Dynamic Automation Software For Recruiters: Access 100+ Job Boards & Increase Reach

Dynamic Automation Software For Recruiters: Access 100+ Job Boards & Increase Reach, updated 6/4/23, 9:24 AM


JobAdX can provide you with the powerful automation and real-time analytics you need to optimize your next recruitment campaign. To read a full breakdown of the software's capabilities, go to https://www.jobadx.com/

JobAdX 40 Ivy Bridge Drive, Hamilton, Ontario L8E 0A4, Canada Website https://www.jobadx.com Email contact@jobadx.com

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Dynamic Automation Software For Recruiters: Access
100+ Job Boards & Increase Reach
Competing in the modern recruitment market
means taking advantage of all possible tools,
including automation, in pursuit of qualified
JobAdX has developed one of the most
lightweight and cutting-edge automations for
recruiters in the form of their Exchange
platform, a powerful algorithmic and analytical
This programmatic advertising
software can power your recruitment
efforts with an efficient, data-driven
approach to targeted ad placement.
Used in conjunction with their Optimize
platform, this software can provide a
fully customizable, highly flexible
solution to your recruitment woes.
The platform uses the same technology that
advertisers across many industries use to
power their front-facing advertising efforts,
applying that tech to the job recruitment
These targeting methods
will draw in the talent you
need, using the power of
automation like a magnet
for potential candidates.
You can take a tour of the
software on their website to
see how this incredible toolkit
can help your team adopt a
goal-driven, empowered
approach to recruiting.
Find Out More At