Why Visit a Dentist During Pregnancy?

Why Visit a Dentist During Pregnancy?, updated 11/2/21, 3:16 AM

Pregnancy is a very challenging period for many women and they usually have to be cautious with what they do. Stress might be the least of their problems. However, this should not be a reason to sacrifice dental health and miss going to the dentist during pregnancy.

This is because a dentist can help you not only with maintaining your oral health but also with prenatal dental symptoms.



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Why Visit a Dentist During
B L O G | S U N R I S E D E N T I S T R Y
Pregnancy is something that many will go
through. During this time, women are more
vulnerable and must take greater care of their
health. Maintaining one’s health during
pregnancy is ensures the health of a growing
baby because any health-related issues could
also have negative effects on them as well.
During pregnancy, women may become
more careful about what they eat and the
activities they take part in. This can include
hobbies. However, there are also those
essential activities when you are pregnant
like making their check-ups and eating
healthy foods. For others, women often ask
which ones are still safe, such as whether or
not going to the dentist during pregnancy is
Can pregnant women go to the dentist?
While you are probably excited and have lots
to do, from medical check-ups to buying
clothes for your baby, you should never
forget your dental visits during pregnancy. Be
sure to inform your dentist that you are
pregnant or even when you are just expecting
and might be.
Also, inform your dentist how far along you are
as well as what medications you are taking. This
way, they can recommend postponing some
treatments if needed.
It is perfectly safe for women to go to the
dentist during pregnancy.
important to maintain your dental health. In
fact, your dentist will not only help you with
your regular dental needs but also with any
pregnancy-related dental symptoms. While it
does not happen to every pregnant woman,
pregnancy can lead to some conditions or
make existing ones worse. Below are some of
the most common dental problems when
Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy comes with hormonal changes.
This can increase the risk of contracting
gingivitis, which is the inflammation of the
gums. This could lead to your gums bleeding
when brushing your teeth or flossing. If you
appointment with your dentist because if left
untreated, this could lead to more serious
gum diseases later.
Increased Risk of Tooth Decay
Pregnant women crave different foods. They
might eat more carbohydrates than usual or
consume more sweets than before, thus
increasing sugar intake and leading to tooth
decay. Aside from this, vomiting associated
with morning sickness increases the amount of
acid in your mouth, which damages your
teeth’s enamel.
Your condition could also lead to skipping
brushing and flossing twice a day. This can
seriously affect your dental health, and falling
out of these regular activities makes it hard to
build the habits back up later. As such, it is
important to visit your dentist during pregnancy
to ensure that proactive steps can be taken to
prevent this.
Gum Tumors
While these are rare, tumors may appear on
your gums during pregnancy, especially
during the second trimester. This may be
caused by excess plaque. While it is definitely
not cancerous, the swelling could easily bleed.
If you are concerned about this, the best thing
to do is to visit your dentist who can help you
with removal.
Even though you are pregnant, you should
never sacrifice your oral health, as this could
have long-term consequences even after you
give birth. Do not be afraid to visit your
dentist during pregnancy, as they will know
what is safe for you and what is not. They will
always put your welfare and the welfare of
your baby above all else.
Look for a holistic dentist in Durango, CO who
is ready to help you with your dental needs
during pregnancy. At Sunrise Dentistry, we
make it our priority to keep you and your baby
safe while at the same time providing the best
dental services to maintain your good oral
health. Visit us today for a more intimate
(970) 247-3303