Wacker Genioplast Pellets

Wacker Genioplast Pellets, updated 5/5/16, 7:59 PM


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Brenntag Canada Inc. WHMIS Number: 00066377
43 Jutland Road. Index: HCI5517/08B
Toronto, Ontario Effective Date: 2008 April 16
M8Z 2G6 Date of Revision: 2008 April 16
(416) 259-8231 Website: http://www.brenntag.ca


Toronto, ON (416) 226-6117 Montréal, QC (514) 861-1211 Winnipeg, MB (204) 943-8827
Edmonton, AB (780) 424-1754 Calgary, AB (403) 263-8660 Vancouver, BC (604) 685-5036

This document consists of an English and French MSDS.

Le présent document comprend une fiche signalétique en anglais et en français.



Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 1/8

1 Product and company identification

1.1 Identification of the substance or preparation:

Commercial product name:

Use of substance / preparation:
Raw material for: elastomer products .

1.2 Company/undertaking identification:

Wacker Chemie AG

Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4

81737 München

Customer information:
Wacker Chemical Corporation
3301 Sutton Roauc1d
Adrian, Michigan 49221-9397
Tel (517) 264uc1-8240, Fax (517) 264-8740
Hours of uc1operation:
Monday - Friday, 8 am tuc1o 5 pm (eastern standard
Corporate websuc1ite: www.wackersilicones.com

Emergency telephone no. (24h):
(517) 264-8500

Transportation emergency:
(800) 424-9300 (CHEMTREC, USA)
(703) 527-3887 (CHEMTREC, international)

This MSDS was prepared by the Regulatory Affairs and Product Safety Department (RAPS) of Wacker
Chemical Corporation.

2 Composition/information on ingredients

2.1 Chemical characterization (preparation):

Chemical characteristics

Polydimethylsiloxane with vinyl groups + filler + auxiliaries

2.2 Information on ingredients:

Type CAS No.
Content [wt. %]


INHA 556-67-2
Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane

Type: HYD - by-product upon hydrolysis, INHA - ingredient, NEBE - by-product, MONO - residual
monomer, VERU - impurity, VUL - by-product upon vulcanization. *** Note: C1 - IARC carcinogen,
C2 - NTP carcinogen, C3 - OSHA carcinogen, NH - non-hazardous, R - reproductive toxin.

This material does not contain any OSHA reportable hazardous ingredients.

Substances listed in the Subsections "HAPS" and "California Proposition 65 Carcinogens /
Reproductive Toxins" that are not listed in Section 2 are only present at quantities below 0.1%
for California Proposition 65 listed toxins or below 1% for non-carcinogenic HAPS or they are
inextricably bound in the product.

3 Hazards identification

3.1 Hazards classifications
HMIS® rating (product as packaged):
Health: 1*
Fire: 1
Reactivity: 0

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 2/8
(HMIS codes are based on contact with the product as packaged and any hydrolysis by-products,
if present.) Hazardous Materials Identification System and HMIS are registered trademarks of
the National Paint and Coatings Association.

Canadian WHMIS Classification: D2A

3.2 Emergency overview and potential hazards

This material is not hazardous under OSHA criteria.

Physical Hazards:

No known physical hazards.

Acute health effects

Route of entry or possible contact:

eyes , skin .

Eye contact:

May cause slight eye irritation.

Skin contact:

No known skin hazards.


See Sect. 3.3 "Chronic health effects". Inhalation caused reproductive effects in animals.


No known ingestion hazards.

Additional information on acute health effects:

The health hazard evaluation is based on test results and/or on known properties of
ingredients. Ingestion is not expected during industrial use.

3.3 Further information:

Chronic health effects:

Prolonged or repeated inhalation of vapors may have adverse effects on the reproductive system,
based on animal testing of a component of this material.

Medical conditions which may be aggravated by exposure:

none known .

Target organs affected:

Liver and Female Reproductive System.

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure:

Refer to Acute Health Effects, listed above.

Carcinogens/Reproductive toxins:

Based on animal tests. This material contains between 0.1% and 1% of a known reproductive
toxin. This material contains >= 0.1% of a substance which may cause cancer. However, the
relevance to humans has not been determined.

See Section 11 for Toxicological Information, if any.

