Barristers Opinion Yazidi Succession Prince Naif

Barristers Opinion Yazidi Succession Prince Naif, updated 2/14/19, 5:11 AM


Inter-governmental (IGO) Barristers Opinion on Yazidi Royal Succession of Crown Prince Naif bin Dawoud as Chief Prince of the Yazidi people and King of Ezidkhan

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Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights.  It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) - among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) - an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) - operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

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Barristers Certified Opinion of International Law

Yazidi Royal Succession for Legitimacy of Statehood

28 January 2019

Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) is an inter-governmentally licensed international law firm and legal services center
of Ignita Veritas University (IVU). It holds authorities under UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers including
protected client confidentiality (Preamble: 9, 11, Articles 16, 21, 22), immunities (Articles 16-17, 20) and investigative
powers (Article 21), free from government influence under UN Declaration of Human Rights (Article 20.2), thus
representing the independent Legal Profession. Services are regulated by the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers
(2006) of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (Brussels, Belgium).

Certified as Verified Statements of Legal Facts & Law:

The Yazidi people are officially recognized by the United Kingdom Parliament (2015),
United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (2016), European Parliament (2016), and
United States Congress and Senate (2016), as striving to survive their 74th Genocide,
recognized by universities as "One of the world's most endangered religious
minorities" (Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion, 2018, The Yazidis: Summary).

The Yazidis are the original indigenous people of ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia) from ca.
10,600 BC (evidenced by archaeology of Shanidar Cave and inscriptions in Lalish
Sanctuary). Thus, far beyond basic human rights common to religious minorities, the
Yazidi people have a unique legal position to assert and enforce stronger protections
under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), as an ethnic
indigenous nation.

Heritage of the Yazidi people also includes their historical Kingdom of Ezidkhan, an
active ruling power in northern Mesopotamia for almost 4,000 years from ca. 2,450 BC
until ca. 1534 AD. Customary international law enables legal restoration of a historical
Kingdom to full legitimacy in diplomatic relations, independent from a modern country
on its former territory. Thus, the Yazidi nation further has the unique legal position to
exercise even greater protections under the UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations
(1961) and UN Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), as a sovereign nation-state.


By the rare combination of legally asserting (1) human rights, (2) indigenous rights,
and (3) sovereign state rights with full diplomatic status, the Yazidi nation is uniquely
in a strategic position to effectively invoke the most powerful protections of the full
UN framework of international law. Yazidis, with a proven historical track-record of
consistently defending Christians and other minorities against Genocide, are the most
strategically important group to enforce human rights in international law.

This mission, of dire necessity as a model for restoring human rights worldwide,
entirely depends upon restoring the Kingdom of Ezidkhan to full legal legitimacy in
international law. This, in turn, requires legalized Royal Succession by strictly following
the proven rules of ancient Yazidi law.

Therefore, this official Certified Barristers Opinion is provided to help ensure a smooth
transition of Royal Succession of undisputable legal legitimacy, as necessary for the
survival and prosperity of the Yazidi people as an indigenous sovereign nation state.

Yazidi Law of Succession Royal Succession for leadership of the Yazidi nation is
determined by ancient Yazidi laws, known as the Rule of Succession (Qanuna Sarortie)
and Rule of Coronation (Qanuna Khalatkrin) from Sheikh Adi ca. 1120 AD, as
confirmed by the Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din (Qesida Serfedin) of 1246 AD.

The modern United Nations framework of conventional international law gives full
legal force and effect to "recognized privileges and immunities" of historical Kingdoms
"since ancient times", declaring that historical "rules of customary international law
continue to govern" (UN Diplomatic Relations, Preamble, Article 47.1; UN Consular
Relations, Preamble; UN Immunities of States, Preamble: 5; UN Economic Rights of
States, Preamble: 3,7, Article 4).

The ancient Yazidi laws of Royal Succession are thus legally valid for restoration of the
Ezidkhan Kingdom to full legitimacy of statehood in diplomatic relations, and the
results are binding upon all States (UN Law of Treaties, Articles 3, 38).

Disqualified Candidates The rules of Succession and Coronation require that a
candidate "must have both parents from one of the six Yazidi Royal Houses", and
"must not be associated with political parties". Specifically one must be "associated
with non-Kurdish companions" and thus must not be associated with Kurdish political
leaders (Encyclopaedia Iranica, 2004: Yazidis: Social and Religious Groups).


