Sovereign Protection Rule of Law Act 2010

Sovereign Protection Rule of Law Act 2010, updated 10/16/22, 4:33 AM


This law, by the short title “Rule of Law Act”, is a basic Criminal Code, which is primarily a restatement of existing traditional jurisprudence and international law. It defines criminal offenses against the rights and interests of Subjects of the Order as violations of international law, defending sovereignty and human rights against systemic abuses by dominant countries. It also effectively applies the sovereign authorities of the Order as a nation state to impose real and enforceable criminal punishments against offenders, both private and governmental. An official legislative or regulatory Act or Law, enacted by the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the nation-state subject of international law embodying the original Knights Templar from 1118 AD.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Sovereign Protection
& Rule of Law Act
Ordo Regius Magistralis Templi Solomonis
Enacted by the Government and Ratified by the Grand Master
(Act of 2010, as Amended in 2016)
The text of this Act is the complete amended version, with all previous Acts, amendments,
sovereign orders and administrative regulations fully incorporated, as consolidated from all
traditional, customary and enacted sovereign protocols and laws of the Sovereign Magistral
Order of the Temple of Solomon since 1118 AD.
2013, 2016 Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon.
All International Rights Reserved.
Whereas, the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon is a sovereign subject of
international law, exercising governmental rights and authorities as a non-territorial
principality of statehood, with legal and jurisdictional independence;
Whereas, the proven historical purpose, primary interests and functions of the Order and its
government as a sovereign principality consist of defending, upholding and advancing
international law, human rights and the rule of law, to protect the defenseless, and uphold the
principles of good over evil for the advancement of civilization;
Whereas, the modern era has witnessed the persistent escalation of flagrant disregard for civil
rights, human rights, national sovereignty and international law by dominant nation-states,
including systemic abuse of purported official authority, violation of legal due process, and
illegal claims to extraterritorial jurisdiction;
Whereas, an increasing trend of general lawlessness and aggression by dominant nation-
states is perpetrated primarily by conducting information warfare, in the form of persecution
by false official accusations, combined with willful disregard for law, facts and evidence
disproving false allegations, all intentionally leading to superficial and politically motivated
decisions and orders under colour of official authority, as an illegitimate basis for unlawful
false public defamation;
Whereas, such information warfare generally targets political dissidents, important
individuals, leaders of civil society organizations, diplomatic envoys and sovereign officials
personally, with malicious intent to cause criminal interference in their personal lives and
professional careers, primarily as a means to sabotage the lawful rights and operations of
humanitarian organizations and of the internal and foreign affairs of sovereign states;
Whereas, the lawlessness of dominant nation-states promotes, encourages and maintains a
culture of disrespect for the rule of law and resulting lawlessness of private individuals who
are citizens of such violating nation-states, perpetuating criminal violations by individuals;
Whereas, such rampant lawlessness and political persecution, which must be strongly
condemned by the global community in all international forums, presents a clear and direct
threat to human rights and sovereignty itself for the peoples of all nation-states;
Whereas, such systemic violations against the rule of law both warrant and require the
strongest possible legal protections for the defense of the sovereignty, security, rights and
operations of the Order, its Crown Officers and Subjects, and of all civil society organizations
to which those individuals contribute leadership, participation or support;
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon has enacted the present juridical
law as a parliamentary Act, to provide for the common defense and protection of the
sovereignty of the Order, and of the civil and human rights of all Subjects under its
sovereignty, by establishing punishable criminal offenses and enacting enforceable penalties
for such offenses.
Article 1 Title & Enactment
The full title of this law shall be the "Sovereign Protection and Rule of Law Act of 2010"
(as amended in 2016). The short title shall be the "Rule of Law Act" (hereinafter "Act").
This public law is duly officially enacted by the Government of the Order of the Temple
of Solomon (hereinafter "the Order") as a sovereign subject of international law, by approval
of its titled officials of the Grand Mastery, and by ratification by His Most Eminent Highness
the Prince Grand Master as Head of State.
The present Act comprises a fundamental body of public law defining the named
sphere of sovereign rights and authorities of the principality of statehood, and thus
constitutes a binding multilateral contract and covenant between the Order, its Crown
Officers and other Subjects, and all third parties of the general public and the international
The present Act also serves as public law providing benefits supporting the sovereign
rights and authorities of the Ancient Catholic Church, possessing its own autonomous
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law in its own right, as a Sister State under
Ecclesiastical and Sovereign Patronage of the Order, under Constitution Article 12. For the
purposes of this Act, wherever applicable in context, all references to the Order, its
departments and governmental officials fully incorporate simultaneous or alternative
reference to the Ancient Catholic Church, and its analogous departments and pontifical
Article 2 Definitions
The following Definitions shall apply, for the purposes of interpretation, application and
enforcement of the present Act:
"Private Person" shall mean any physical natural person in his individual capacity.
