Double-Smoked Hardwood Maple & Brown Sugar Bacon Products Use Traditional Family Recipe

Double-Smoked Hardwood Maple & Brown Sugar Bacon Products Use Traditional Family Recipe, updated 12/25/24, 5:00 AM


Customers at select Albertson's and Safeway grocers can now celebrate National Bacon Day with Bart’s Bacon, prepared using a 70-year-old family recipe. Bart started helping his grandfather brine bacon as a child, and honors his memory by preserving this tradition. Visit for more.

Bart's Bacon City: Phoenix Address: Phoenix, AZ 85205 Website:

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Double-Smoked Hardwood Maple & Brown Sugar
Bacon Products Use Traditional Family Recipe
More than 275 million Americans eat bacon each year.
Now bacon lovers in Colorado
and Arizona can purchase
gourmet Bart's Bacon at the
meat counter at local Safeway
and Albertson's supermarkets.
Bart's grandfather made the recipe working on their family farm in the 1940s. A dedicated
butcher, he used premium pork cuts and brined them in huge stone crocks.
As a child, Bart loved helping his grandfather on the
farm. Over time, he learned to mix the brine, soak
the pork bellies, double-smoke them, and finally
package them by his side.
In the mid-1970s, Bart’s grandfather began distributing
his bacon to family and friends who lived nearby. It
didn’t take long for locals to start asking for Bart’s
Bacon by name.
Today, four generations have been a part of the business, but the classic family recipe remains the

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