4 First-aid measures

4.1 General information:

Get medical attention if irritation occurs or if breathing becomes difficult. Remove
contaminated clothing and shoes.
4.2 After inhalation:

If inhaled remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is
difficult give oxygen.
4.3 After contact with the skin:

For skin contact, immediately wipe away excess material. Use a waterless hand cleaner to remove
as much of the remaining material as possible. Wash with soap and water.
4.4 After contact with the eyes:

If contact with eyes, immediately hold eyelids apart and flush with plenty of water for at
least 15 min.
4.5 After swallowing:

For ingestion, if conscious, give several glasses of water but do not induce vomiting. If
vomiting does occur, give additional fluids.
4.6 Advice for the physician:

Treat symptomatically.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 3/8
5 Fire-fighting measures

5.1 Flammable properties:

Flash point..........................: > 150 °C (> 302 °F)
(DIN 51376)

Boiling point / boiling range........: not applicable

Lower explosion limit (LEL)..........: not applicable

Upper explosion limit (UEL)..........: not applicable

Ignition temperature ................: > 400 °C (> 752 °F)
(DIN 51794)
5.2 Fire and explosion hazards:

This material will burn with a lazy smoldering flame. This material does not present any
unusual fire or explosion hazards.
5.3 Recommended extinguishing media:

AFFF alcohol compatible foam. Carbon dioxide. Dry chemical. Water - Use Fine Spray or Fog.
Water may be used to cool tanks and structures adjacent to the fire.
5.4 Unsuitable extinguishing media:

5.5 Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustion products,
resulting gases:

Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide , silicon dioxide ,
formaldehyde , incompletely burnt hydrocarbons .
5.6 Fire fighting procedures:

Full turn-out gear and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be worn when fighting
large fires.

6 Accidental release measures

6.1 Precautions:

No special measures required.

6.2 Containment:

Prevent material from entering sewers or surface waters.

Spills of material which could reach surface waters must be reported to the United States Coast
Guard National Response Center's toll free phone number (800) 424-8802.
6.3 Methods for cleaning up:

Scoop up large quantities after dusting surfaces with sand or Fuller's earth to prevent
sticking. Sweep or scrape up the spilled material and place in an appropriate chemical waste
container. Clean any slippery coating that remains using a detergent / soap solution or another
biodegradable cleaner. Apply sand or other inert granular material to improve traction.

7 Handling and storage

7.1 Handling

Precautions for safe handling:

No special protective measures required.

Precautions against fire and explosion:

No special precautions against fire and explosion required.

7.2 Storage

Conditions for storage rooms and vessels:

none known

Advice for storage of incompatible materials:

not applicable

Further information for storage:

Keep container tightly closed. Store in a dry and cool place.

8 Exposure controls and personal protection

8.1 Engineering controls


Use with adequate ventilation.

Local exhaust:

No special ventilation required.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 4/8
8.2 Associate substances with specific control parameters such as limit values

none known .

Further information:

Maximum concentration at workplace recommended by producer: octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4,
CAS no. 556-67-2) = 10 ppm (123 mg/m3) .

8.3 Personal protection equipment (PPE)

Respiratory protection:

Respiratory protection is not normally required. A NIOSH approved air purifying respirator
equipped with universal multi-contaminant multi-gas/vapor cartridges is recommended if
overexposure to chemical vapors could occur.

Hand protection:

Any liquid-tight rubber or vinyl gloves.

Eye protection:

Safety glasses with side shields or chemical safety goggles.

Other protective clothing or equipment:

Additional protective clothing or equipment is not normally required. Provide eye bath and
safety shower.

8.4 General hygiene and protection measures:

Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Follow standard industrial hygiene practices when
using this material. Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling. Wash thoroughly after handling.

9 Physical and chemical properties

9.1 Appearance

Physical state / form................: Solid - granulate

Colour...............................: opaque

Odour................................: slight

9.2 Safety parameters

Melting point / melting range........: not applicable

Boiling point / boiling range........: not applicable

Flash point..........................: > 150 °C (> 302 °F)
(DIN 51376)

Ignition temperature ................: > 400 °C (> 752 °F)
(DIN 51794)

Lower explosion limit (LEL)..........: not applicable

Upper explosion limit (UEL)..........: not applicable

Vapour pressure......................: not applicable

Density..............................: 1.19 g/cm³ at 25 °C (77 °F)
(DIN 53479)

Bulk density.........................: approx. 700 kg/m³

Water solubility / miscibility.......: virtually insoluble

pH-Value.............................: not applicable

Viscosity (dynamic)..................: not applicable

Viscosity (kinematic)................: not applicable

10 Stability and reactivity

10.0 General information:

If stored and handled in accordance with standard industrial practices no hazardous reactions
are known.
10.1 Conditions to avoid:

none known
10.2 Materials to avoid:

none known
10.3 Hazardous decomposition products:

If stored and handled in accordance with standard industrial practices and local regulations
where applicable: none known . Measurements have shown the formation of small amounts of
formaldehyde at temperatures above about 150 °C (302 °F) through oxidation.
10.4 Further information:

Hazardous polymerization cannot occur.