"Legal Entity" shall mean any registered or de facto corporation, partnership, association,
firm, foundation, organization, financial institution, banking institution, or other form of
legal entity, in its collective capacity as a legal person, whether publicly traded or privately
held, whether for-profit or non-profit, including a non-governmental organization.
"Government Entity" shall mean any foreign state, governmental subdivision, administration,
jurisdiction, agency, department or regulatory body, or any similar or related entity
conducting or administering governmental functions.
"Foreign Official" shall mean any official, officer, staff, employee, agent, independent
contractor, or other person exercising discretion or making decisions or recommendations
for, or acting with, under or on behalf of any Government Entity.
"Quasi-Governmental Entity" shall mean any foreign private association, service, agency,
organization, or other entity performing any regulatory, administrative or quasi-
governmental function, or any other public or state function, on the basis of or enabled by any
direct or indirect authorization by any governmental body, including authorization by statute,
regulation, contract or otherwise.
"Foreign Agent" shall mean any official, officer, staff, employee, agent, independent
contractor, or other person exercising discretion or making decisions or recommendations
for, or acting with, under or on behalf of any Quasi-Governmental Entity.
"Offender" shall mean any Private Person, Legal Entity, Government Entity, Foreign Official,
Quasi-Governmental Entity or Foreign Agent, who commits any offense against the rights or
interests of any Subject of the Order or of the Order itself as a sovereign state.
"Defendant" shall mean any person or entity who is charged with any offense under this Act
as an alleged Offender, based upon probable cause supporting the charges.
Article 3 Liability of Governmental Actors
Waiver of Immunity by Foreign Official A Foreign Official waives any claim to official
immunity, and commits an offense under this Act, if to the detriment of any rights and
interests of any Subject or of the Order itself, he:
(a) violates any laws or regulations of his own jurisdiction;
(b) violates any international laws, conventions or treaties;
(c) violates any legal, constitutional, civil or human rights;
(d) violates any diplomatic, sovereign or judiciary privileges or immunities; or
(e) violates the sovereignty or rights of the Order itself under international law.
Consequences of Waiver of Immunity Since the offenses which consist of a waiver of
immunity by a Foreign Official by definition cannot be within the lawful scope of any claimed
official authority, because they are inherently illegal, such actions shall be deemed to have:
(a) exceeded the bounds of any claimed official authority;
(b) acted outside the scope of any claimed official capacity;
(c) committed unlawful abuse of authority; and also
(d) committed illegal action under false colour of authority.
Effect of Waiver of Immunity As a result of the above Sections 1 and 2 of the present
Article, any such offense by a Foreign Official containing any elements described in those
sections shall thereby constitute a waiver and loss of all claim to any official immunity related
to the offense, and the offending individual actor shall be fully personally liable for his actions
constituting any such offense.
Joint and Several Liability of Government Entity Any Foreign Official shall be
deemed a representative and agent of his Government Entity, such that by established
traditional legal doctrines of common law the Government Entity shall be deemed to have
control over, responsibility
for and legal
for actions of such Foreign
Official. Accordingly, any notice to, actual or constructive knowledge of, conduct by, or intent
of the Foreign Official shall be attributed and imputed to the Government Entity, which shall
have full legal liability jointly and severally for any offenses by the Foreign Official.
Equal Liability of Quasi-Governmental Entity Any Quasi-Governmental Entity shall
be deemed to constitute a Government Entity, and shall be treated as identical to a
Government Entity, having all of the same liabilities as a Government Entity for any and all
offenses committed in violation of this Act.
Equal Liability of Foreign Agent Any Foreign Agent shall be deemed to constitute a
Foreign Official, and shall be treated as identical to a Foreign Official, having all of the same
liabilities as a Foreign Official for any and all offenses committed in violation of this Act.
Lawful Notice of Rights & Liabilities to Officials As an established traditional legal
doctrine of common law and international law, it is wholly proper, legitimate and lawful for a
Subject or the Order itself to give notice to a Foreign Official, informing of the legal facts that:
(a) the present Act does exist as an enforceable public law;
(b) the Subject does have certain legal rights provided by the Act;
(c) the Act has relevant jurisdiction over the subject matter of the dispute or process with the
Government Entity and the Foreign Official personally; and
(d) the Government Entity and Foreign Official do have real potential legal liabilities for any
offenses or violations under the Act.
Protected Right to Give Notice to Officials Giving such legal notice as described in
Section 7 of the present Article, which may include providing a copy of this Act, shall not be
construed as "threatening an official" under any circumstances. Any intimidation by a
Foreign Official falsely portraying lawful notification of legal facts as an alleged "threat"
implying a false accusation of "threatening" an official (in order to deter or deprive the
Subject of legal rights) itself constitutes an additional criminal offense of making illegal
threats to the Subject.
Lawful Purpose of Notice to Officials The proper giving of notice of potential
liabilities to a Foreign Official is in fact a constructive and cooperative gesture, which can
genuinely help the Government Entity to avoid serious legal liabilities and enforcement
actions which would be undesirable, and provides an opportunity to uphold the reputation of
the Government Entity and its host country as respecting the rule of law.
