a description of a single
home. Within the home component, you would have the address of the home, as well as other
small components such as a photo, perhaps a favorite or save button, and a link to view details
and a map.

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Now let’s see how this information can be updated when it changes.

React component states
Component states are what give React its name. Any time a component’s state changes, its
“render” function is called, updating the output. In essence, each component “reacts” to
changes, which is handy for any user interface. Data stored in a state should be information that
will be updated by the component’s event handlers (changes that should update in real time as
the interface is being used).

If we were to have a home listing, any number of things may change in the database. New
photos could be added, and a home can be bought and sold. You wouldn’t necessarily want any
of these things to update in real time in the interface.

One thing that may change very quickly, however, would be the number of times a home is
saved (or favorited or liked) by a user. The little component that displays the number of saves

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could update as soon as the person clicks the Save button by updating the state the moment
the button is clicked. Let’s build the Saves component to show what this would look like:

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This won’t actually do anything yet, because we don’t have any statement to call on Saves. Still,
this component describes what we do with components and states. You also won’t find this
code anywhere in the files, because we will have to move things around a bit to make it work
the way we want, but this is fine for now.

You may notice a naming convention right away. Most element names start with a lowercase
letter, followed by capitalization. The names of React classes, however, begin with an
uppercase letter. We then have the React.createClass() function, which creates our component.

The render method is that most-important method that produces the actual output, and is
normally placed last in the component. As you can see, the output depends on the value of two
states: saved and numSaves. Here’s what the output will look like when the user has saved the

And when they have not saved the home:

Just don’t include computed data in a state. What that means in this case is that, while you want
to update the number of saves in the state when the Save button is clicked, you don’t want to
save the following in the state:

Save the addition of the string for the render function. All we want to save in the state is the data
that gets updated by the component’s event handler, and that is simply the number of favorites.

You can also see JSX at work in the render method. The return value (just don’t forget the
parentheses around the return output!) appears to be just regular HTML right within your
JavaScript code! Well, not exactly. JSX is JavaScript, so the “class” attribute is discouraged.
Instead, use “className.” In addition, JavaScript expressions used as attribute values must be
enclosed in curly braces rather than quotes.

Because we are dealing with states, we need to set an initial state so that the state variables will
always be available in the render method without errors. This is why we use the getInitialState()
method at the top of the component.

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The handleSubmit function is where we handle the pressing of the Save (or Remove) button.
We first have to call preventDefault() in order to prevent the form from being submitted the
normal way. We then process the data, so that the user will save the home if it’s not already
saved, or remove it from their saves if it is saved. As soon as we save the new state at the end
of the function, the render method will be called automatically, which will update the display.
Now, let’s look at the rest of the example in more detail.
How to use props
Components pass properties to their children components through the use of props. One thing
to keep in mind is that props should never be used to determine the state of a component. A
property would be something such as the address of a home, passed from the listing
component to the individual home component. The state, on the other hand, should depend on
data that may be updated, such as the number of times people have saved the home.

Let’s look at the rest of this basic example. Taking into account the proper use of props and
states, you may notice that there are some problems with this code:

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For this basic example, we are just going to hard-code a home listing. It all starts at the bottom,
where we have the ReactDOM.render() call. Version 0.14 of React separated React into two
modules: React and ReactDOM. ReactDOM exposes DOM-specific methods, and React
includes the core tools shared by React on different platforms. is basically a
call to a component, in XML-style code. The naming convention states that regular HTML code
is lowercase, while component names are capitalized. Everything will be placed in the “content”
tag, which is included in the index.html file.

Normally, the HomeListing tag would include attributes that tell the component where to grab
data, such as the location of a file URL. These attributes would be called using props. For now,
we will focus on other props within our nested components. The HomeListing component in this
example consists only of a render function, which calls on a nested component called “Home.”
The call to Home contains all the attributes needed to describe the home listing, with JavaScript
attribute values (including raw numbers, as well as true and false values) in curly braces.

The Home component is where we see our first use of props. Basically, any custom attribute
sent through when calling a child component may be accessed through this.props. The most
unique of these is this.props.children. The “children” property accesses whatever was included
within the opening and closing tags of the call to the component (not including the attributes).

Notice in the call to the Home component that we include a “key” attribute, as well as an “id”
attribute with the same value. The key is used internally by React, and is not available as a
prop. It allows React to keep track of components that may be shuffled or removed. Since we
also need some sort of id for our application, we pass in a second “id” attribute with the same
value, which may be used as a prop.