Conditions to avoid hazardous polymerization: not applicable .

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 5/8
11 Toxicological information

11.1 General information:

Toxicological testing has not been conducted with this material. The toxicology information
listed below is based on the components of the material.
11.2 Toxicological data:

Additional information / remarks:

Oral toxicity: Large oral doses (1600 mg/day for 14 days) of OMCTS/D4 caused an increase in the
number of liver cells (hyperplasia) in laboratory rats. Ingestion of OMCTS/D4 is not expected
in industrial use.

Inhalation toxicity: In a 90-day subchronic inhalation study with OMCTS/D4, female rats at the
highest dose level of 300 ppm showed a reversible increase in liver and ovary weights. Rats
exposed to inhalation concentrations of 5 ppm and 10 ppm, which are more typical of industrial
exposure, did not show any toxic effects. Further studies in laboratory guinea pigs and rabbits
have shown no liver effects due to D4 inhalation exposure. In a female rat gender-specific
range finding study (inhalation exposure) with OMCTS/D4 decreases in mean live litter size and
in the number of implantation sites were seen at the 700 ppm exposure level.

Toxicity to reproduction/fertility: Impurity: In a female rat gender-specific range finding
study (inhalation exposure) with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS/D4), decreases in mean
live litter size and in the number of implantation sites were seen at the 700 ppm exposure
level. In a two generation reproductive study with rats, decreased mean live litter size and
prolonged labor (dystocia) were observed at the 500 and 700 ppm exposure levels. These same
effects were not seen at the lower dose levels of 70 and 300 ppm. Previous inhalation
developmental studies did not show birth defects at doses ranging up to 700 ppm in rats and 500
ppm in rabbits. The significance of these effects in humans can not be determined at this time.
However, because these effects are only seen at very high exposure levels, it is unlikely that
industrial, commercial and consumer uses of products containing OMCTS/D4 would result in a sign
ificant risk to humans.

Chronic toxicity / carcinogenicity: Impurity: In a two year combined chronic toxicity and
carcinogenicity inhalation study with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS/D4) in rats, an
increased incidence of (uterine) endometrial cell hyperplasia and endometrial adenomas were
observed at the highest exposure level of 700 ppm in female rats. These same effects were not
seen at the other dose levels of 10, 30, and 150 ppm. Since these effects only occurred at 700
ppm, a level that greatly exceeds typical workplace or consumer exposure, it is unlikely that
industrial, commercial or consumer uses of products containing OMCTS/D4 would result in a
significant risk to humans.

Experience with man:


12 Ecological information

12.1 Information on elimination (persistence and degradability)

Biodegradation / further information:

Biologically not degradable.

Further information:

Separation by sedimentation.

12.2 Behaviour in environmental compartments


Insoluble in water.

Further information:

Bioaccumulation is not expected to occur.

12.3 Ecotoxicological effects:

Evaluation on basis of physical-chemical properties: No expected damaging effects to aquatic

Effects in sewage treatment plants (bacteria toxicity: respiration-/reproduction inhibition):

According to current knowledge adverse effects on water purification plants are not expected.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 6/8
12.4 Additional information

Other harmful effects

none known

General information:

No environmental problems expected if handled and treated in accordance with standard
industrial practices and local regulations where applicable.

13 Disposal considerations

13.1 Product disposal


Material that cannot be used or chemically reprocessed should be disposed of at an approved
facility in accordance with any applicable governmental regulations.

13.2 Packaging diposal


Containers should be completely emptied before recycling as specified in government
regulations. Empty containers should be sent to an approved recycling facility.

14 Transport information


Valuation....................: Not regulated for transport

14.2 Transport by sea IMDG-Code

Valuation....................: Not regulated for transport

14.3 Air transport ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR

Valuation....................: Not regulated for transport

15 Regulatory information

15.1 U.S. Federal regulations

TSCA inventory status and TSCA information:

This material or its components are listed on or are in compliance with the requirements of the
TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory.

TSCA 12(b) Export Notification:

This material does not contain any TSCA 12(b) regulated chemicals.