Article 4 Jurisdiction & Legal Process
Consent to Jurisdiction by Commission of Offense Constructive notice (the legal
doctrine that a person "should" know or "could" know by "reasonable diligence") is hereby
given to all potential Offenders, by means of the Act being a public law that is published and
discoverable to the general public worldwide, in particular by Internet search. As a result, by
established traditional legal doctrines of common law, this Act (a) has legal and binding force
and effect as a contract, such that (b) its provisions constitute the terms and conditions
governing all actions against Subjects or the Order itself. Accordingly, (c) any action in
violation of this Act constitutes acceptance of public notice and acceptance of such terms and
conditions of the Act in its capacity as a public contract.
Effect of Consent to Jurisdiction by Offense When any Offender contractually
consents to jurisdiction pursuant to Section 1 of the present Article, by the legal fact of
voluntary, knowing or intentional commission of any offense under this Act, the Offender (as
Defendant) by means of such action thereby contractually agrees: (a) to be subject to the
sovereign jurisdiction of the Order, (b) to be subject to and governed by this Act, and also (c)
to be bound by Binding Arbitration for all legal due process under and enforcement of the
provisions of this Act.
Binding Arbitration Process Prosecution, hearings and judgments under this Act
shall be administered through a mandatory Binding Arbitration program of an Arbitration
Court or Court of Record of the independent Judiciary appointed by the Government of the
Order. Legal due process shall be conducted under the rules and procedures of such Court,
which shall apply all applicable laws, governmental and professional regulations, together
with all available facts and evidence. Process shall be conducted by correspondence,
primarily by electronic mail (email) with documents sent as file attachments, for convenience
and economy, without any requirements for the Defendant to travel, nor to personally appear
at any hearing.
Enforcement of Arbitration Judgments International cross-border enforcement of
the Binding Arbitration judgments in all countries shall be accomplished under the priority
fast-track provisions of the United Nations Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958. Arbitration judgments shall thereby be binding upon and
enforceable by any Court of Law, empowering and requiring any and all Courts in all
jurisdictions to immediately apply enforcement actions without any further hearing.
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction by Defensive Reciprocity In accordance with the intent
of this Act to uphold the rule of law by defending against and punishing illegal abuses of
extraterritorial jurisdiction and cross-border aggression originating from foreign nations, the
proper exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction by the Order for prosecution of violations under
this Act shall not be conducted on an "offensive" basis of "aggression", but rather only on a
"defensive" basis of "protection" against actual or threatened violations, as determined by the
criteria of "probable cause". Based upon the established traditional legal doctrine of
"reciprocity" in international law, any Offender who himself reaches across international
borders or claims extraterritorial jurisdiction in furtherance of committing an offense in
violation of this Act, thereby waives any and all defenses against reciprocal extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the Order over that same Offender.
Original Jurisdiction Beyond Territoriality In all cases where any violation by the
Offender creates or causes effects, consequences or damages reaching outside of the
territorial jurisdiction of the Offender, such that the rights of a Subject or the Order are
infringed in any territory of residence, employment or professional activity of the Subject, or
any manifestation of such infringement is visible or accessible from any sovereign facilities or
official premises of the Order as a principality of statehood, then the Order shall have original
jurisdiction over the offenses for application of this Act.
Service of Process Service of Process (notice, summons or orders effecting legal
process) shall be served by electronic mail (email), with any relevant documents as
attachments. Service shall be deemed valid and effective, constituting actual notice, if sent:
(a) to the email address associated with the individual Defendant at his place of current
(b) if no specific email for the individual Defendant exists at his place of employment, or such
is not known, then to the email address of the department or division to which Defendant is
assigned at his place of current employment;
(c) if no specific email for a department exists, or such is not known, then to the general
public email at his place of current employment;
(d) if Defendant is currently or formerly a Foreign Official, or is a Government Entity, then
service of process may be sent to any email address of any superiors of the Foreign Official, or
of any general legal counsel of the Government Entity;
(e) alternatively, service of process may be sent to any email address published on the
Internet that is represented as valid contact information associated with the Defendant;
(f) if no email of a Defendant can be found on the Internet or obtained from any employer,
then notice is properly given through an account of the Defendant on any social media sites;
(g) both as an alternative to the above methods of service, and/or in combination with any of
the above methods, service may be made by Public Notice or Summons of Legal Process by
publication on the Internet naming the Defendant, which shall constitute actual notice.
Adoption of Judgments as Sovereign Orders The Order may adopt the Binding
Arbitration judgment award of the independent Arbitration Court or Court of Record,
enacting such award as its own judgment as a sovereign subject of international law, both for
the purpose of publication of criminal conviction judgments on the Internet, and in
furtherance of implementing additional cross-border enforcement measures of judgments.
