When it comes to weight loss or fat loss, the most simple and effective way to ensure success is to moderate your caloric spread and maintain a consistent deficit. With that said - we want to know if consuming more fat will make you fat.
89% of Women Don’t Know This
“After-Dinner” Routine
There is an age-old saying
that the fat you eat is the
fat you wear.
With the rise of new ketogenic
diets where fat is the main
nutrient, many people are
starting to question if fat really
is the answer.
Fat Has More Calories Than Any
Other Nutrient Discover How This
"After Dinner Ritual" Could
Change Your Life This is one of
the main concerns that may keep
you away from eating fat.
When we look at the actual
caloric energy received from
carbs and protein we see that
fat has more than double the
calories per serving.
Just because fat has more
calories does not mean that
by eating it you will put on
Fat Is Very Nutritious Fat is
also very healthy for you -
when you consume the right
Polyunsaturated fats,
monounsaturated fats, omega fatty
acids, unsaturated fats - these are
all really good sources of fat that
you can find in many fat-rich foods
like nuts, fish, seeds and beans.
Where's The Downside?
Yes, a diet that is high in fat
can work, but it is really
dependent on the actual
In most cases, the most
effective macronutrient split
is 50% carbs, 30% protein,
and 20% fat.
You'll be able to tell if eating
a higher percentage of fat
works for you or if it makes
you gain unwanted pounds.
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“After-Dinner” Routine
There is an age-old saying
that the fat you eat is the
fat you wear.
With the rise of new ketogenic
diets where fat is the main
nutrient, many people are
starting to question if fat really
is the answer.
Fat Has More Calories Than Any
Other Nutrient Discover How This
"After Dinner Ritual" Could
Change Your Life This is one of
the main concerns that may keep
you away from eating fat.
When we look at the actual
caloric energy received from
carbs and protein we see that
fat has more than double the
calories per serving.
Just because fat has more
calories does not mean that
by eating it you will put on
Fat Is Very Nutritious Fat is
also very healthy for you -
when you consume the right
Polyunsaturated fats,
monounsaturated fats, omega fatty
acids, unsaturated fats - these are
all really good sources of fat that
you can find in many fat-rich foods
like nuts, fish, seeds and beans.
Where's The Downside?
Yes, a diet that is high in fat
can work, but it is really
dependent on the actual
In most cases, the most
effective macronutrient split
is 50% carbs, 30% protein,
and 20% fat.
You'll be able to tell if eating
a higher percentage of fat
works for you or if it makes
you gain unwanted pounds.
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