Stay Compliant With Website Accessibility Regulation With This London Agency

Stay Compliant With Website Accessibility Regulation With This London Agency, updated 11/8/20, 11:30 PM

Tenfold Growth offers the professional website accessibility compliance solution you need for your London business website – go to to find out more!

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Stay Compliant With Website Accessibility
Regulation With This London Agency
Making sure your website is
accessibility-compliant is
essential if you’re a business
owner – and Tenfold Growth
offers the professional solution
you need!
The London marketing agency
updated its services to provide
complete website accessibility
solutions for local businesses
across sectors.
Tenfold Growth uses a full range of
techniques to ensure that all web
content is optimised for individuals
with disabilities, thus helping you both
expand your market reach and avoid
potential legal problems in the future.
Recent years have seen an
increased awareness of the
importance of website accessibility,
with 2018 seeing a 200% increase in
lawsuits against potential ADA
(American Disability Act) violations
by website and app owners.
In the UK, the 2010 Equality Act states
that service providers must provide
“reasonable adjustments” for disabled
people, with 2018 regulations stating
that websites must be “perceivable,
operable, understandable and robust”.
Tenfold Growth gives you
complete accessibility
optimisation, including text
readers, font adjustment
options, keyboard navigation
and image descriptions.
For website users susceptible to
seizures, the agency also provides a
Blinks Blocking tool to eliminate all
types of potentially problematic
graphics, including animations, news-
tickers, galleries, auto-play features
and others.
The service includes both initial setup
and ongoing monitoring to ensure that all
updates you make meet the current
accessibility standards. Monthly service
plans start at just £45 and are ideal for
small business websites with up to
10,000 monthly visitors.
A spokesperson for the agency
explained: “Through a
combination of AI implementation
and on-staff engineers, we
monitor your website’s
accessibility to find any
accessibility issues."
"We scan the website
periodically to monitor any new
changes made by you to content,
code, and user experience that
could pose potential accessibility
blocks to users.”
Click on the link in the
description to find out