The Order may also register such adopted sovereign judgments as a "foreign judgment" in any
and all countries related to the Offender which can contribute to effective enforcement of
criminal penalties and collection of criminal fines.
Exception for Expedited Summary Process In the event that a Defendant is charged
with a crime that specifically includes or involves (a) violation of "due process of law" rights of
a Subject, where such violation of due process is demonstrated by any available evidence, or
(b) contempt of notice or summons or similar disregard of legal process, or (c) non-
recognition of the governmental authority of this Act or the judiciary authority of the
independent Court of Record, then by the established legal doctrine of reciprocity under
international law, that Defendant has waived any and all rights to a full hearing and due
process for his own benefit. In such cases, the appointed Court of Record, or any Judiciary
Crown Officers of a Magistral Court of the Order, may conduct expedited summary process by
an ex parte hearing in absentia, with the remaining requirement that any judgment must be
based upon all applicable laws and regulations, together with all available facts and evidence.
Exception for Emergency Summary Process In the event that in the presence of or in
direct communication with a Crown Officer, any Offender (a) commits a violation or any
element of a criminal offense under this Act, or (b) indicates or demonstrates a credible threat
or clear and present danger of harm to the rights and interests of any Subject or the Order
itself in violation of this Act, then any Crown Officer may conduct emergency summary
process. Such process may include effecting or causing the immediate arrest and detention of
the Offender as a Defendant, and shall include a summary hearing or process resulting in
immediate judgment, in consultation with a qualified Judiciary Crown Officer, provided that
such judgment be based upon fundamental principles of law, with due consideration of all
facts and evidence available at the time.
Confirmation of Emergency Summary Process Emergency summary process shall be
recorded and issued in a formal written judgment by an authorized judiciary Crown Officer
without unreasonable delay. Such formal judgment may be further referred to the
independent Arbitration Court or Court of Record for a more thorough review and processing
in an expedited summary process, if there are any remaining or additional facts, evidence or
legal issues which were not covered by the emergency summary process.
Article 5 Enforcement & Punishment
Enforcement of Punishment by Imprisonment A punishment of imprisonment for
criminal offenses under this Act is enforceable within any territories or properties privately
owned by or in trust for the Order as a sovereign state, or having the status of sovereign
territory such as an Embassy or temporary Consular Post of the Order in any host
country. Imprisonment may also be enforced through and within various countries which
may have diplomatic relations or cooperation treaties with the Order, or with its appointed
independent Court of Record. Imprisonment may also be enforced by registration of the
criminal conviction with an international Court of universal jurisdiction which has authority
to adopt the judgment and issue orders compelling country prison authorities to make arrest
and take custody under international law.
Additional Enforcement of Imprisonment By the established legal doctrine of
"reciprocity" under international law, any country whose government engages in "rendition"
(forceful taking and transportation to a third cooperating country for imprisonment) has
thereby waived its right to object to the Order as a sovereign state taking the same measures
in relation to a convicted criminal Offender of that country, as an additional means of
enforcement of a
judiciary punishment of
imprisonment under
lawful official
authority. Implementation of lawful arrest, transportation and imprisonment under this Act
may be arranged through authorized licensed armed security agencies as government
contractors, or through authorized authorities of cooperating countries.
Arrangements for Imprisonment as State Secrets Information regarding which
countries or Courts of international law may have arrangements for enforcement cooperation
with the Order, to carry out judicial sentences of imprisonment for convicted criminal
Offenders, are hereby classified as a State Secret of the Order, to serve as a deterrent against
serious criminal offenses, and to prevent Offenders from planning avoidance, for strategic
effective enforcement of criminal punishments.
Enforcement of Punishment by Fine A punishment of fines for criminal offenses
under this Act is enforceable under "fast-track" automatic enforcement of Arbitration Court
Awards worldwide, under the United Nations convention, which prohibits any country's
Court from re-hearing the matter, and requires a Court in any country to automatically
register and enforce the economic judgment within that country. Such automatic
enforcement shall be filed in any region of any country or multiple countries wherever the
Offender resides, is employed, maintains an office, or conducts operations or activities.
Additional Enforcement of Fines The Order may register an Arbitration Court Award
judgment and fine in any and all countries related to the Offender, and cause it to be entered
onto the Offender's public "credit record". In countries having creditor protection
mechanisms (such as the "Uniform Commercial Code" filings of the United States), the Order
can also file a creditor's lien for enforcement of the judgment as a debt, which is also entered
onto the Offender's public "credit record".
Application of Proceeds from Collected Fines One third (33%) of fines shall be used
by the Order to fund its sovereign operations including justice and enforcement
capabilities. One third (33%) of fines shall be given to the victim Subject whose rights were
violated by the Offender, or to the Order if there is no individual Subject as the victim. One
third (33%) of fines is given to non-profit philanthropic and charitable organizations at the
discretion of the Government of the Order.
