Ants are Rejoicing

Ants are Rejoicing, updated 9/22/22, 3:32 AM


Freestyle tanka in Irish and English by Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) in response to artwork by Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal (Goa).The freestyle tanka in Ants are Rejoicing/ Seangáin ag Déanamh Gairdis celebrate the hidden Goa, rarely seen or sensed by tourists.

About Gabriel Rosenstock

Gabriel Rosenstock is a bilingual poet, tankaist, haikuist, novelist, playwright, short storywriter, essayist and translator. He lives in Ireland.

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Ants Are Rejoicing
Gabriel Rosenstock

Freestyle tanka in Irish and English by Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) in
response to artwork by Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal (Goa).

The freestyle tanka in Ants are Rejoicing/ Seangáin ag Déanamh Gairdis
celebrate the hidden Goa, rarely seen or sensed by tourists.


Gabriel Rosenstock was born in postcolonial Ireland.
He is a poet, tankaist, haikuist, translator, novelist,
children’s writer, dramatist, short story writer and
essayist whose literary medium of choice is Irish.

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Published in association with:
Cross-Cultural Communications
239 Wynsum Avenue Merrick, NY 11566-4725/USA
Tel: 516/868-5635 Fax: 516/379-1901

ISBN 978-0-89304-653-8


All artwork in Ants Are Rejoicing by Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal (Goa).

© Gabriel Rosenstock, 2022 (Texts in Irish, English)
© Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal 2022 (artwork)



seacht saighead
os cionn an tsáile
a nocht an talamh:
scaoil do shaigheada arís
agus nocht mo chroíse

seven arrows
over salt waters it was
that revealed the land:
send your arrows again
reveal my heart



d’ardaigh na haingil
na tonnta cúránacha:
a chroí,
beidh suaimhneas ortsa fós

angels have lifted
the tossing waves:
my heart, you too
will know calm



sa damhsa seo – an bheatha
sa síol seo – an bheatha
san amhrán seo – beatha
go maire ár dteanga slán
rath ar ár gcuid amhrán!

may this dance bring life
may this seed bring life
may this song bring life
may our language stay alive
and all our songs thrive



cé acu mise
sicín fear
crann bean
nach mé iad go léir faoi bhláth
i dtráth nach eol dúinn

which one is me
chicken man
tree woman
am I not all of these
flowering in some unknown hour?






glamaireacht éan
is ainmhithe
santaíonn mo chroí
guthanna ár sinsear
focal beag amháin

clamour of birds
and animals
my heart yearns
for ancestral voices . . .
one word



A leisceoir, téigh chun an tseangáin, déan machnamh
ar a bhealaí agus bíodh ciall agat. Seanfhocail, 6.6
táimid tagtha
tagtha atáimid go dtí an nead seangán
nach maith é
daoine ag deanamh gairdis
seangáin ag déanamh gairdis

Go to the ant, O sluggard, consider her ways,
and be wise. Proverbs 6.6
we have come
we have come to the anthill
is it not good
people rejoicing
ants rejoicing?



teacht is imeacht
is táid fós ag teacht
fós ag imeacht
bhfuil cuimhne ar aon ní
frása póg . . . ?

comings and goings
and still they come
still they go
is anything remembered
a phrase a kiss . . . ?








ionróirí luatha
iad siúd a bádh
coiréal anois a gcnámha
éisc bheaga ag scinneadh
thart is iad ag spraoi

early invaders
those lost at sea
their bones are coral
among which tiny fish
dart and play



d’ardaigh tú an deamhan
led’ lámh chlé tosaigh
agus chas a mhuineál:
déileáil le naimhde an domhain–

you lifted the demon
with your front left hand
and twisted his neck
deal with enemies of the world–




tugann aibhneacha
is uiscebhealaí leo iad
déithe is bandéithe
i gcuilithíní drithleacha
níos goirme ná cruidíní

rivers bring them
waterways bring them
gods and goddesses
in sparkling ripples
bluer than kingfishers




táim tagtha, gan fhios dom’ mhuintir,
chun tú a adhradh
tóg an bláth buí seo
tóg a bhfuil uait
tóg mise

I come, unknown to my parents,
to worship you
take this yellow flower
take what you will
take me . . .



