Get the BitBox02 from The Crypto Merchant to keep your private data from being recorded publicly on the blockchain. It's one of the only cold wallets to include Anti-Klepto, the open-source security protocol that adds extra randomization to your wallet's signature. Visit
The Crypto Merchant 609 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, United States Website Phone +1-386-222-2954 Email support@thecryptomerchant.comTag Cloud
Most Secure Bitcoin Wallet 2023
Prevents Data Loss & Improves Nonce
Did you know that every time you complete a crypto transaction,
there's a small chance that the software you're using could be writing
bits of your password to the blockchain?
There's no need to panic,
because it is highly unlikely
this is actually happening -
but it is a possibility, and it
should be guarded against.
New crypto wallets from The
Crypto Merchant, such as
BitBox02, have a built-in
security solution that prevents
this type of attack, without any
extra input.
The BitBox02 uses Anti-
Klepto, an open source
protocol that adds extra
layers of randomness and
verification to every
This ensures that any private
information in your wallet's
signature is overwritten, and
then verifies that the
signature is truly random.
While Anti-Klepto is open source, it is also very new,
and only available on a few next-generation devices
such as BitBox02.
Using an advanced hardware wallet with extra security
features is easy, so why take a chance with anything else?
Just visit The Crypto Merchant.
Prevents Data Loss & Improves Nonce
Did you know that every time you complete a crypto transaction,
there's a small chance that the software you're using could be writing
bits of your password to the blockchain?
There's no need to panic,
because it is highly unlikely
this is actually happening -
but it is a possibility, and it
should be guarded against.
New crypto wallets from The
Crypto Merchant, such as
BitBox02, have a built-in
security solution that prevents
this type of attack, without any
extra input.
The BitBox02 uses Anti-
Klepto, an open source
protocol that adds extra
layers of randomness and
verification to every
This ensures that any private
information in your wallet's
signature is overwritten, and
then verifies that the
signature is truly random.
While Anti-Klepto is open source, it is also very new,
and only available on a few next-generation devices
such as BitBox02.
Using an advanced hardware wallet with extra security
features is easy, so why take a chance with anything else?
Just visit The Crypto Merchant.