Publication of Criminal Conviction Judgment Offenders are subject to public notice
of criminal conviction, naming the Offender, by publication of notice, orders and judgment
documents, or descriptions thereof, in press releases and on the Internet. In cases where the
Offender violated the rights of a Subject by causing false and defamatory information or
official notices violating due process rights to be published on the Internet, then publication
of criminal conviction judgment against the Offender shall be mandatory. In other cases,
publication is discretionary, determined by evaluating the need to protect the public interest
from an Offender who is either (a) a willful aggressor and violator of the rule of law, (b) a
menace to civil and human rights, (c) a risk or threat of continuous unlawful persecution,
abuse of authority or violation of due process rights of others, or (d) a potential threat to the
principles of sovereignty, international law, or the rule of law itself.
Victims Protected by Publication of Convictions In connection with publication of a
criminal conviction naming the Offender, the victim shall have the right of choice, to elect
whether (a) the victim's name will be published as vindication and repair to any damage to
the victim's reputation caused by the crimes of which the Offender is convicted, or (b) the
victim's name will be sanitized and redacted out of the published statements and replaced
with the generic name "Victim" to prevent any unwanted exposure of the victim's identity.
Reduction of Prison Sentence by Community Service Upon criminal conviction for
an offense resulting in lawful imposition of a sentence of imprisonment, the statutory prison
term or lesser prison sentence issued by the Court shall be reduced in the event that the
convicted Offender performs community service. A convicted Offender sentenced to
imprisonment may request community service for partial or full commutation of a sentence
as a matter of right. As may be deemed necessary at the sole discretion of Judiciary Crown
Officers of the Order, such community service may be arranged within the conditions of
imprisonment or detention.
Reduction of Fines by Community Service Upon criminal conviction for an offense
resulting in the imposition of fines, the statutory amount or lesser amount of fines imposed
by the Court shall be reduced by the convicted Offender performing community service. The
commutation of a sentence of fines shall be available at the sole discretion of Judiciary Crown
Officers of the Order, only if community service is reasonably expected to contribute greater
moral value than would result from the monetary payment of the fines.
Arrangements for Community Service In furtherance of arrangements for
community service as commutation of sentences of imprisonment or fines, the Order shall
select a means of community service of moral punitive value, moral rehabilitative value, non-
profit economic value, or of other benefit to humanitarian causes, at the discretion of
Judiciary Crown Officers, subject to availability of opportunities and feasibility of
arrangements. A convicted Offender may be deemed disqualified from forms of community
service which would require the same, similar or related skills which were abused to
perpetrate the offense for which the Offender was convicted, to prevent those skills from
being used in any detrimental manner. Alternatively, opportunities may be limited to those
forms of community service requiring the same skills which were abused to perpetrate the
offense, applying those skills in some beneficial manner.
Effect of Commutation by Community Service As a result of the genuine and
satisfactory performance of community service by a convicted Offender, the sentences
imposed by the Court shall be reduced, and deemed to be commuted, by the fixed increments
established in this provision. For each and every one hour of community service performed:
(a) a sentence of imprisonment shall be reduced by three days (72 hours) deemed to be time
served; or (b) the amount of punitive fines imposed by sentence shall be reduced by 1,000
GBP deemed to be paid.
Article 6 Criminal Offenses: Categories and Violations
The following categories of criminal offenses, and specific offenses under each category, may
be prosecuted singly, separately, at different times, collectively or in any combination,
accounting for each and every act or instance of violation of each and every criminal action or
inaction committed which constitutes an offense:
Attempted Crimes Subject to Full Enforcement Attempt to commit any offense shall
be treated as a completed criminal offense. The legal fact of the offense of Attempt shall be
established by the following criteria:
(a) any indication of apparent motivation or intent to commit the offense;
(b) combined with any one of the following elements:
(1) any act reasonably calculated to instigate, initiate, provoke, arrange or otherwise
cause the offense to be committed, whether directly or indirectly;
(2) any identifiable degree of preparation to commit the offense;
(3) any measurable step in furtherance of completion of the offense; or
(4) any threat or statement claiming to have made any preparation or action likely to
cause or further the offense.
Attempt to commit an offense is subject to the maximum extent of the criminal penalties for
that offense as provided for under this Act, but may be reduced to no less than 50% (half) of
the statutory penalties for a completed offense, at the discretion of the Court.
Prosecution of International Crimes Any violation of established codified
international law which constitutes a criminal offense under the present Act may be
alternatively or additionally prosecuted in an international Court of universal jurisdiction,
such that the statutory penalties of the present Act shall provide the basis in criminal law for
such violation of international law to be prosecuted and punished as an "international crime".
