We all consume a fair amount of sugar every day. However, experts recommend that we should limit added sugars to just 10% of our daily calories. Why?
Excessive sugar consumption will affect your dental and overall health. When you consume sugary foods and drinks, the bacteria in your mouth will start producing acids, damaging your tooth enamel and forming cavities.
The good news is, there are several ways you can do daily to reduce your sugar intake. Start with your coffee!
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B L O G | S U N R I S E D E N T I S T R Y
It’s no secret that our society suffers
from sugar addiction. Sugar is
abundant in many of the sweet and
even savory foods we enjoy.
This ingredient is also hidden in
many foods, beverages and
seasonings, so it can be difficult to
eliminate sugar from our diets
However, there are a few things you
can do daily to reduce sugar
consumption. Drinking coffee
without sugar is one of the most
practical ways to reduce your
dependence on this sweet
ingredient. Sugar can damage our
health, especially when consumed
in high amounts, so it’s important to
know which coffee without sugar
benefits you can experience when
you start your day with black coffee.
Coffee and Memory
Coffee has the ability to boost your
memory, especially if you drink
coffee without sugar. As we age, we
have a higher risk of developing
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
disease. When you have black coffee
in the mornings, you’ll boost your
brain’s ability to retain and recall
Coffee can also keep your nerves
active and lowers your chances of
developing dementia as you enter
your senior years. According to
research, consuming coffee regularly
can reduce your risk of Parkinson’s
by 60% and Alzheimer’s by 65%.
Coffee and Workout Performance
If you work out often or want to start
exercising, you may want to drink a
cup of coffee without sugar before
hitting the gym. Coffee improves
your physical performance so you
can give each exercise session your
Coffee raises adrenaline levels in
your blood, which preps your body
for a workout. Adrenaline releases
fat cells into your bloodstream and
converts them into fatty acids you
can use for energy while working
Since adrenaline also helps the body
deplete excess fat cells, drinking
coffee without sugar is ideal for
workouts that are designed to help
you lose weight.
Coffee Boosts Your Intelligence
One of the reasons people drink
coffee first thing in the morning is to
make their brains especially alert.
Coffee contains a psychoactive
stimulant that improves brain
function and improves your mood
and energy levels.
While you may still experience some
of these benefits if you drink coffee
with cream and sugar, the actual
benefits of coffee are more intense
when you don’t add ingredients that
add empty calories to your morning
Coffee Is Good for Your Liver
Your liver is one of the body’s most
vital organs, and consuming too
much sugar can make the liver work
overtime. When you drink coffee
with no sugar, you’ll be doing your
liver a favor.
Black coffee can reduce the likelihood
of cancer, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis
and hepatitis.
Studies show that drinking four or
more cups of coffee a day makes you
80% less likely to develop liver
Coffee Cleanses the Body
Coffee is a diuretic, which means it
draws water from your body and
makes you want to urinate often.
When you consume coffee without
sugar, your body gets rid of bacteria
and toxins at a faster rate. This cleans
your stomach and helps to improve
Coffee Can Aid in Digestion
Coffee can help you lose weight. If
you have a cup of coffee with no
sugar about 30 minutes before you go
the gym, your metabolism will be
increased by about 50%.
Since coffee makes it easier for you to
burn fat, it can also help to burn belly
fat, which can be difficult to get rid of.
Coffee also stimulates your nervous
system and sends a message to your
body to break down fat cells and use
them for energy instead of glycogen to
help you maintain a healthy weight.
Coffee Is Good For Your Heart
When you drink 2-3 cups of coffee a
day, you’ll reduce your risk of stroke
and other types of heart disease.
Coffee will also reduce inflammation,
which is a factor that can lead to
cardiovascular disease and other
harmful conditions.
Learning to consume sugar sparingly
is a habit that should start in
childhood. Our Durango kids dentist
team is here to give you tips and
suggestions for ensuring your child’s
smile is healthy and beautiful. Our
friendly staff is trained to offer
professional service to make your
child feel at ease while caring for
his/her teeth and gums. Contact us
today for more information.
(970) 247-3303