Xantadurga! san áit a bhfuil cogadh
san áit a bhfuil achrann
san áit a bhfuil doirteadh fola
go raibh d’ainm ar eolas ag cách
go líona do chumhracht an domhan go léir

Shantadurga! where there is war
where there is strife
where there is bloodshed
let your name be known
let your fragrance fill the earth



Xantadurga! cén fáth nach suaimhneach dom?
smaointe mioscaiseacha
ar urlár m’aigne
ina mion-seangáin
ceansaigh iad, do chuid seangán ionúin!

Shantadurga! why do I not know peace?
mischievous thoughts creep
along the floor of my mind
like little ants
tame them, your beloved ants!



cad tá á rá ag an sruthán séimh
nuair a thagann sruthán is abhainn le chéile
nuair a ionsaíonn an abhainn an fharraige
cén liú é sin:
Jai Devi Jai Devi Jai Xantadurga!

what is it the gentle stream is saying
when stream meets river
when river meets ocean
what is that roar:
Jai Devi Jai Devi Jai Shantadurga!


chun na ndéithe is chun na mbandéithe
le glaine inár gcroí
an croí a thugann don drúcht
a ghealghlioscarnach . . .

neartaigh ár nguth
is ár gcroí
chun go gcloisfidh
déithe is bandéithe iad – is an Féin
nár rugadh riamh!

let us pray
to gods and goddesses
with purity of heart
the heart that bestows on dew
its silver glistening . . .

strengthen our voice
and our heart
that they may be heard
by gods and goddesses
and by the unborn Self!




Manguesh! tagaid lán bus díobh
go dtí do theampallsa
a mbolg is a gcroí lán de gach ní
nach eol d’éinne
ach duitse amháin

Manguesh! they come to your temple
by the busload
all sorts of things in their stomachs
and in their hearts
known only to you



eitlíonn na briathra seo ar ais
go dtí an Cruthaitheoir
go dtaga deireadh go luath lena gcabaireacht
i gciúnas neimhe
OM Áiméan

these words fly back
to their Creator
may their babbling soon end
in heavenly silence
OM Amen



ní pureza de sangue – íonacht fola –
atá uaimse ach íonacht im’ chroí
mé féin a fheiscint mar atáim go fíor
aghaidh ag damhsa
i sruthán sléibhe

I ask not
for pureza de sangue—purity of blood—
but purity of heart
to see myself as I truly am
a dancing face in a mountain stream



cá bhfuil an Fhírinne ar fán uainn
cé fhreagróidh mé
ar neamh nó ar talamh
ar imigh sí ina fia luiche
go domhain isteach san fhoraois

where now has Truth wandered
who on earth
or in heaven can answer me
has it wandered like the mouse deer
gone deep into the forest?



cé hí sin atá sna flaithis
agus fós abhus
a chónaíonn inár gcroí istigh
sí Santeri í
Muire na Míorúiltí

who is she who is in heaven
and on earth
who dwells in our hearts?
—she is Santeri
Nossa Senhora de Milagres



canaimis na hamhráin sin
a mhúin ár Máthair dúinn
amhráin uaigneacha an ama
bímis inár n-éan aonair
ag canadh san fholús

let us sing the songs
our Mother taught us
lonely songs of time
let us become birds
singing to no one



go dtaga an spiorad
an Gade padap
go líona sé na damhsóirí
éadroime a thabhairt dá gcosa
éadroime an Earraigh

let the spirit come
the Gade padap
let it enter the dancers
bringing lightness to their feet
the lightness of Spring




rothlú marcra
damhsa na n-each
ar pháirc an chatha
glaonn saighdiúir óg Portaingéalach
ar a mháthair

gyration of cavalry
dance of horse
on the battlefield
a young Portuguese soldier
cries out for his mother



ceol an chroí
bhajan dindi a bhrisfeadh an croí
a leigheasfadh an croí
sé cuisle
sé croí na cruinne é

music of the heart
bhajan dindi to break
the heart to heal
the heart: pulse—
rhythm of creation



cén rithim a leanann siad
damhsóirí na maidí daite–rithim
a chuireann gile sna réaltaí
agus meangadh
ar bhéal an chailín óig

what rhythm do they follow
dancers with painted sticks—
which makes stars shine
which brings a smile
to a young girl’s lips



