Notre Dame Fire - Templar Order Official Statement

Notre Dame Fire - Templar Order Official Statement, updated 10/16/22, 4:30 AM


Official Statement on the Notre Dame Cathedral fire of April 2019, by the Order of the Temple of Solomon, the restored historical institution of the original Knights Templar:  Report exposing real causes of the fire, and the geopolitical situation requiring Muslim-Christian unity against the Globalist Socialist agenda against all religions.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Official Statement by the
Order of the Temple of Solomon

April 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire:
Nothing is What it Seems


Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, a major Templar heritage site, was severely damaged
by a fire on 15 April 2019. Notre Dame was designed and built by the original
Knights Templar themselves, almost all of it constructed from 1163-1302 AD (before
the Templar persecution of 1307 AD by King Philip IV of France), with some
extensions completed by surviving secret Templars until 1345 AD.

Fortunately, almost all of the sacred artifacts were saved, as most had already been
removed as part of an ongoing restoration. Also fortunately, its primary Templar
heritage features carved in stone by the Knights Templar remains intact, and the
site overall is still standing, as a result of the Gothic engineering and stone work
pioneered by the Templars.

Mysteriously, a full hour after the fire began while it was still raging, a "Templar
figure" appeared, a person walking the rampart of one of the stone towers, dressed
in full Templar battle armor and tunic. [1] Unrelated to how the fire was started,
and disconnected from the visible events, this appearance seems purely symbolic, as
some sort of manifestation of the Templar spirit guarding the site. Mostly this can
be considered as some sort of "sign", that nothing about this event is what it seems.

What You are "Not Allowed to Criticize"

Within only the first hour of Notre Dame burning, before the flames even went out,
French authorities were quick to declare that despite no investigation at all,
supposedly "arson was ruled out" categorically. It was blindly and reflexively
declared an "accident" attributed to ongoing renovation, despite the fact that all
renovation workers were gone and the Church was closed at the time the fire started.

That official narrative ignores the fact that during 2018 alone, 875 Churches in
France were vandalized by fires and other damage: During only 1 week of the
previous month of March, 12 Churches in Paris were vandalized, including Saint
Sulpice Church the 2nd largest Church in Paris which was also set on fire. Only 2
months before, in February, Saint Alain Cathedral in south-central France was also
set on fire.

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith shut down an interview with a former French
official Philippe Karsenty, censoring him for daring to say that Churches are
"desecrated each and every week in France, all over France", for questioning the
official narrative as "the story of political correctness which will tell you it's probably
an accident".


The agenda "news" host condemned such free speech of independent thinking,
declaring "we're not going to speculate here. We're not doing that here not on
my watch", indicating the anchor believes he is on a "watch" policing the official
narrative for a police state, not a journalist reporting facts. [2]

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto also shut down an interview with the Catholic League
President Bill Donohue, for daring to say: "Forgive me for being suspicious. Just
last month, a 17th century Church was set fire in Paris. We've seen tabernacles
knocked down, crosses have been torn down, statues... I'm sorry. When I find out
that the Eucharist is being destroyed and excrement is being smeared on crosses"

This "news" host also immediately and strongly silenced such factual free speech,
proclaiming: "We don't know that. So if we can avoid what your suspicions might
be we cannot make conjectures about this I'm sorry There's so much here we
don't know about what happened", as the Vatican guest was disconnected. [3]

Only Fox News host Lou Dobbs refuted and condemned such censorship: "This is
context. This is not 'speculation'. This is the situation right now in France, and the
recent history of what has happened to Catholic Churches throughout the nation
ignored too often by some covering the tragedy, some who have 'ruled out
speculation' about the cause of the Notre Dame fire, as they speculate, taking it as
Gospel that 'arson was not the cause'." [4]

Evidence of Pre-Planned Propaganda Event

The Notre Dame fire began on 15 April 2019, at approximately 7:00pm. However,
Google search for "Notre Dame fire" shows that the web pages for almost all "news"
articles first announcing the event were actually created days before, many up to a
month before [5]. The "News" was literally written weeks before the fire even
happened. This proves that the "official narrative" was already known and prepared
in advance, revealing that the event itself was pre-planned.