CERCLA Regulated Chemicals:

This material does not contain any CERCLA regulated chemicals.

SARA 302 EHS Chemicals:

This material does not contain any SARA extremely hazardous substances.

SARA 311/312 Hazard Class:

This product does not present any SARA 311/312 hazards.

SARA 313 Chemicals:

This material does not contain any SARA 313 chemicals above de minimus levels.

HAPS (Hazardous Air Pollutants):

This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants.

15.2 U.S. State regulations

California Proposition 65 Carcinogens:

This material does not contain any chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer.

California Proposition 65 Reproductive Toxins:

This material does not contain any chemicals known to the state of California to cause
reproductive effects.

Massachusetts Substance List:

Silica, amorphous, fumed

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 7/8

New Jersey Right-to-Know Hazardous Substance List:

Silica, amorphous, fumed

Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Hazardous Substance List:

Silica, amorphous, fumed

15.3 Canadian regulations

This product has been classified in accordance with the Hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS
contains all the information required by the CPR.

WHMIS Hazard Classes:


DSL Status:

This material or its components are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List.

Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List:

Silica, amorphous, fumed

15.4 Other international regulations

EU Risk Phrases:



EU Safety Phrases:



Details of international registration status
Listed on or in accordance with the following inventories:

AICS - Australia

IECSC - China

DSL - Canada

ECL - Korea

EINECS - Europe

ENCS - Japan

PICCS - Philippines


16 Other information

16.1 Additional information:

This Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) meets the requirements of the Federal OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). This product has been classified according to the
hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the
information required by the CPR. This information relates to the specific material designated
and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any
process. Such information is to the best of our knowledge and belief accurate and reliable as
of the date compiled. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee expressed or implied,
is made as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to
satisfy himself as to the suitability and completeness of such information for his own
particular use. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur from the use
of this information. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation for uses which
infringe valid patents or as extending a license under valid patents. This MSDS provides
selected regulatory information on this product, including its components. This is not intended
to include all regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to know and comply with all
applicable rules, regulations and laws relating to the product being used.

Vertical lines in the left-hand margin indicate changes compared with the previous version.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material: 60050817

Version: 1.1 (US) Date of print: 08/06/2008 Date of last alteration: 04/16/2008

Page: 8/8
16.2 Glossary of Terms:

ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists
DOT - Department of Transportation
hPa - Hectopascals
mPa*s - Milli Pascal-Seconds
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit
ppm - Parts per Million
SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit
TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act
TWA - Time Weighted Average
WHMIS - Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials
Identification System

Flash point determination methods
Common name

Tagliabue (Tag) closed cup

ASTM D92, DIN 51376, ISO 2592
Cleveland open cup

ASTM D93, DIN 51758, ISO 2719
Pensky-Martens closed cup

ASTM D3278, DIN 55680, ISO 3679
Setaflash or Rapid closed cup

DIN 51755
Abel-Pensky closed cup

16.3 Conversion table:

1 hPa * 0.75 = 1 mm Hg = 1 Torr; 1 bar = 1000 hPa
1 mPa*s = 1 Centipoise (Cp)

Fiche de Données de Sécurité

Produit: 60050817

Version : 1.1 (REG_EUROPE) Imprimé le: 06.08.2008 Travaillé le: 04.09.2007

Page: 1/5

1 Identification du produit et de la société

1.1 Description du produit/de la préparation

Nom commercial:

1.2 Utilisation du produit / de la
Matière de base pour: produits élastomères .

1.3 Dèsignation de l'entreprise

Wacker Chemie AG

Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4

D 81737 München



Informations concernant la fiche de
données de sécurité:
+49/(0) 8677/83-4888



1.4 Numéro d'urgence

Appel d'urgence (allemand):
Corps des pompiers
+49/(0) 8677/83-2222

Appel d'urgence (internat.):
National Response Center
+49/(0) 621/60-43333

2 Identification des dangers

2.1 Classification:



Ce produit n'est pas une préparation dangereuse d'après la loi 1999/45/CE.

3 Composition/informations sur les composants

3.1 Caractérisation chimique (préparation):

Caractérisation chimique

Polydiméthylsiloxane avec des groupes vinyliques + charges +auxiliaires

4 Premiers secours

4.1 Informations générales:

En cas d'accident ou de malaise, consulter un avis médical (si possible, montrer l'étiquette).

4.2 Après inhalation:

Dans des conditions normales, il n'est pas possible de respirer le pro-duit.