lámh an chairdis
lámh an leighis, is beannaithe
de ló is d'oíche
an ceangal eadrainn
is beannaithe

holy the healing hand
of friendship
day and night
holy the bonds
that join us



cén fáth damhsa a dhéanamh?
bheith níos gaire do neamh
don chré
mhojem gorum charum
lig do mo lao bheith ag innilt

why do I dance?
to be closer to heaven
closer to earth
mhojem gorum charum
allow my calf to graze



déanaimis aoireacht
ar réaltaí uile neimhe
damhsaímis mar a dhamhsaíonn réaltaí
sa spéir nocht

let us dance
let us shepherd all the stars
of the heavens
let us dance
as stars dance in the naked sky



tusa atá i d’fhinné
ar rince seo an bhua
glac misneach
níor rugadh fós an namhaid
a chloífeadh an t-anam

you who witness
our victory dance
take courage
there is no enemy
that can vanquish the soul



tagann ríoraí
is imíonn
cé tá in ann iad a chomhaireamh?
táimidne ann i gcónaí –
tá an
damhsa ann – viva!

dynasties come
dynasties go
who can count them all?
yet we remain
dance remains—viva!



ár lampaí ar lasadh
súile ar lasadh
croíthe ar lasadh
ár ndamhsa ar lasadh
casann an domhan, ar lasadh

our lamps are burning
eyes burning
hearts burning
our dance is burning
turning, the world burns



an eol duit ár ndia, Bira Deva
an eol duit a dheirfiúr, Mayava
ofráil torthaí dóibh
ofráil bláthanna
peitil dhoroinnte an chroí

know you our god, Bira Deva
know you his sister, Mayava
offer them fruit
offer them flowers
undivided petals of the heart



an tír seo – éist
an domhan seo – éist
cad atá á rá againn
cad atá á rá againn
lena chéile

this land—listen
this world—listen
what are we saying
what do we say
to one another?



báisteach ag teacht
drúcht ag teacht
grian ag teacht
lig dom é a iompar duit
an scáth beannaithe

rains are coming
dew is coming
sunshine is coming
let me hold it for you
the sacred umbrella


Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal (b.1969)

1989 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting), Goa College of Art, Goa
Exhibitions —Selected Solo Exhibitions
2015 Amchem Sobit Ddaiz,46th International Film Festival of India, Goa
2010 Ruchika’s Art Gallery, Goa
2006 ‘Passion of Christ’, Art Chamber, Goa
2004 Galeria Vieira da Silva, Embassy of Portugal, New Delhi
2003 Fundação Oriente, Goa
2003 Soulkurry Art, Art Point, Mumbai
2000 Art Chamber, Calangute, Goa
1998 Gallery Geetanjali Goa
1997 India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi
1996 ANZ – Grindlays, Mumbai
1995 Gallery Steps, New Delhi

Selected Group Exhibitions
2021 Group Exhibition, Goa
2020 Three Artist Exhibition, Goa
2019 The Blue God, Group Exhibition, Goa
2018 Panjim 175 Group show for Serendipity Art Festival, Goa
2017 Group show for Serendipity Art Festival, Goa
2016 Two Artist Exhibition, Kala Academy, Goa
2015 Goan Group art exhibition, Kalakriti Art Gallery, Hyderabad
2014 Group exhibition organized by Action for Autism at Grand Hyatt,

New Delhi
2014 Group exhibition,Treasures of Goa, at CarpeDiem, Goa
2014 Goan Artist Group Exhibition—Dhoomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi
2014 Women Artist Group Show, Tilting Art Gallery, Pune
2013 Group show—Galerie Romain Rolland, Indo-French Cultural Centre
2013 Group Exhibition Org by Action for Autism, New Delhi
2013 Group show—Small is big, Kerala
2013 Two Artist Exhibition—Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi
2012 Group Exhibition Arpana Art Gallery, New Delhi
2012 United Art Fair, New Delhi
2012 Group Exhibition Org by Action for Autism, New Delhi
2012 WYSIWYG: Gallery Gitanjali, Goa

