Mental Health Poetry Books On Amazon That Inspire Hope & Show Life Is Beautiful

Mental Health Poetry Books On Amazon That Inspire Hope & Show Life Is Beautiful, updated 4/14/22, 10:18 AM

For books full of feeling that will really move and impact you, Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq has now released her collected poetry, including both books in her acclaimed ‘Imago Series’. Go to to find out more.

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Mental Health Poetry
Books On Amazon That
Inspire Hope & Show Life
Is Beautiful
If you're looking for raw, emotive poetry that sheds a powerful light on
mental illness, you can't go past the heartfelt work of up-and-coming
young American poet and author Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq.
Aisha Tariqa's moving and quasi-
autobiographical poetry channels both the
depths of sadness, loneliness and despair
endured by those suffering from a mental
illness like anxiety or depression, as well as
the concomitant desire for life and happiness.
Aisha Tariqa has translated her raw and often painful emotional experiences into the
written word in order to extend a hand of consolation to those facing similar anguishes and
mental health struggles, like yourself, and ultimately to offer a note of hope.
Her new collected works comprise two key
titles. The first book of poetry that you can
purchase is her debut, 'Four Years in
Chrysalis', which uses a coming-of-age
framework to convey to you the turmoils of late
adolescence and early adulthood. 
The second, 'Acres of Shadow', plunges deeper into the
heart of depression to discuss suicide and suicide
For Aisha Tariqa, the key to her work is
empathy and shared experience. Her work
gives both compassion and credence to the
experiences of people with mental illness
who may otherwise be isolated due to
socio-cultural shame or stigma. 
It also provides you with a roadmap to recovery, underscoring
that amongst the bad there is always good. 
Her collected works are available to
you both together and individually on
Amazon. You can purchase them as a
hardcover or paperback, or as an e-
book for Kindle.
Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq is a passionate advocate for mental health
awareness and care. Through her ethos of translating real life into real
poetry, she hopes to craft works of enduring emotional affect and
transformative power.
A spokesperson for the author said, “In these
books of poetry by Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq,
you'll find a voice and a community that
understands what it's like to live with mental
illness—the good, the bad, the ugly, and
everything in between."
"You'll learn how to cope with the highs and lows of life on the roller coaster that is depression,
how to identify and treat your symptoms, how to take care of yourself when things get tough,
and finally, how to reclaim your life as something beautiful and hopeful.”
This April, which is National Poetry
Month, show your support for the
candor and beauty of a new name
in American poetry.
Go to to find out more.