Northstar Bermuda Investors must file a FINRA arbitration or will soon lose the right to do so

Northstar Bermuda Investors must file a FINRA arbitration or will soon lose the right to do so, updated 4/25/24, 10:40 AM

collectionsLegal & Law
Soreide Law Group has recovered millions of dollars against financial advisors for selling Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. investments Soreide Law Group City: Pompano Beach Address: 2401 East Atlantic Boulevard Website:

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Northstar Bermuda
Investors recover
investment losses with
Soreide Law Group
Soreide Law Group has filed a FINRA Arbitra□ons and
recovered millions of dollars against financial advisors for selling
them Northstar Financial Services Ltd.
Investors from Japan, Mexico and
South America have hired the
securi□es arbitra□on law firm Soreide
Law Group to recover their millions of
dollars in losses from Northstar
Financial Services Ltd.
Many of the investors believed that their investment offered
full principal protec□on.
In late 2018, Northstar, was
acquired by North Carolina-
based conglomerate called
Global Bankers.
Lindberg was subsequently indicted
on corrup□on charges in his home
state of North Carolina in early 2019
which set of a chain of events that
placed Northstar Bermuda into
There is a closing window of □me to file these case and it is believed that the bankruptcy
process will not make investors whole and their best hope for a full recovery is to file a
FINRA arbitra□on with the securi□es lawyers at Soreide Law Group.
According to Lars K.
Soreide, Esq., lead a□orney at Soreide Law Group, "It is likely
that many other customers also bought Northstar Financial
Services Ltd.
have lost money and are wai□ng on the
bankruptcy process to resolve before making
a decision on whether or not so sue their
financial advisors, unfortunately by the □me
that process resolves the majority of the
claims if not filed will be □me barred".
Soreide Law represent clients na□onwide in the USA and handle
interna□onal clients in countries such as Japan, Mexico and La□n America
against USA based brokerage firms and brokers.
The lawsuit filed on behalf of the
Claimants accused financial Bankoh
and Farias of negligence, breach of
fiduciary duty, and negligent
Find Out More At h□ps://www.securi□