Charlie & Max's is committed to make high quality product for pets.

Charlie & Max's is committed to make high quality product for pets., updated 6/16/20, 5:58 PM


Charlie & Max has developed a potent formula for a Premium Anti-Chew Spray.

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Charlie & Max's is committed to make
high quality product for pets.
While chewing is considered
normal behavior for dogs of all
ages and breeds it can be directed
toward inappropriate items such
as furniture, clothing, electrical
cords, carpet, etc.
This Anti-Chew spray is specially
formulated with a non-alcohol formula
that helps to deter pets from chewing
such items. Charlie and Max Anti-
Chew spray is one of the most potent
formulas available in the market.
Twice the industry-
standard concentration
The fast-acting solution
has a direct effect
No alcohol - unlike our
Safe for use on electric
cords, carpet, upholstery,
fabric and your favorite
Works Good ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Kept
my dogs from licking or
chewing on what ever you
use it on." Andrea W.
Works like a charm! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"So far so good! I sprayed it
on a rug and it is still in one
piece! " John
It works! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My busy 6
month old pup began chewing
the inside of her wooden crate. I
tried the ant- chew spray on the
areas that she had chewed and,
She’s reluctant to chew again. I
do have to reapply, but I expect
that’s normal and I believe she’ll
outgrow this behavior before I
need to purchase another bottle.
???? Sandra G.
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