The son of the recently deceased Chief Prince of the Yazidi people (who held that title
from 1944-2019) inherited from his father an inseparable dependence upon Kurdish
political leadership, and is being promoted by those Kurdish political leaders to claim
succession. He is thus disqualified by Yazidi law. Additionally, his mother is not from
one of the Royal Houses, making him doubly disqualified by Yazidi law. The family of
the previous Chief Prince has no other heirs qualified as potential candidates.

Unqualified Candidates The Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din requires that the ruling
Crown Prince of the Yazidi nation must be a "Prince of Justice" defending Yazidi rights
(3.3), who must actively "Refresh the Crown by right and merit" meaning
accomplishments restoring the historical Kingdom of Ezidkhan (6.2, 7.2) (Ezipedia:
Die Yezidis Enzyklopadie, 2012, Qesida Serfedin).

Most other Princes, who are independent and not disqualified, who admirably have
done much to protect the Yazidi people, still do not fulfill all the requirements of Yazidi
law, as they have not directly engaged with the Judiciary to enforce Yazidi rights, and
have not conducted any legal restoration of the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Ezidkhan
as a sovereign state in diplomatic relations.

Succession by Restoration The historical Kingdom of Ezidkhan has been in abeyance
(abandoned) throughout almost 500 years since ca. 1534 AD. Accordingly, unless and
until the Yazidi Kingdom is restored to full legal legitimacy of statehood in
international law, any claimed successor cannot receive Royal "Coronation", and
cannot become "King" of Ezidkhan. Any successor who has not legally restored the
Kingdom to diplomatic status, at most, can only become temporary Crown Regent, as
acting Chief Prince of the Yazidi people, but not of the Yazidi nation state.

In such case, whenever a later Prince would restore the Kingdom and thereby qualify
as King, the interim Chief Prince would be absorbed into the higher level Kingdom, as a
regional leader of the Yazidi community, as Ambassador to the Iraqi government,
representing the King of Ezidkhan.

Only Qualified Crown Prince Prince Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman is the only
candidate officially recognized in inter-governmental diplomatic relations as the
Crown Prince (Royal Successor) of the Yazidi people, and also as Crown Regent and
thus Acting Head of State of Ezidkhan as the Yazidi nation-state, uniquely qualified
under Yazidi law to become its King.

Fulfilling the Rule of Succession (Qanuna Sarortie), and Rule of Coronation (Qanuna
Khalatkrin) ca. 1120 AD:


Prince Naif is from the primary ruling Royal House of Dawud Bak of Ezidkhan, from the
Qatani Sheiks descendant from Sheikh Adi, in the Royal Line from ca. 600 AD through
Prince Abrahim Adam ca. 1120 AD, son of Prince Darwish Al Qatani; He relocated most
operations of his Royal House to Germany in 2009, to maintain independence free
from undue influence of Kurdish or other political parties.

Further fulfilling the Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din (Qesida Serfedin) of 1246 AD:

Prince Naif is the only qualified candidate who has effectively "Refreshed the Crown",
leading the modern Restoration of the Kingdom of Ezidkhan (6.2, 7.2), as President
of the Yazidi Independent Supreme Council since 2012, and obtained full support of
United Nations level inter-governmental organizations (IGO's), including a university
and law center, actively restoring the Kingdom since 2016;

He is a "Prince of Justice" defending Yazidi rights (3.3), as he represented the Yazidis
in the United Nations "Summit on Refugees" in September 2016, obtained full and
official diplomatic status for the Yazidi nation as a Member State of the primary IGO
Ignita Veritas United (IVU) in 2017, established the National Coalition for Al Rafidein
Region in alliance with Christians and other minorities in 2017, and directly engaged
with the international Judiciary, working to obtain an International Court Judgment
declaring Yazidi rights under international law, since 2018.

Therefore, as a matter of legal fact under international law, Prince Naif bin Dawud
bin Sulaiman is the exclusive rightful and lawful Crown Prince, fully qualified by
Yazidi law for Royal Succession as King of the restored Kingdom of Ezidkhan.

Only Crown Prince Naif brings the full support of a network of United Nations level
inter-governmental organizations (IGO's), backed by a Court of international Justice,
with the legal authorities and institutional capabilities for full legalization of the
restored Ezidkhan Kingdom, to give the sovereign Yazidi nation the fullest and
strongest possible protections of international law.

Accordingly, our Bar Chambers strongly advise all other Yazidi Princes and community
leaders to cooperate with the Royal House of Prince Naif. Our law center pledges our
continued support, to help establish many official diplomatic roles for them to share in
the powers and authorities of the Yazidi Kingdom.

Officially Issued with Law Firm Authority under International Law:

Endorsed and Certified by Official Seal

Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC)