Private Car Sale Receipt PDF Download

Private Car Sale Receipt PDF Download, updated 10/14/19, 8:12 PM

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The Car Details
Make _______________________________________ SOLD FOR: $ _____________________________
Model Registration Number
Registration Document completed by buyer/seller .....................
☐Yes ☐No
Mileage ________________________________
Registration Document (V5) exchanged .....................................
☐Yes ☐No
Additional notes and comments agreed on this sale

Name: ______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
CERTIFICATE of PURCHASE: I am the undersigned buyer of the above car. I have purchased it from the seller
named above for the amount of cash also mentioned above (SOLD FOR). This is the final price agreed. I have paid for this
car in full and I am in receipt of this car and all the relevant documents to it. The Seller above also acknowledges being in
full receipt of all monies but I do accept that full title to the car does not fully pass from the seller to the purchaser until all
monies are paid with cleared funds. Any cheques will need to be cleared before full title passes to myself. It is fully
understood that this vehicle is sold as seen. I the buyer agree that I have tried, tested and approved this car as suitable for
my personal needs without any representations, warranties or conditions expressed or implied whatsoever.
Buyer's Name: ______________________________________
Buyer's Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Buyer's Signature in agreement: __________________________________________________
Seller's Signature in agreement: __________________________________________________
Date: ____________________