Part of your bathroom and kitchen renovation involves plumbing vent systems. Learn about this part of your plumbing system and how it works to maintain your drainage system.
Discover the different types of vents and learn the importance of calling professionals for help.
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Systems: What You Need To
B L O G | A B E T T E R P L U M B E R
Learn how a professionally cared-for
plumbing vent system can ensure that
your home is free from toxic sewage
gases that are harmful to your health.
Part of your bathroom and kitchen
renovation involves plumbing vent
systems. Learn about this part of your
plumbing system and how it works to
maintain your drainage system.
Discover the different types of vents,
and learn the importance of calling
the professionals for help.
If you’re planning to remodel your kitchen
or your bathroom, you will surely have to
deal with the plumbing tasks that come
with it. Among these involve plumbing
vent systems, which are usually more
difficult to handle.
The purpose of vents in plumbing is to
allow waste water to be smoothly flushed
down the sewer system or the septic tank
and prevent harmful gases from entering
the home. If vents are not installed
properly, your home will stink of sewage
So, if you’re planning to renovate your
home, ensure that your pipes are
properly ventilated, especially if you are
going to get a new set of fixtures like
sinks, tubs, or toilets.
Types of Vents
How many vents do you need for your
plumbing system? Each fixture will have a
vent that will be connected to the main vent
or the vent stack. Depending on where your
fixtures are located and how close they are
to the main stack, the vent attached to them
will have a different name.
1. True Vent
If your sink, tub, or toilet is close to the vent
stack, the ventilation for it will be coming
from the true vent. The true vent is a vertical
pipe attached to the drain line and the main
vent. Air pushes down from the main vent
and directly through the true vent. If your
fixture is located far from the vent stack, it
will be connected through a different vent.
Air pushes down from the main vent and
directly through the true vent. If your fixture
is located far from the vent stack, it will be
connected through a different vent.
2. Revent Pipe
A revent pipe is a horizontal pipe that is
attached directly behind the fixture to
the drain line and the main vent. Also
called "auxiliary pipes," revent pipes are
what connect fixtures that are a little far
from the main vent.
3. Common Vent
When you have fixtures on opposite
sides of your wall, your fixtures will
have a common vent. The common
vent ties the two drain lines together
in what is called a "sanitary cross."
4. Wet Vent
If your sink, tub, or toilet is close
enough to the stack, the code might
allow for them to be connected to the
main vent through a wet vent. A wet
vent is a drain pipe that also functions
as a vent. Water passes through it,
hence its name.
5. Loop Vent
If your fixture is not up against a wall like a
kitchen island, it will be attached to a loop
vent. It's called a loop vent because it loops
around other pipes or fixtures to connect
to the main pipe.
Introducing the Air Admittance Valve
A great new device, and, in some localities,
a great new alternative to the plumbing
vent system involves a one-way valve that
is in line with air venting for plumbing –
the air admittance valves.
AAVs allow air to enter as waste drains,
and it seals back up through the force of
gravity before any sewage gases enter
back into the building. AAVs work
without a vent. They are also used to
prevent slow draining and gurgling.
Because the AAV is relatively new,
make sure to know about your area’s
code before purchasing any.
Identifying the Critical Distance
The amount of space between the fixture
and the vent pipe is known as the critical
distance, and it usually involves
complicated calculations with formulas
that vary for each locale.
The critical distance is identified using
three factors: what the size of the pipe used
for the plumbing vent (as required by codes)
is, the kind of fixture to be installed, and
how many fixtures are wet vented on
similar lines. The calculations require
careful measurement of the pipe length.
After which, it is highly recommended that
you consult with a plumbing inspector for
the possibility of wet venting, some tips on
proper ventilation, and identification of
which plumbing vent systems works best
with the local code.
Some Points on the Main Drain
Planning out your drain lines helps to
minimize the risk of clogging when you
install your vents. Although kitchen sink
drainpipes (1-1/2 inches) and bathroom sink
drainpipes (1-1/4 inches) appear smaller
compared to the rest of your drain system,
they lead to larger branch drains pipes,
which continues into a 4-inch stack.
Since the main stack is positioned vertically,
it rarely clogs. The pipes connecting the
stack need to be positioned horizontally to
allow water to flow through them freely.
Since the main drain line is found
underground, it’s best to call for plumbing
experts to check your plumbing system’s
main drain line for any clogging.
That said, to ensure safety when
implementing processes involving
plumbing vent system, make sure to always
check with plumbing experts for guaranteed
professional care.
At A Better Plumber (ABP), we have the
best plumbers in Arvada, CO, who can
help you implement proper venting for
your plumbing systems. For inquiries
and more information, call us now!
(720) 579-8133