That most initial mainstream "news" articles were prepared weeks in advance of the
supposed "accidental" fire, is not the only evidence that it was a pre-planned event:

The first fire alarm was activated at 6:20pm, but responders found no sign of any
fire. Even according to the "official story", only with the second alarm, 23 minutes
later at 6:43pm, the beginning of a fire was supposedly detected. However, the real
fire did not become visible until 50 minutes after the first alarm at 7:10pm. [6] [7]

These early alarms would be necessary to clear the Church of all people who could be
harmed by the planned event and especially to remove them as potential witnesses
to how it really started.


Government Motivations for Staged Event

The Notre Dame fire began only 1 hour before the globalist French President Macron
was scheduled to deliver a televised speech, attempting to address the escalating
"Yellow Vests" populist movement of protests against Globalist Socialist dismantling
of civil rights [8]. For months Macron has essentially been in hiding, unable to
suppress or appease the Yellow Vests protesters, even after having them illegally
attacked by European Union military vehicles.

"Conveniently", the Notre Dame fire allowed President Macron to cancel that
dreaded speech, after Yellow Vest protesters criticized that what he planned to
announce would be "too little too late" to stop the escalating protests [9].

Amid plans to repair the medieval cathedral, instead of strict restoration as usually
required by law for historical sites, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe
declared a "Global Contest" to "redesign" the spire (pointed tip on the roof), for "a
new spire that is adapted to our era" [10].

This seems to be a public signaling of another typical Globalist agenda, of placing
modernist symbols of globalist domination to claim historic sites, justified by so-
called "restoration" excuses. A prime example of this is the glass "Illuminati"
pyramid, commissioned in 1984, as the new entrance to the Louvre Museum.

Where There's White Smoke There's Artificial Fire

The Chief Architect of Notre Dame, Benjamin Mouton, in an interview on French
national television, insisted that the fire "could not be an accident", as it started
around the spire in an "area where no renovation work was occurring", and "800
year old oak [wood] does not catch fire without an accelerant [fuel]":

Related analysis of video news footage shows that the fire spread against the wind,
which was blowing the smoke in the opposite direction, and an unnatural beam of
light was recorded visibly penetrating the scene from the sky, pointing down in the
direction of the fire spreading. [11]

A multitude of photographs of the Notre Dame fire, from all angles, show clouds of
white smoke, darkened only by shadows, with high bright glowing orange plumes as
flames. Combustion fires, especially of wood such as the roof of the Cathedral, are a
natural and inefficient process of heat breaking down the carbon-based material,
which always generate thick black smoke carrying the carbon particles, and low
smoldering red flames.


International military intelligence experts confirm that such building fires, intense
and efficient enough to generate mostly white smoke, and to radiate bright glowing
orange heat waves, can only be caused by military "Energy Weapons":

The US Department of Defense (DOD), in its official report Electronic Warfare,
defines "Directed Energy Weapons" (DEW) as "technologies that produce a beam of
concentrated electromagnetic (EM) energy or atomic or subatomic particles as a
direct means to damage or destroy facilities" [12]. This proves that governments
do possess such technologies.

Unreported CCTV security camera footage, which had been marked 7:05pm (only 5
minutes before the fire became visible), shows a dark human figure moving on the
center of the Notre Dame rooftop, next to the spire where the fire began, and making
a bright flash of light. The person made the flash of light at shoulder height not
radiating beyond the chest area, not touching the rooftop material, and no flames
appeared yet as a direct result of the flash [13]. This is also explained by the official
"Energy Weapon" joint military report:

The DOD Electronic Warfare report confirms that for energy weapons, "watch
personnel normally are tasked to carry out specific coordinating actions".
"Electronic Warfare (EW) supports physical destruction by providing target
acquisition through Electronic Support (ES) 'Precision strike' is an increasingly
important aspect of physical destruction actions in joint operations. ES assets are
an important part of targeting". [14]


This evidences that the darkly dressed person making the flash of light was
government deployed "watch personnel", implementing the "coordinating action" of
"target acquisition" for accurate "targeting" of Notre Dame by an airborne Energy
Weapon. This is essentially the same as depicted in movie scenes of drone airstrikes,
where soldiers "paint the target" by projecting a light beam onto the building
targeted for destruction [15].