Most of our output is displayed directly at the Home level, but we also call on two more children
components: Photo and Saves. Photo doesn’t really need to be a child component in this
instance, but it’s common for photos to have special features, which could be included in the
future. Because it’s so small, it uses special syntax available to stateless components that have
only a render method and nothing else. As you can see, the syntax allows the component to be
extremely small and simple. The most important component in this case, however, is the Saves
component. First, let’s take a look at our output from this code:

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It pretty much looks like what we want, doesn’t it? Well, not so fast. As you can see from the
Saves component (which we discussed above), all the action is happening right here. The
output shows that 52 people have saved the home before you. The problem is, how does the
application save any new information. How will it “remember” that you saved the home too?

This is where things get just a little more complicated. First of all, you would normally include
React as one piece of a larger app that will do all the processing of the data, where data is
pulled from a database or file, then saved back to the database or file as the interface is being
used. For now, we can hard-code this data as JSON, and show you at what point the data
would be saved at the other end.

Organizing your interface

What we need to do is pull data from the top level component, and save data at the top level as
well. This is because the total number of saves is being shared with all users. If our application
was sharing information that is only relevant to each individual user, we could pull and save
data in a child component, because what other people see wouldn’t matter.

Here is our updated code:

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The first difference here is that React.render() calls on the HomeListing component using a few
attributes. These attributes are not being used at the moment, because that would require the
use of a server of some sort (see the requirements section above for links). You can easily
move the homes data to a homes.json file, and the saves data to a saves.json file. Another
option is to create some database calls to pull the data, and save the updated data.

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You’ll now see that the HomeListing component does all the work. The reason we have
separated the saves information from the homes information is that we don’t want to update
changes to the homes in real time. Changes to home information just don’t happen often
enough to make it worth the cost in resources to update every single thing on the page.

Another change you would probably make when pulling “real” data from a database would be to
include whatever key is used to save a home in the database. That key would be used when
referencing the homes, as well as the save data for each home. For now, we’re just counting on
the JavaScript map method to give us array indexes that line up between the two lists of homes
and saves data, simply because the arrays are in the correct order and the same size.

Here is the output of the new JavaScript file:

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It’s pretty much the same as the old output, except that the interface now works properly! We
still aren’t saving the data, but you’ll see that there is a comment in the toggleSave() function
(which is a custom function), showing where you would save the new data to a database, or to a
json file. We also make use of the React method componentDidMount(). This method is
automatically called once when the component has finished rendering. This is the perfect place
to load our information. It’s also the best place to put any polling function, such as the
setInterval function, for updating any changes to the saves in real time.

You’ll also see that the custom load functions, which include JSON-style data, have a setState()
call at the end. Even though we won’t be updating the home data in real time, setting it in a state
makes it easier to populate the output with the correct data after the component is loaded. The
reason we separate the saves into another state is so that you can comment out the
setInterval() call to update only the save data in real time, and nothing else. The interval time
can be sent through props, as it is in the call to HomeListing.

Another thing that can be confusing to people is that attributes are not automatically passed
down to all the nested children when they are nested more than one level. You’ll see that the
function attribute passed to Home must also be passed down to the Saves component, and it
can have a completely different name! The same goes for all the other props. Here, we pass the
props sent to the Home component down the next level to the Saves component:

Note that the toggleSave() function call could have been passed directly through as another
props value, but we can also do as we did here and call a local function first, which then calls
the parent function through props. That gives you the ability to make any additional changes.

So now that we have all that sorted out, you should know that each component should be
separated out into separate JavaScript files, and organized into a “components” folder. This is
for when you have a more complex design, and have a local or remote server running. Then,
each component opens its children components using require().

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Chapter 2: Form Validation Tutorial with

React.js is a fantastic user interface primarily library because the user’s view updates
automatically when a state changes. This ability to show changes to the user quickly also
makes it a good fit for user-facing form errors. React allows you to easily display errors as the
form is being filled so the user doesn’t have to fill in the entire form, press the submit button,
then try to figure out what they got wrong.

This does not mean React can be used to make a form secure. Hackers can bypass your React
form altogether, passing variables directly to the server. You will still have to provide security
and additional error-handling on the server side. Using React for error-checking is mainly for
making a form easier to use.

We are going to create a simple donation form in our example. The code shows a few places
where additional functionality can be added, but we are only going to focus on error-checking in
this tutorial.
Download the source code
You may download all the files associated with this tutorial from here.
Tutorial requirements
● You must have beginner’s knowledge of React.js, and at least a beginner’s knowledge of
JavaScript. If you need to know the basics, check out the previous chapter.
● You will need to download the React library in order to use React on a server and go
beyond the testing phase. We show you how to get around this during testing.
● You will need to download a text editor of some sort. Notepad++ is popular on Windows,
and TextMate is popular on Mac machines. An editor that highlights code is preferable.