Crimes Against International Rule of Law Any action or inaction which advances,
supports, enables, constitutes or otherwise causes a violation of the rule of law under
established doctrines of codified international law, to the detriment of the rights or interests
of the Order or any of its Subjects, is classified as a criminal offense. Such offenses include,
but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Abuse of Judicial Authority Any action by an official of any Court or governmental or
quasi-governmental tribunal which violates international law by abuse of judicial
authority, including but not limited to:
(1) Illegal Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Unlawfully claiming or purporting to exercise
any form of unfounded authority or extraterritorial jurisdiction;
(2) Disregarding Own Laws Disregard for the constitution, laws or regulations of the
Offender's own jurisdiction, including disregard for or circumvention of the statute
of limitations, bringing a charge or making an adverse ruling on the basis of a
lawful act;
(3) Violation of Due Process Any violation of domestic or international rules on due
process of law, including shifting the burden of proof, deprivation of access to
representation of local legal counsel, deceptive misdirection of procedural rules to
cause disadvantage in legal process, imposing fictitious requirements to cause
disadvantage in legal process, disregard for exculpatory evidence, or false portrayal
of exculpatory evidence in a negative light;
(4) Defamation by Publishing Unlawful Judgment Violation of human rights in a
person's reputation, by publishing false or misleading defamatory statements under
colour of official authority, publication of a purported official judgment or ruling
resulting from other violations of human rights or international law, or otherwise
misrepresenting false statements as purported official findings of fact;
(b) Abuse of Political Power for Persecution Any action which violates international law
by abuse of political power, which results in directly or indirectly imposing
interference, harassment or oppression, including denial of services otherwise
available to the general public, selective enforcement of laws, false arrest, wrongful
detention, or travel restrictions, in any manner which indicates persecution by
appearing to be discriminatory or arbitrary;
(c) Violation of Economic Human Rights Any action which violates international law by
direct or indirect interference with economic rights, including provoking, causing or
imposing restrictions on receiving lawfully earned incoming funds, or blocking lawful
use of or access to depositor funds;
(d) Propaganda & Media Disinformation Any activity which violates international law by
promotion of propaganda or disinformation through media outlets or the Internet,
which is reasonably calculated or expected to suppress truthful information, create
false justification for conflict or opposition, or undermine lawful rights and interests;
(e) Violation of Official or Diplomatic Status Any action or conduct which violates
international law by disregard or violation of diplomatic privileges and immunities of
diplomatic agents or high level officials;
(f) Refusal to Intervene Against Violations Any failure or refusal of a Foreign Official or
Government Entity to fulfill its mandatory obligations under international law to
intervene against violations of international law originating from within its
jurisdiction, immediately upon receiving notice of such violations;
Crimes Against International Rule of Law are punishable as a "Class A Felony" as follows:
For a Private Person or Foreign Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 20 years, plus fine
of up to 20 Million GBP; For a Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 50 Million GBP; For a
Government Entity or Quasi-Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 100 Million GBP,
for each count of each violation of this category of offenses.
Crimes Against State Sovereignty Any action or inaction which supports, enables,
constitutes or otherwise causes the denial, disregard or other undermining of the sovereign
status, rights, authority, privileges or immunities of the Order as a sovereign state or any of its
Crown Officers as state officials, is classified as a criminal offense. Such offenses include, but
are not limited to, the following:
(a) Interference with Sovereign Operations Any interference, suspension or denial of
service, or blocking of working infrastructure for communications, banking, payment
processing, or other operational capabilities of the Order or any subdivision or Crown
Officer thereof, which restricts, inhibits or undermines the conduct of official
governmental functions of the Order as a sovereign principality;
(b) Encroachment Against State Secrets Any act of unauthorized disclosure, unlawful
interception, espionage, or any official claim purporting to compel or require
disclosure of a State Secret of the Order;
(c) Refusal to Honour Diplomatic Credentials Any failure or refusal of a Foreign Official
to immediately honour the legitimacy of Diplomatic Credentials issued by the Order
upon valid presentation of such, in connection with any violation of the rights,
privileges and immunities appurtenant to such Diplomatic Credentials under
international law.
Crimes Against State Sovereignty are punishable as a "Class B Felony" as follows: For a
Private Person or Foreign Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 10 years, plus fine of up
to 10 Million GBP; For a Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 25 Million GBP; For a
Government Entity or Quasi-Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 50 Million GBP,
for each count of each violation of this category of offenses.