2012 Carnival of Colours : Ruchika Art Gallery, Goa
2011 Draw the line: Sunapranta, Goa
2010 Carnival of Colours: Ruchika Art Gallery, Goa
2009 Carnival of Colours: Ruchika Art Gallery, Goa
2008 ‘Bhasha / Language’, Organized by Gallerie Nvya at The Stainless

Gallery, New Delhi
2008 “The Sacred’, organized by Galleria at The Museum Gallery, Mumbai
2007 “The Sacred’, organized by Galleria at The Visual Arts Gallery, New

2007 ‘Goan Masters—Past, Present, Future’, Ruchikas Art Gallery, Goa
2007 ‘Aparanta’, The Confluence of Contemporary Art in Goa, Goa
2007 ‘Vismaya’, Mahua Art Gallery, Bangalore
2006 ‘Three Women Artist’, Jamaat, Mumbai
2005 ‘Portugal Through the Eyes of the Goan Artist, Exhibition organized by

the Counsel General of Portugal, Goa at Goa & New Delhi
2005 ‘Theatre and Art’, Presentation and Exhibition, jointly organized by

Fundção Oriente and Kala Academy, Goa
2004 ‘Once Upon a Time’ (Fairytales) Multimedia Exhibition organized by

Fundação Oriente, Goa
2002 ‘Women of Goa’, Art Chamber, Calangute, Goa
2002 Goan Artist Group Exhibition, Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai
2002 Karma Art Gallery, New Delhi
2002 5 Women Artist, Art Chamber, Goa
2001 Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi
2001 11 Women Artist, Swastika Art Gallery, New Delhi
2001 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2001 Kala Akademy, Goa
1998 Three Artists Exhibition, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1997 Fifty years of India Independence Art Camp in Agra and Exhibition held

at Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi
1996 Kala Academy, Goa
1995 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1994 Three Women Exhibition, Kala Academy, Goa
1993 Flying Dutchman, Goa
1993 Sarala Art Centre, Chennai
1993 Chitram Art Gallery, Kerala
1991 Tilak Samrat Trust, Pune, Joint Exhibitions

2008 ‘Colors of Goa’, Goa Festival, Goa Sadan, New Delhi.
2007 ‘Mapping the Roots’, the 3rd European Union Cultural Weeks,
organized by The Embassy of Portugal, New Delhi ,held at Indira Gandhi
National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi.
2005 Fontainhas Festival of the Arts, Goa.
2005 ‘10th Harmony Show’, Nehru Centre, Mumbai.
2004 ‘9th Harmony Show’, Nehru Centre, Mumbai.
2004 Fontainhas Festival of the Arts, Goa.
2004 ‘Canvas 2004’, An Art Show on Woman organized by Legends of
New Delhi.
2003 Fontainhas Festival of the Arts, Goa.
1994 Mumbai Art Society, Mumbai
1992 ‘Backyard Ritual’, National Art Exhibition, Goan Art Forum, Goa.
1991 Tilak Samrat Trust, Pune
1991 1st Independent Art Exhibition, Goan Art Forum, Goa.
1991 7th Triennale International Painters Camp and Exhibition, Lalit Kala

Academy, Goa
1991 ‘Contemporary ‘91’, Goan Art Forum, Goa.
1990 All India Art Exhibition, Chitrakala Parishad, Bangalore
1989 South Central Zone Cultural Centre (SCZCC), Nagpur
1986-89 State Art Exhibition, Goa.
Honours and Awards
2014 SENIOR FELLOWSHIP for 2012–13 in the field of Painting (Visual Art)
for a period of two years with effect from 1st August 2014 awarded by
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, New Delhi
2012–13 YUVA SRUJAN PURASKAR (Navasarjan Chetna
Puraskar) from the Directorate of Art and Culture, Government of Goa for
the year 2012–2013 in the field of painting
2008 -09 State Art Award from Government of Goa.
Artistic Residency Program at the Convento Da Arrabida,

Portugal from the Fundação Oriente of Portugal
State Art Award from Government of Goa
State Art Award from Government of Goa
State Art Award from Government of Goa
Nominated for the UNESCO Award in Painting by Kala

Academy, Goa
1992–93 Research Grant in Painting, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi


Artist Camps
2013 International Artists Camp, Goa organized by Department Art & q

Culture, Goa and Tell Us Art, Sweden
2012 Artists Camp, Bhopal
2012 Goan Artist Camp—Organized by Smile Train, at International

