Infant Frenectomy Preparation and Massage in Coral Springs, FL

Infant Frenectomy Preparation and Massage in Coral Springs, FL, updated 8/25/23, 5:10 PM

Coral Springs, FL - Baby Wellness Massage - Marie-Josee Berard - 954-609-0831 - Introducing frenectomy preparation through massage. Get your infant ready with pioneering bodywork techniques -

Baby Wellness Massage City: Coral Springs Address: 5571 N University Dr Website Phone +1 954 609 0831 Email

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Infant Frenectomy Preparation and
Massage in Coral Springs, FL
Addressing the concerns of countless parents unsure about their baby's feeding
challenges, Marie-Josee delves deep into a niche expertise-offering
comprehensive tongue-tie and lip-tie preparation and bodywork therapy.
She offers specialized massage to help with
tongue-tie release in infants.
This isn't just any massage; it's a precise frenectomy
prep that ensures a smoother, less traumatic experience
for the baby when undergoing a frenotomy.
This preparation extends to
including "Tummy time" - a crucial
step in readying infants for the
As part of her holistic approach,
Marie-Josee emphasizes the
importance of mobilizing jaw and
neck muscles for breastfeeding
Many parents, previously unaware of conditions like tongue and lip ties in their
newborns, find solace in Marie-Josee's relaxation and massage techniques, which aid in
achieving a proper latch-a critical aspect of successful breastfeeding.
"I've met countless mothers saying,
'I have a problem breastfeeding,
and I'm unsure why'," shares Marie-
Through her sessions, she not only identifies tongue and
lip tie conditions but also provides invaluable
consultation, advice, and referrals to ensure that
mothers and their babies experience the joys of
breastfeeding without any hindrances.
For those still on the fence, or merely curious about the complexities of
tongue-tie, lip-tie, and their correlation with breastfeeding challenges,
Marie-Josee offers virtual consultations.
Specializing in Newborn Infant Massage
and Prenatal/Postpartum Massage,
Marie-Josée's expertise extends to
reflexology, myofascial release, lymphatic
drainage, and Jin Shin Do.
Her passion lies in supporting
families through education in
prenatal and infant massage.
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