Confirmed by Logical Thinking and Common Sense

The official Government use of Energy Weapons to damage Notre Dame Cathedral
by a pre-planned attack is confirmed by basic logical thinking and common sense, in
its historical context:

Notre Dame had a previous major fire in 1871 AD, when Socialist revolutionaries set
fire to the Cathedral, which was put out by a simple "fire brigade" [16]. At that time,
the only water source was the Seine River flowing next to the Church, and the fire
was put out by firefighters and volunteers carrying buckets of water over many
hours. Notre Dame remained essentially intact, with no significant structural

Yet, by the "official narrative" dictated to us, we are expected to believe, that all
modern firefighting technology (i.e. rapid response by motorized transport, water
pumps and hoses, airborne spray support) of the 21st century was helpless, compared
to 19th century buckets which were highly effective. And we are expected (indeed
required, lest we commit the sin of "speculating") to believe, that a 21st century mere
one-hour fire caused massive structural damage, while a 19th century all-day fire left
the Cathedral intact.

The Usual Suspects Deflecting to the Usual Scapegoats

The popular traditional quote among independent alternative media researchers,
generally attributed to Voltaire, applies here: "To learn who rules over you, simply
find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

On the surface, the mainstream media leads us to believe that we are "not allowed to
criticize" radical political Islam associated with terror attacks. This is enforced by
censorship, which is well known to backfire, and thus can only be intended as
"reverse psychology" to actually promote the same criticism which they only pretend
to condemn.

Such censorship (both in reporting and on social media) is thus merely a superficial
provocation, so the media can also vilify Christians for supposed "intolerance", all
intended to create artificial conflict between Christians and religious Muslims.

Looking deeper beyond what they tell us not to criticize, reveals the underlying true
culprit, who we are really not allowed to criticize: Ultimately, it is always the
"official narrative" which we are prohibited to criticize. It is really that coordinated
propaganda from mainstream media "news" which we are not allowed to question.

Therefore, to answer the classical question, the real group who we are "not allowed
to criticize" is actually the Government together with its propaganda "news" media.

As the Irish author Jonathan Swift in 1710 AD wrote: "Falsehood flies, and the
Truth comes limping after it" [17]. This became the quote, mistakenly attributed to
Mark Twain or Winston Churchill, actually popularized by the London preacher
Charles Haddon Spurgeon in 1855 AD as: "A lie will go around the world while
Truth is pulling its boots on." [18]

This phenomena is precisely the result of coordinated mainstream media "news"
outlets. The mass media instantly dominates all reporting of an event, insisting on
the "official narrative" of falsehoods and reverse-psychology provocations. By the
time independent researchers dissect the self-contradictory falsehoods and piece
together the truth supported by verifiable facts, the general public already believes
the lies.

Over the past 35 years, the mainstream media ("MSM") internationally was
consolidated, such that 90% of media outlets are controlled by only 6 corporations
[19] [20]. This fact proves that the propaganda is closely coordinated to promote
only the "official narrative".

Mainstream media propaganda often displays the behavior most famously described
by William Shakespeare: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." [21] The
more they censor and vilify those who simply question the official narrative, the
more this reveals that their "narrative" cannot withstand any public scrutiny,
exposing it as knowingly false, and willful deception.

These facts reveal that such events as the Notre Dame fire are generally planned
attacks, committed by "the usual suspects", who are actually the corrupt
Governments under Globalist Socialist politicians, backed by a consolidated and
controlled "mainstream media" of propaganda "news" networks.

All of their propaganda serves to deflect all public attention away from the real
"usual suspects", artificially shifting debate and blame onto "the usual scapegoats".


The "usual scapegoats" are religious Muslims, used as a provocation to incite fear
and condemnation by Christians, as a strategy to then also vilify Christians.
Meanwhile, through escalating conflicts between Muslims and Christians, both
cultures and both religions are being destroyed by the Globalist Socialists, who
remain hidden in the shadows.

