Get Reliable Solar Panels & Backup Battery Systems For Your Apple Valley Home

Get Reliable Solar Panels & Backup Battery Systems For Your Apple Valley Home, updated 7/23/21, 8:55 PM

OptionOneSolar (855-502-6363) of Apple Valley, CA, has expanded its services to include the installation of residential battery backup systems that can store solar energy in case of power outages. Go to for more details.

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Get Reliable Solar Panels & Backup Battery
Systems For Your Apple Valley Home
If you experience frequent power outages, a solar battery backup
system may be right for you. Why rely on a utility company when you
can store your own power?
OptionOneSolar, a solar panel provider based in Apple
Valley, California, has expanded its services to provide
clients with residential battery backup systems.
By expanding its battery installation services, OptionOneSolar can help
you store extra power from your solar panels. Rather than sending excess
solar energy to the utility grid, you can now store power for emergencies
and stop relying on your utility company.
Due to the high costs associated with
installing residential solar battery backup
systems, they may not be a good
investment if you are purely looking to
save money.
A battery typically saves clients an average of
$30 per month, but it can cost $7,000-$14,000
to install. Installation costs vary depending on
the brand of battery, its chemistry, the number
of batteries, electrical upgrades, and labor.
A battery backup system provides a reliable, environmentally friendly
source of power that can keep lights, appliances, and life-saving medical
devices on during an outage.
That being said, solar batteries may
be worth it, because they provide
you with added comfort and peace
of mind.
If you live in an area that experiences
widespread blackouts, or if you do not have
access to full retail net metering, a solar
battery can help.
A battery backup system provides a reliable, environmentally friendly
source of power that can keep lights, appliances, and life-saving medical
devices functioning during an outage.
OptionOneSolar provides residential
and commercial solar installation
services in High Desert and San
Bernardino counties.
Its solar experts will analyze your
energy usage and can design a solar
panel and battery backup system that
suits your lifestyle and financial
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