4.3 Après contact avec la peau:

Eliminer mécaniquement le produit avec un chiffon ou du papier. Laver avec beaucoup d'eau pure
ou savonneuse. En cas de modification apparente de la peau ou de douleur, consulter un médecin
(si possible, lui montrer l'étiquette ou la fiche de données de sécurité).

4.4 Après contact avec les yeux:

Rincer aussitôt à grande eau. En cas d'irritation permanente, consulter un avis médical.

4.5 Après ingestion:

Faire boire de l'eau en abondance par petites gorgées. Ne pas provoquer de vomissement.

5 Mesures de lutte contre l'incendie

5.1 Moyens d'extinction appropriés:

faible jet d'eau , poudre d'extinction , mousse résistante aux alcools , gaz carbonique , sable

Fiche de Données de Sécurité

Produit: 60050817

Version : 1.1 (REG_EUROPE) Imprimé le: 06.08.2008 Travaillé le: 04.09.2007

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5.2 Moyens d'extinction à éviter pour des raisons de sécurité:

jet d'eau .

5.3 Risques particuliers résultant de l'exposition à la substance/préparation, aux produits de la
combustion, aux gaz produits:


5.4 Equipement de protection spécial:

Utiliser un appareil respiratoire autonome.

6 Mesures à prendre en cas de dispersion accidentelle

6.1 Précautions individuelles:

Aucune mesure particulière nécessaire.

6.2 Précautions pour la protection de l'environnement:

Ne doit pas parvenir dans les égouts ou les eaux.

6.3 Méthode de nettoyage:

Pour éviter toute adhérence, couvrir la surface de sable ou de terre décolorante et enlever le
matériau mécaniquement. Balayer ou gratter le matériau renversé et le mettre dans un récipient
spécial pour déchets chimiques. Eliminer les éventuels dépôts visqueux avec un produit de
nettoyage/une solution savonneuse ou tout autre détergent biodégradable. Pour améliorer
l'adhérence, appliquer du sable ou tout autre matériau granuleux inerte.

7 Manipulation et stockage

7.1 Manipulation

Précautions à prendre pour une manipulation sans danger:

Aucune précaution particulière n'est nécessaire.

Précautions à prendre contre un incendie ou une explosion:

Aucune mesure particulière de prévention des incendies et des explosions n'est nécessaire.

7.2 Stockage

Conditions de sécurité exigées pour le stockage et les containers:

aucun connu

Conditions de stockage pour les matières incompatibles:


Indications supplémentaires sur les conditions de stockage:

Conserver le récipient bien fermé. Conserver dans un endroit frais à l'abri de l'humidité.

8 Contrôle de l'exposition et equipement de protection individuelle

8.1 Valeurs limites d'exposition

Valeurs limites de l'air sur le lieu de travail: néant

8.2 Limitation et surveillance de l'exposition
8.2.1 Limitation et surveillance de l'exposition sur le lieu de travail.

Mesures générales de protection et d'hygiène:

Respecter les règles générales d'hygiène lors de la manipulation de produits chimiques. Ne pas
manger et ne pas boire pendant l'utilisation.

Equipement de protection individuelle nécessaire

Protection respiratoire:

pas nécessaire .

Protection des mains:

Recommandation: Gants de protection en butylcaoutchouc . Gants convenant à une utilisation de
durée inférieure à 60 min.

Protection des yeux:

Recommandation: lunettes de protection .

Fiche de Données de Sécurité

Produit: 60050817

Version : 1.1 (REG_EUROPE) Imprimé le: 06.08.2008 Travaillé le: 04.09.2007

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8.2.2 Limitation et surveillance de l'exposition de l'environnement:

Ne pas laisser pénétrer dans les eaux et la terre.

9 Propriétés physiques et chimiques

9.1 Indications gènèrales

Etat physique / forme................: Solide - granulat

Couleur..............................: opaque

Odeur................................: faible

9.2 Indications importantes pour la protection de la santé et de l'environnement
aussi bien que pour la sécurité.

Point / intervalle de fusion.........: néant

Point / intervalle d'ébullition......: néant

Point d'éclair.......................: > 150 °C
(DIN 51376)

Température inflammatoire............: > 400 °C
(DIN 51794)

Limite inférieure d'explosion........: néant

Limite supérieure d'explosion........: néant

Pression de vapeur...................: néant

Densité..............................: 1,19 g/cm³ à 25 °C
(DIN 53479)

Densité relative.....................: env. 700 kg/m³

Solubilité dans l'eau................: pratiquement insoluble

Valeur de pH.........................: néant

Viscosité (dynamique)................: néant

Viscosité (cinématique)..............: néant

10 Stabilité et réactivité

10.0 Informations générales:

Aucune réaction dangereuse connue si les règles de stockage et de manipulation sont respectées.