Crimes of Malicious Interference Any action or inaction which is reasonably
calculated or expected to create or cause wrongful interference in the rights, interests or
lawful activities of the Order or any of its Subjects, is classified as a criminal offense. Such
offenses include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) False Statements to Authorities Making false or misleading complaints or reports to
authorities, including by use of legally irrelevant inflammatory statements to portray
innocent facts in a false light, purporting to suggest, request, provoke or otherwise
cause any official investigation or actions against a Subject on the basis of such false or
misleading statements;
(b) Corruption of Official Process Making false or inflammatory statements to other
authorities, under colour of official authority purported to be in an official capacity, in
a manner calculated or reasonably expected to promote bias or prejudice which could
contaminate or corrupt the exercise of authority or promote or otherwise cause abuse
of authority by another agency;
(c) Perjury to Court or Tribunal Making any False Statements to Authorities in a Court
of Law, or otherwise in the course of participating in any legal process of a tribunal
having colour of official authority, in such a manner that would customarily consist of
criminal perjury if made under oath in a Court of Law;
(d) Manufacturing False Complainant or Witness The arrangement by Offender,
whether by referral, recommendation or any other manipulation, placing a third party
to be in a position allowing to claim status as a client, colleague, contract party or
otherwise having a relationship with the victim involving any obligations, in
furtherance of setting up the victim to be targeted by any false complaint or false
(e) Legal Harassment The abuse of legalistic threats or actions of official complaints or
legal process without merit, primarily intended or expected to cause disturbance or
distraction, create pressure or intimidation, or impose a burden. This offense is
established especially when threatened or initiated legal process targets the victim by
selective application of laws otherwise generally not applied, is characterized by timing
indicating other unlawful purposes as an underlying motivation, or is used as a basis
for subsequent False Public Defamation.
(f) False Public Defamation Making false statements of purported fact, or misleadingly
portraying facts in a false light, in a manner reasonably calculated or expected to cause
damage to reputation, through any medium which exposes such defamation to the
general public. This offense includes statements made to or through mass media, or by
any searchable content on the Internet. It also includes any re-publication, display or
reference to official records containing False Statements to Authorities or any
Unlawful Judgment which the Offender has actual or constructive knowledge or reason
to believe is or may be false;
(g) Unlawful Threats or Intimidation Making any statement, whether verbal or written,
explicit or implied, communicating any credible threat to directly or indirectly take any
action which the Offender does not have the lawful right to do, which would directly or
indirectly cause injury, harm or damage to the rights or interests of the victim or third
parties, with the intent to intimidate, pressure, coerce, discourage or dissuade the
victim from taking any lawful course of action which the victim has a right to do. Any
threat which involves death or serious bodily injury to any person is punishable by
double the statutory penalty for this offense under the present Act.
(h) Retaliation Against Rights Committing any other offense under this Act, in
retaliation for taking any lawful action or course of action, or for defending, asserting
or exercising any lawful rights supported by merits of fact and law. Retaliation shall be
punished as a separate offense, in addition to the offense which was committed as the
form or means of such retaliation.
Crimes of Malicious Interference are punishable as a "Class C Felony" as follows: For a
Private Person or Foreign Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years, plus fine of up
to 5 Million GBP; For a Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 10 Million GBP; For a
Government Entity or Quasi-Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 25 Million GBP,
for each count of each violation of this category of offenses.
Crimes of Misappropriation Any action or inaction which is reasonably calculated or
expected to wrongfully obtain or cause the wrongful deprivation of property, including
tangible or electronic materials of value, intellectual property, legal rights, benefits of
political, material, economic or monetary value, or financial benefits from legal or economic
rights, against the Order or any of its Subjects, is classified as a criminal offense. Such
offenses include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Theft by Misappropriation The taking of any property under ownership or lawful
possession of the victim, without a pre-existing legal right to take possession of such
property, by means of misappropriation. The offense of Theft is also committed by
means of deprivation by displacement with concealment, any form of blocking, or any
other means of denial of access to the property, regardless of whether the Offender has
taken possession of the property;
(b) Fraud or Theft by Deception Obtaining or depriving the victim of any rights, benefits,
services, funds or other advantage of value, by means of making a knowingly false or
misleading misrepresentation of a material fact, including by concealment, non-
disclosure, or any artifice or machination of deception, thereby inducing justifiable
reliance upon the perceived material fact by the victim;
(c) Extortion or Blackmail Making any statement, whether verbal or written, explicit or
implied, communicating any threat to directly or indirectly take any action which the
Offender does not have the lawful right to do, or to expose confidential information
derived from intrusion of privacy, with the intent to intimidate, pressure, coerce or
compel the victim to transfer any property, provide any benefit, perform any services,
make any payment, or to cause or arrange for third parties to deliver such advantages,
which the victim does not have any pre-existing legal obligation to do.
Crimes of Misappropriation may be classified as a "Class D Felony" or "Class A Misdemeanor"
at the discretion of the Court, and are punishable as follows: For a Private Person or Foreign
Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 3 years, plus fine of up to 3 Million GBP; For a
Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 7 Million GBP; For a Government Entity or Quasi-
Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 15 Million GBP, for each count of each
violation of this category of offenses.
Crimes of Complicity Any action which is reasonably calculated or expected to
contribute to the commission of an offense under this Act, or is similarly designed to
otherwise undermine or interfere with lawful rights and interests, thus constituting
complicity in such conduct, against the Order or any of its Subjects, is classified as a criminal
offense. Such offenses include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Conspiracy Against Rights Any act or agreement of combination, cooperation or
coordination between two or more persons, in furtherance of the wrongful intent or
purpose of undermining or interfering with lawful rights and interests. It is the fact of
such combination which is unlawful in and of itself, even if the individual actions of the
respective co-conspirators may be otherwise lawful in isolation. Conspiracy is a
separate offense, in addition to any primary offense which may be the object of the
(b) Solicitation Against Rights Any action by one person soliciting, inviting, offering,
requesting or encouraging another person to participate in a Conspiracy Against
Rights, or soliciting another person to commit any other offense under this Act.
