Business Values Defined by Charleston, WV Auto Shop, Link Automotive

Business Values Defined by Charleston, WV Auto Shop, Link Automotive, updated 12/15/20, 3:52 PM


Charleston, WV auto shop, Link Automotive, defines their values as a business. Some of the words used when describing the values they go by are “creative”, “friendly”, and “trustworthy”. These words are portrayed throughout their business.

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Business Values Defined by Charleston,
WV Auto Shop, Link Automotive
Today's slide show will be
focused on how Link
Automotive defines their
values and execute them as a
The values of a business are
sometimes hard to pinpoint,
which means they are hard to
follow with business actions.
This is why they defined theirs
word by word! Link
Automotive has a set of
feelings and attributes that
they run their business by.
This set list defines everything
they do in our business so that
they stay in line with their
company values and are able to
evoke the right connotation with
the brand.
The values chosen were
picked through visualizing an
experience where our
customers have the best
outcome possible.
What do we want our customers
to feel when they hear about our
business? How do we want to
portray ourselves through the
process of interacting with a
Some of the words used
when describing the values
their business goes by are
"Creative", "Friendly", and
These words are portrayed
throughout their business
and consumer experience.
Some places you can see these values
are through unique digital technology
that stands out in the industry, cheerful
lobby displays to make you feel at ease,
and an online transparency system that
shows you exactly what is happening to
your vehicle.
They are always working to
portray their values in
everyday situations and
provide the best experience
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