African-American Entrepreneur Launches CBD Business Start-Up Academy.

African-American Entrepreneur Launches CBD Business Start-Up Academy., updated 12/12/20, 7:35 PM

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African-American Entrepreneur Launches
CBD Business Start-Up Academy.
CBD isn’t intoxicating and is
known to help patients treat
a variety of symptoms
Their product offerings are not
only effective but also unique.
Holmes Organics produces CBD
Oil, CBD Softgels, CBD Salves,
CBD Bath Bombs and CBD Dog
Holmes Organics makes their products
from organic hemp grown in Colorado.
They also make CBD dog treats, along
with salve, softgels and even CBD bath
bombs. They also plan on releasing
skincare and hair care products infused
with their CBD oil soon.
Holmes Organics also offers an unlimited
15 percent discount on all products for
veterans. Holmes Organics CBD Oil is an
organic, broad-spectrum oil with all
natural beneficial phytocannabinoids,
terpenes, terpenoids and flavonoids
contained in hemp preserved.
CBD is a powerful plant extract that has been
used for medicinal purposes for thousands of
years, not to be confused with the plant used
to produce marijuana. It’s a product with all the
medicinal benefits of marijuana, and zero risk
of getting high—making CBD legal in all 50
More and more, we’re seeing CBD gummies,
oils, and other products not only in
dispensaries, but in drug stores, gas stations,
cafes, and boutiques. US sales of cannabis
are projected to reach $80 billion by 2030,
and lots of entrepreneurs are looking to get
into the CBD business.
Despite consistently similar
consumption habits across all
races, data shows Black and
Brown men are far more likely to
have prior arrests and convictions
for cannabis possession than white
In fact, for many early legalization
laws passed, people with prior
“criminal” history involving
cannabis were automatically
disqualified or prohibited from
participation in the legal market.
It’s not often that an emerging
industry arises which is why Holmes
Organics Founder and CEO Cory
Holmes decided to launch his
cannabis business. The Farm Bill of
2018 brought with it the legalization
of hemp-derived CBD.
In addition to his organic CBD,
Holmes is excited to announce the
launch of his CBD Startup
Academy. His goal is to teach
aspiring cannabis entrepreneurs
how to get their business off the
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