Centre, Goa
2012 Artist Camp—Organized by Pt. Birju Maharaj Art Society, New Delhi
2011 Artist Camp on Wild Flowers of Goa – Organized by International

Centre Goa & Harshada Kerkar Art Gallery
2011 Goan Artist Camp—Madrem, Goa.
2011 Goan Women Artist Camp (Wild Life) Organized by Art &

Culture Department, Goa
2011 Goan Women Artist Camp (Sea & Shell) Organized by Art &

Culture Department, Goa
2011 Women Artist & Folk Artist (Gond) Organized by Suruchi Art

Gallery Noida (UP)
2010 Artist Camp: Dalhousie Organized by Lalit Kala Academy.
2009 Artist Camp: Bhimtaal

Further Reading:
Goa A Garland of Poems
A stunning and timely anthology of the best of Goan poetry in English and Irish
translation, including both favourite and almost-forgotten poems from the past and
Published by The Onslaught Press; December 2017

More bilingual ekphrastic tanka:

Every Night I Send You Flowers
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by Odilon Redon.
Published in association with
Cross-Cultural Communications, New York, 2020):

The Road to Corrymore / Bóthar an Choire Mhóir
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by various hands.
Published in association with
Cross-Cultural Communications, New York, 2021):

Rising Flame of Love
(Bhakti- and Advaita-inspired tanka in response to artwork on vintage Indian matchboxes.

Published in association with Cross-Cultural Communications, New York, 2021):

Broken Angels / Aingil Bhriste
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by various hands.
Published in association with Cross-Cultural Communications, New York, 2021)

Outskirts of the Mind / Ciumhais na hAigne
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by various hands. Published in association with Cross-
Cultural Communications, New York, 2021)

Secret of Secrets / Rún na Rún
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by various hands. Published in association with Cross-
Cultural Communications, New York, 2021)

The Lantern / An Lóchran
(Bilingual tanka in response to artwork by various hands. Published in association with Cross-
Cultural Communications, New York, 2021)

Brightening of Days
(Tanka (5-7-7-7-7 syllables) in Irish, English, and Croatian. Poems of love, mystery and longing,
in response to artwork by Alfred Freddy Krupa. Croatian translation by Tomislav Maretić.
Published in association with CCC, New York, 2022)

(Bilingual tanka, 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, poem-prayers for prisoners, in response to photographs by
Ron Rosenstock. Published in association with CCC, New York, 2022).

Short tanka & haiku video-poems from Inner Soul Films:

Haiku (for Julian Assange)
Haiku(for Ilhan Sami Çomak, 26 years in prison)

Early ekphrastic tanka on Pinterest:


Ekphrastic Tanka - Vol 1 - Gabriel Rosenstock
Ekphrastic Tanka - Vol 2 - Gabriel Rosenstock
Ekphrastic Tanka - Vol 3 - Gabriel Rosenstock
Ekphrastic Tanka - Vol 4 - Gabriel Rosenstock


Café Dissensus

Ekphrastic haiku:

Ekphrastic Haiku vol.1 - Gabriel Rosenstock
Rare Times Kindle Edition by Gabriel Rosenstock

Haiku Books, Chapbooks & other Resources:

STILLNESS OF CROWS haiku by Gabriel Rosenstock
WHERE THE LIGHT BEGINS haiku by Gabriel Rosenstock
SILVER BIRCHES: Gabriel Rosenstock Haiku Collection
MÉ IÓNA I AM JONAH A bilingual haiku sequence by Gabriel
The Crows of Kilfinane A bilingual rensaku (haiku sequence) by Gabriel
DUCKS IN SEARCH OF THE MOON Haiku by Gabriel Rosenstock
THE FLOATING UNIVERSE Haiku by Gabriel Rosenstock
Caitríona O'Leary StampHaikuSong Video
Haiku as Gaeilge – 1 Video
Haiku as Gaeilge – 2 Video
Haiku as Gaeilge – 3 Video



Modern Literature: Ploughing a Lone Furrow – Gabriel Rosenstock
Clio, a Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History: On
Writing Tanka: An Interview with Irish Poet Gabriel Rosenstock
The Culturium

Modern Literature

(in Irish)/ Crossways Festival