Proven Historical Agenda to Abolish All Religions

The Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the restored continuation of the 12th century
Knights Templar, has a unique position providing much deeper insight into such
events, far beyond the research of modern events and circumstances:

The 19th century French Royal Historian Emile Leon Gautier proved that the Knights
Templar understood that the battles between Christian Crusaders and Saracen
Muslims of Salahadin were artificially manipulated by secular Kings, as a false
excuse for imposing Feudalism [22].

Precisely the same thing is clearly seen happening now: State-sponsored terrorism
promoted by Globalist Socialist politicians is used to create false Christian-Muslim
conflicts, as the excuse to increasingly phase out civil rights and human rights.

It is already exposed and proven that radical political "Islamic" ideology was actually
developed by British Secret Service agents ca. 1740 AD [23] [24] [25], and used by
Western governments to create the Al-Qaeda terrorist group in the 1970's [26] [27]
[28] [29], especially sponsored by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [30].
This same state-sponsored terrorist network was then restructured by the US
Department of State ca. 2014 to become the "Islamic State" [31].

All of these terrorist groups were organized, armed, trained and funded by the secret
agencies of Western governments. None of this was created nor supported by
ordinary religious Muslims.

The historical record proves the existence of a Satanic Agenda of Globalist Socialism,
with origins from the 11th century [32] and 15th century [33], preserved in its most
complete and detailed version as a transcript of a private speech to a secret society in
1773 AD [34]. That manifesto, called "Protocols of the Illuminati", details its
primary Agenda to destroy all religions, to impose a tyrannical global dictatorship
over humanity [35]:

It declares a historical Agenda to abolish all religions: "It is indispensable for us
to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the People the very principle of God
" (Protocol 4.3), to "annihilate frontiers, nationalities, religions" (Protocol


It confirms that this Agenda is against all religions, primarily through media
propaganda: "We [must] discredit the priesthood [as] a great hindrance to us
[by] the complete wrecking of that Christian religion: as to other religions we shall
have still less difficulty in dealing with them" (Protocol 17.2).

That Satanic manifesto explicitly states that if it can destroy Christianity first,
considered the largest and strongest, then Islam will follow immediately after, and
then Judaism also, before abolishing all remaining religions.

During exactly the same time as the Notre Dame fire, a related event of major
significance occurred, which profoundly demonstrates that both Christian and
Muslim religions are under attack together. This simultaneous event was barely
reported at all, only scarcely and barely mentioned, by mainstream media:

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem was also set on fire, also burning from its rooftop,
the same way as the Cathedral in Paris. Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to being "the
3rd holiest site" for Muslims, is also major Templar heritage, the site on Temple
Mount from which the Knights Templar excavated the Temple of Solomon and
established the Order. The first Templar Grand Mastery Seal features an image of
Al-Aqsa Mosque. Symbolic of this connection, the fire began on the roof of a
structure known as "Solomon's Stables". [36]

This parallel event is a massively symbolic, strategic, and clear warning, a bold coded
message to both Muslims and Christians, that while state-sponsored radical political
"Islamic" terrorism is used as a provocation against Christians, in reality both
Christianity and religious Islam are under attack together.

Conclusion The Only Proper Condemnation

Surely, the restored Templar Order is expected to "condemn the attack" on Notre
Dame, blaming it on "Islamic" extremism or the migrant crisis in general. However,
the Grand Mastery of the Order refuses to be deceived by the modernist agenda of
false provocations and propaganda deflections by the real culprits of this and so
many other tragic events. Rather, we will more rightfully and properly declare this:

The Templar Order, united in solidarity together with our religious Muslim partners
in humanitarian missions worldwide, condemns the corrupt policies and aggressive
actions of corrupt modern Governments, orchestrated by corrupt Globalist Socialist
politicians, aided and abetted by the corrupt mainstream media "news" outlets. We
condemn their agenda to abolish all religions, which is the core of their evil agenda
to oppress and control all of humanity.


We thus call upon all religions and religious cultural leaders worldwide, to unite
against the anti-humanitarian agenda of Globalist Socialist self-styled "elites", to
defend our basic human rights to freedom of religion, to preserve the unique
traditions of all of our religions.

This principle of inter-faith unity against Government corruption by Globalist
Socialists against all religions is best expressed by the bell on the Honey Fitz yacht
of the American President John F. Kennedy, who most famously declared the fight
against governmental corruption worldwide, which displayed the inscription:
"Where We Go One We Go All".

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam!

Per infinata seculorum secula. Amen.


Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes
J.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., J.S.D., J.C.D.
Grand Master, Order of the Temple of Solomon

2019 Order of the Temple of Solomon. All International Rights Reserved

Academic Source References (With Web Links)

[1] Leo Zagami, Haunting Figure at Notre Dame Cathedral Fire could be a Knight
Templar, (17 April 2019). [Video & Article]

[2] Mike Brest, Shep Smith Shuts Down French Commentator from Speculating
Terror is Behind Notre Dame Fire, The Daily Caller (15 April 2019). [Video &

[3] Mike Brest, Cavuto Hangs Up on Bill Donohue After He Links Notre Dame Fire
to Recent Paris Church Attacks, The Daily Caller (15 April 2019). [Video & Article]

[4] Owen Daugherty, Lou Dobbs: Ruling Out Arson as Cause of Notre Dame Fire
Seems Like 'A Political Decision', The Hill (17 April 2019). [Video & Article]


[5] Google Search Results: "Notre Dame Fire", Tools: 'Any time' >> 'Custom Range'
>> 'Mar 1, 2019 Apr 14, 2019'; Shows web pages of most articles posted days and
weeks before the event. [Preset Custom Search]

[6] Zaleski, Hervieux & Nadeau, Notre Dame Alarm Raised 23 Minutes Before Blaze
Was Detected, The Daily Beast (16 April 2019). [Article]

[7] Jon Henley, Notre Dame Cathedral Fire A Visual Guide and Timeline, The
Guardian (16 April 2019); Fire actually started 50 minutes after first alarm.

[8] Sylvie Corbet, France's Macron Postpones TV Response to Yellow Vest Crisis,
The Washington Post, from Associated Press "AP" (15 April 2019). [Article]

[9] Thomas Mackie, Paris in Flames Again as Protesters Cause Chaos Across France
Days After Notre Dame Fire, The Express UK (21 April 2019). [Article]

[10] Beswick & Matamoros, Notre Dame Fire: Global Contest Launched to Design
New Spire for Blaze-hit Cathedral, EuroNews, with Reuters & Associated Free Press
"AFP" (18 April 2019). [Article]

[11] Benjamin Mouton (Interview), 24H Pujadas: L'Info en Questions, La Chane
Info (LCI) "Information Channel", French News by Tele-France 1 "TF1" (17 April
2019); Reported by: Stranger Than Fiction News (17 April 2019). [Video] (Screen
Capture at 13:15 min)

[12] US Department of Defense (DOD), Joint Publication 3-13.1: Electronic Warfare
(25 January 2007), Chapter I, Section 8. [Official Report]

[13] CCTV Recording Clip, Notre Dame Cathedral Person Caught on CCTV Before
the Fire, and a Flash or Spark is Seen, (Uploaded 17 April 2019);
Source: "Clip Marked 15/04 17:05". [Video Clip]

[14] US Department of Defense (DOD), Joint Publication 3-13.1: Electronic Warfare
(25 January 2007), Chapter IV, Section 1, Section 2(d)(2)(f). [Official Report]

[15] Movie Clip, Clear and Present Danger, starring Harrison Ford, Scene: "Bombing
the Cartel" (1994). [Movie Clip]

[16] Alison McNearney, All the Times Notre Dame Was Almost Destroyed in the
Past, The Daily Beast (16 April 2019); Notre Dame survived previous fire in 1871
AD. [Article]

[17] Jonathan Swift, The Examiner, No.15 (02 November 1710).