In order to use React as part of a full website, it will need to be incorporated into a larger
application. When testing the basic code with external data files, you will need to use a
local or remote web server in order to get the page to work. MAMP is a good one for the
Mac, and WAMP is most the most common server used on Windows machines. For a
complete solution, a Node.js server is one of the most popular servers to use with React.
The React library download page (above) also includes a server and other options.

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Getting started with the tutorial

There are all sorts of download options for React, but we’re just going to use React from a CDN.
React is available from more than one CDN, but here are the most popular links:

We are going to add a couple more JavaScript files to our index.html file:

The babel-core browser.min.js file allows us to use JSX, which will greatly simplify our code.
Please see the previous chapter for more on why React is better with JSX. Since this is a form,
we are also including jquery, which will make form submission much easier. We don’t actually
make much use of it in the code, other than an example submission function. Lastly, we include
the Classnames library, which is a teeny file that makes combining class names easier.

Finally, we call our example.js script, which is where all the action takes place. Just be sure to
put “text/babel” in your script type so you can make use of JSX in your code.

Now let’s dig into the code:

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Setting up for form submission

The ReactDOM.render call at the bottom of the code is the first call that starts the app. We use
XML-style JSX to call the DonationBox component. This component doesn’t do much at the
moment, but provides a few examples of some of the additional things you can do with React
besides error-checking. For example, you could show new donations as they are made, polling
the server for new ones. I’ve also included some jquery ajax for an example of how the final
form submission can be handled.

The real action starts in the DonationForm component:

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Creating abstract form elements
The DonationForm component is our largest component, because this is where all the other
form components are included, and where we do most of our form validation. Let’s take a look:

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We save one piece of information (the contributor) for passing to the parent and saving on the
server, just as an example. The handleSubmit method shows how you would pass the variable
to the parent element when the form is submitted. What we want to focus on, though, is the
validation functions and component calls. I decided to include form elements in a rather
interesting way to show the power of React. The best examples can be seen in the calls to the
TextInput and Radios components.

As you can see, there are two calls to the TextInput component, but with different variables and
validation functions included in the attributes (available as props in the child components). We
do this because the text input is a reusable component. All you have to do is enter different
attributes depending on the results you would like to see. You could even add an attribute that
gives a different error message depending on whether the field contains a number or dollar
amount (we show an example of this on a different field).

Each TextInput component gets its own validation function, which can be accessed from the
component using this.props.validate(value). The component itself doesn’t care what type of
validation is going on. It simply calls validate, and the parent component takes care of which
validation function is being called.

I’ve also included a commonValidate function as an example of how you could do some basic
validation on all form fields. In this case, we use it with the second TextInput component and
return true, because we need the validate prop function to exist, but we don’t actually want to
validate the second field.

The Radios component is interesting because we are actually passing all of the possible values
through in a simple array. We also have an optional text field for adding user-generated text,
which has its own validation.

The rest of the components are specific to this donation form, but are separated into new
components in order to simplify the DownationForm component code. Let’s take a deeper look
at those now.
Creating input fields
One component that will be reused in every form field component is an error message. If we
want to validate fields as the user enters them, we need to be able to bring up an error message
as they are typing. So, let’s start with that:

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This component is very small, but powerful. All we have to do when calling this component is
include an error message, and a boolean value that tells the component whether it should be
displayed or not. The css file (included in the download) will do the rest.

Now let’s take a look at all of our form field components:

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The first one is our InputText component. This component includes some validation based on
the props sent from the parent. In this case, we show an error message when there are not
enough characters, but we show a different message when the field is empty. Both messages
were sent as props. All of this validation occurs while the user is typing. This could be annoying
for some fields, but it’s a great example of what is possible.

In addition to the local validation, we also call the parent validation function when the user
leaves the field (indicating they are finished with it). You could also do all validation in the
parent, or just do local validation. There are many options.

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Next up is our Radios component. This component actually doesn’t have any validation unless
the optional “addAny” prop is set to true. In that case, an extra radio button is added which will
display an “anyValue” text field when selected. This text field gets its own validation function,
called through the props sent from the parent.

We also have to handle the appearing and disappearing act of the text field. When the “addAny”
radio button is clicked, the text field is displayed. When any other option is selected, it’s hidden.
We do this with an onClick attribute, but we have to use “bind” in order to send a variable to our
handler function. The variable tells the function whether to show or hide the text field.

The validation handler for the text field simply calls the parent validation field, and uses that
result to determine whether to show the InputError component.

You’ll notice that some of the code looks a bit wonky because there are keys for even the