Use This FDA-Approved Antibacterial Chlorine Dioxide Solution For Water Purification

Use This FDA-Approved Antibacterial Chlorine Dioxide Solution For Water Purification, updated 5/26/23, 1:58 PM


Are you in need of a convenient way to purify water on demand? Check out 1ness Products’ antimicrobial, water-purifying chlorine dioxide drops! Visit to get started!

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Use This FDA-Approved Antibacterial Chlorine Dioxide
Solution For Water Purification
The US Environmental Protection Agency
recognizes chlorine dioxide as a standard
disinfectant, and the World Health Organization
includes it in its guidelines for water quality.
1ness Products' chlorine dioxide
drops are compliant with FDA
regulations, and they are also
recommended by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
Suitable for activities such
as camping and hiking, the
drops can also be used to
create safe drinking water in
emergency situations where
a clean water source isn’t
As the products come in
a kit with two separate
chemical compounds,
1ness recommends
mixing two drops of
each in a shot glass to
create chlorine dioxide.
Three to five drops of this solution are
potent enough to disinfect up to one US
gallon of water. Chlorine dioxide will neither
discolor the water it's used on nor alter the
1ness Products remains passionate
about humanitarian efforts, and part
of their proceeds continue to go
toward non-profit projects in the
Their water purification
products have been widely
used in the Amazon,
supplying over 5,000 people
with clean drinking water to
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