10.1 Conditions à éviter:

aucun(e) connu(e)

10.2 Substances à éviter:

aucun connu

10.3 Produits de décomposition dangereux:

Si les règles de stockage et de manipulation sont respectées: aucun connu . Des mesures prises
à 150 °C et au delà ont montré qu'il se produit une décomposition oxydante qui libère une
faible quantité de formaldéhyde.

11 Informations toxicologiques

11.0 Informations générales:

Dans l'état actuel de nos connaissances, aucun risque de dommage si le produit est utilisé dans
les règles de l'art.

11.1 Informations toxicologiques

Informations supplémentaires:


11.2 Expérimentations sur les hommes:


11.3 Informations toxicologiques supplémentaires:


12 Informations écologiques

12.1 Ecotoxicité

Evaluation sur la base des propriétés physico-chimiques: Ne pas s'attendre à un effet nuisible
sur les organismes aquatiques.

Fiche de Données de Sécurité

Produit: 60050817

Version : 1.1 (REG_EUROPE) Imprimé le: 06.08.2008 Travaillé le: 04.09.2007

Page: 4/5

Réaction dans une station d'épuration (toxicité des bactéries: ralentissement de la respiration
et de la multiplication):

L'expérience actuelle montre qu'il n'y a aucune perturbation à craindre pour les stations

12.2 Mobilité

Insoluble dans l'eau.

12.3 Persistance et destructibilité

Biodégradabilité / informations supplémentaires:

Non biodégradable.

Informations supplémentaires:

Dépôt par sédimentation.

12.4 Potentiel biologique d'accumulation

Une bioaccumulation est improbable.

12.5 Autres effets nocifs

aucun connu

12.6 Autres remarques

Informations générales:

Aucune perturbation environnementale n'est à craindre si le produit est manipulé et utilisé
dans les règles de l'art.

13 Considérations relatives à l'élimination

13.1 Produit


Ce matériau ne peut être ni utilisé ni recyclé chimiquement et doit être éliminé par une
entreprise de recyclage autorisée dans le respect des réglementations administratives locales.

13.2 Emballage contaminé


Les emballages doivent être vidés complètement avant de les recycler dans le respect des
réglementations administratives locales. Les emballages vides doivent être remis à une
entreprise de recyclage autorisée.

14 Instructions concernant le transport

14.1 Transport par route/chemin de fer GGVSE/ADR et RID

Route ADR:

Estimation...................: produit non dangereux

Chemin de fer RID:

Estimation...................: produit non dangereux

14.2 Navigation fluviale GGVBinsch/ADNR

14.3 Transport maritime GGVmer/IMDG-Code

Estimation...................: produit non dangereux

14.4 Transport aérien ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR

Estimation...................: produit non dangereux

14.5 Transport/autres données

Service postal et messagerie:

Poste Allemagne..............: autorisé

Pour toute information concernant le pt.14:Régul.de transp.:

Service Substances Dangereuses, télécopie : +49/(0) 8677/83-5589, téléphone : +49/(0) 8677/83-

Fiche de Données de Sécurité

Produit: 60050817

Version : 1.1 (REG_EUROPE) Imprimé le: 06.08.2008 Travaillé le: 04.09.2007

Page: 5/5

15 Informations règlementaires

15.1 Caractéristiques (CE)





15.2 Directives nationales:

16 Autres informations

16.1 Produit

Ces données indiquent uniquement les conditions de sécurité du/des produit(s) et s'appuient sur
l'état actuel de nos connaissances. Elles ne dressent pas une liste exhaustive de propriétes
du/des produit(s) décrit(s) dans le sens d'une traité de garantie légal.
Vous tirez les propriétes du/des produit(s) des feuilles de renseignement des produits

16.2 Informations supplémentaires:

Les virgules figurant dans les données numériques désignent les décimales. Les traits verticaux
sur le bord gauche indiquent que des modifications sont intervenues par rapport à la version

n.u. = non utilisable n.s. : non subordonné

Indications pour le Statut d'Enrigistrement International
Figure sur les inventaires suivants ou leur est conforme:

AICS - Australia

IECSC - China

DSL - Canada

ECL - Korea

EINECS - Europe

ENCS - Japan

PICCS - Philippines