Kensington, PA Bike Accident Lawyer Offers No-Win, No-Fee Representation

Kensington, PA Bike Accident Lawyer Offers No-Win, No-Fee Representation, updated 3/25/23, 12:21 AM

Hit by a car while riding a bike? Call Justice Guardians (866 918-5292) - the best Kensington, PA accident attorneys, and your own personal Justice League. Check them out at

Justice Guardians Kensington 3400 Aramingo Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134, United States Website Phone +1-267-277-2890 Email

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Kensington, PA Bike Accident Lawyer Offers No-
Win, No-Fee Representation
A bike is the best way to get around, hands down
(but not while you're on the bike!) - but you've
probably had a few close calls, scrapes, if not full-
blown crashes. I know I have.
When that happens, it's important to
remember that while it may look to us
as "just an accident", we could be
entitled to compensation. But we
need to claim it, of course.
Now, while watching
Suits has taught me a
thing or two about law, I
don't have any
delusions about being
able to represent myself
in a court of law.
And if you've been in
an accident recently -
regardless of how
many legal dramas
you've watched - I
recommend you
lawyer up!
Justice Guardians are at your
service on a no-win, no-fee
basis. Plus, you can literally
call them 24/7 for legal advice.
So if you're reading this at 1
am, pick up the phone!
With years of experience
handling accident claims,
they can advise you on the
legal options available to you
and the best course of action
to recover compensation.
Justice Guardians offer
free case reviews - all you
have to do is answer a few
easy questions about your
Check them out at