Solicitation may be prosecuted as Attempted Conspiracy if no actual Conspiracy results
therefrom, or may be prosecuted as a separate offense in addition to any resulting
offense of Conspiracy.
(c) Aiding and Abetting Any action or course of conduct which serves to encourage,
enable, facilitate, support or assist the commission of any offense under this Act, where
the Offender is not a direct participant in the primary conduct of the offense, including
to aid in concealing the crime or shielding the perpetrators from detection or liability,
such that being an accessory before the fact or a after the fact also constitutes an
Crimes of Complicity shall be given the same classification of "Felony" or "Misdemeanor" as
the related offense in which the Offender is complicit, and are punishable as follows: For a
Private Person or Foreign Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 2 years, plus fine of up
to 2 Million GBP; For a Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 5 Million GBP; For a
Government Entity or Quasi-Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 10 Million GBP,
for each count of each violation of this category of offenses.
Crimes of Contempt Any action or inaction which demonstrates disregard for or non-
recognition of lawful sovereign or judicial authority having force of law, in a manner which
constitutes contempt or obstruction of lawful authority and thus opposition to the rule of law,
against the Order or its Crown Officers, appointed judiciary Courts or independent
international Courts, to the detriment of lawful rights and interests of the Order or any of its
Subjects, is classified as a criminal offense. Such offenses include, but are not limited to, the
(a) Contempt of Authority Any action or inaction demonstrating deliberate disregard for
the official capacity of a lawful public sovereign or international authority, including
any act or statement of non-recognition of authority, wrongful non-cooperation with
an official notice or inquiry, or any promotion or incitement of disrespect for official
lawful authority;
(b) Obstruction of Justice Any failure or refusal to respond to a judicial inquiry, notice or
summons or to comply with a judicial Court order or judgment, or any action or
inaction to impede, obstruct or interfere with a judiciary investigation. The offense of
Obstruction includes any withholding, tampering with or destruction of documents or
evidence. It also includes any failure or refusal of any Foreign Official or Government
Entity to honour or enforce a Court order or judgment issued in connection with this
(c) Perjury & False Statements Any false statement or misrepresentation of a relevant
and material fact, made under oath in a judiciary process, in any sworn official
statement made to the Order, or made in any manner to a Crown Officer.
Crimes of Contempt are punishable as a "Class B Misdemeanor" as follows: For a Private
Person or Foreign Official, punishable by imprisonment up to 1 year, plus fine of up to 1
Million GBP; For a Legal Entity, punishable by fine up to 3 Million GBP; For a Government
Entity or Quasi-Governmental Entity, punishable by fine up to 5 Million GBP, for each count
of each violation of this category of offenses.
Article 7 Statute of Limitations
Statute of Limitations on Offenses The statute of limitations, being the time period
after which no action can be brought in prosecution of an offense in violation of this Act, shall
generally be 7 years after the later date of either:
(a) when the act constituting an offense was committed by the Offender;
(b) when the existence or occurrence of the original offense was discovered by the victim;
(c) when any subsequent damages arising from the offense were discovered by the victim;
(d) when any subsequent damages to rights and interests of the victim either directly or
indirectly caused by or otherwise arising from the offense later occurred; or
(e) when the Defendant, its agents or representatives, or any associated third parties, took
any additional or subsequent action or inaction in furtherance of continuing or maintaining
the existence of any situation constituting or contributing to an offense, or causing, enabling
or allowing any continuing or future damages to arise or be reasonably expected to arise from
such offense.
Extension of Statute of Limitations As an exception to the general statute of
limitations, in any case where offending materials (including documents, images, information
or any written statements) that constitute or perpetrate an offense in violation of this Act
continue to exist, and either:
(a) remain in any official internal database of any Government Entity, in a manner likely to
enable any Foreign Official to communicate the offending material to any member of the
public or to any other Government Entity;
(b) remain in any official online database of any Government Entity, in a manner allowing the
general public to discover and receive the offending material by search of the Internet; or
(c) remain published online as web pages or Internet links that are searchable, discoverable
and visible to the general public,
then the statute of limitations shall be extended continuously and indefinitely, for so long as
the offending materials continue to exist in violation of this provision of the Act.
Enactment & Ratification
The present Sovereign Protection and Rule of Law Act of 2010, as Amended in 2016, is hereby
fully enacted and ratified, in accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution, by the following
legal acts of the Government and Grand Mastery:
Enacted by the Government:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Excellency Viscount Michael Henry Dunn
Grand Commander as Chairman of the Government
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon
Ratified by Magistral Assent of the Grand Master:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Most Eminent Highness Prince Matthew of Thebes
Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon