Fix Your Child’s Overbite With an Early Orthodontic Evaluation in Lakewood

Fix Your Child’s Overbite With an Early Orthodontic Evaluation in Lakewood, updated 10/26/22, 4:46 AM

Ensure your child's teeth are healthy and free of problems as they grow older. While they’re still young, take care of braces and other pediatric orthodontic treatments now at Duryea Orthodontics in Lakewood. Call +1-303-987-0500 or click today!

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Fix Your Child’s Overbite With an Early
Orthodontic Evaluation in Lakewood
If your child is under 7,
it’s the perfect time to
arrange early
orthodontic treatment
for them.
It’s easier to carry out much-
needed dental work to correct
issues now than it will be
when they’re older - and that’s
where Duryea Orthodontics
comes in.
Headed by Dr. Michael
Duryea, the Lakewood
practice offers a range of
braces for your kids among
other pediatric orthodontic
Duryea Orthodontics
aims to help your family
by assessing your
child’s teeth and
recommending suitable
treatment options when
The practice also
publishes a guide via its
official website pointing to
the potential advantages
that early orthodontic
treatments can offer your
The team states that preemptive examinations can provide vital
information as to your child’s teeth and jaw as they continue to
Removable appliances used to manipulate the
movement or position of your child’s teeth, teeth
extraction options, and braces are some outcomes
that Dr. Duryea might recommend.
treatment-benefits-of-starting-early now!