[18] Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Sermons Delivered in Exeter Hall (01 April 1855);
Published in: The New Park Street Pulpit, Alabaster & Passmore, London (1855), at

[19] Michael Snyder, Who Owns the Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations that
Control Almost Everything We Watch Hear and Read, The Economic Collapse Blog
(04 October 2010); Citing data from [Article]

[20] Vic Bishop, The Illusion of Choice: Ninety Percent of American Media
Controlled by Six Corporations, Waking Times (28 August 2015), Global Research
(29 August 2015). [Article]

[21] William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Second Quarto Edition (ca. 1601 AD), Act III,
Scene II, line spoken by Hamlet's mother Queen Gertrude; Delahunty & Dignen,
Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion, Oxford University Press (2012), p.238,
meaning that someone who denies something too strongly is usually deflecting
from the truth.

[22] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883), translated in: Henry Frith, Chivalry,
George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV: "Commandment VII".

[23] Simon Ross Valentine, Force and Fanaticism: Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and
Beyond, Oxford University Press (2015), pp.16-17.

[24] Memoirs of "Mr. Hempher" (ca. 1740), Confessions of a British Spy (1868),
published in: Ayyub Sabri Pasha, Mir'at al-Haramayn, Turkey (1888) (Article);
Authenticated by US Department of Defense, translating: The Emergence of
Wahhabism and its Historical Roots, General Military Intelligence Directorate, Iraq
(September 2002) (Article)

[25] Martin S. Kramer, Islam's Enduring Feud, published in: Itamar Rabinovich &
Hai Shaken (Editors), Middle East Contemporary Survey: 1987, Westview Press,
Boulder, Colorado (1989), p.174; Quoting a 1987 statement of Ayatollah Hussein-Ali

[26] Dr. Ahmed Subny Mansour, The Roots of Terrorism in the Saudi Wahabi
Doctrine and the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization (Part 2), "Ahl
AlQuran" Journal, International Quranic Center, Alexandria, Virginia (11 June
2013). (Article)

[27] Eric Alterman, 'Blowback', the Prequel, The Nation Magazine, 25 October 2001;
Citing public statements by former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and
former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. (Article)


[28] Joseph Felter & Brian Fishman, Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq,
Combating Terrorism Center, Department of Social Sciences, US Military Academy
at West Point, New York, December 2007. (Article) (Report)

[29] The Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Which Path to Persia? Options for a
New American Strategy Toward Iran, Analysis Paper No.20, The Brookings
Institution, June 2009, pp.117-118. (Article)

[30] Robin Cook, The Struggle Against Terrorism Cannot be Won by Military Means,
The Guardian, London, 08 July 2005. (Article)

[31] US Department of Defense, Information Report: Iraq, (12 August 2012); To:
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Header: R050839Z; Originally marked
"Classification: Secret", declassified under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests by Judicial Watch. (Report)

[32] Emile Leon Gautier, La Chevalerie (1883), translated in: Henry Frith, Chivalry,
George Routledge & Sons, London (1891), Chapter IV, "Commandment X"; Citing a
"Satanic Counter Code" opposing the Code of Chivalry.

[33] Victor E. Marsden, The Protocols of the Learned Elders, The Britons Publishing
Society, London (1922), "Introduction: A Fifteenth Century 'Protocol'", reprinted
in Victor E. Marsden, Protocols of the Learned Elders, Liberty Bell Publications,
Reedy, West Virginia (ca. 1930), p.7; Citing a "15th century Rothschild journal"
containing a letter from the Bavarian Illuminati to Feudal lords in France in 1489

[34] William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, 4th Edition, St. George Press, Los
Angeles (1962), p.193, footnote on unnumbered p.198, archived in Prince George
B.C. Public Library; See Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements,
pp.255-257; Citing a full transcript of a private speech by Mayer Amschel
Rothschild to a secret society of Globalist oligarchs in 1773 AD.

[35] Victor E. Marsden, Protocols of the Learned Elders, Liberty Bell Publications,
Reedy, West Virginia (1930), reprinted from The Protocols of the Learned Elders,
The Britons Publishing Society, London (1922).

[36] Tom O'Connor, Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque Fire Burns at the Same Time as
Flames Engulf Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Newsweek (15 April 2019) [Article]

Also See Video: Detailed Analysis of Secrets of the Notre Dame Fire