What the heck are Collections?

What the heck are Collections?, updated 6/21/24, 4:00 AM

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Edocr Collections

Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics


About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

Get publishing now!

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What are collections & why should I care?
(Updated May 11, 2022) - Something called 'collections'
exists on your edocr page. Let's discuss this cool and
useful feature.
A collection is a folder of documents, similar to having a
directory folder on your computer. Think of it as a portfolio
or binder. It is a place you can gather common content
together and control that content with a set of access
So, take your documents, with various purpose and
content, from this:
To this:
Our Basic (free) account provides you two collections (3 if
you were an edocr user before we migrated databases in
2016). Your collections appear on your profile page.
*Please note the default 'My Documents' Collection is
a public folder with no access control options, unlike
all other Collections.
Possibilities for collections include gating all of the
documents. You can gate your content in a number of
different ways, for example:
● Require email for access (leadgen)
● Provide a unique URL which is not discoverable
● Allow access by a list you input to view documents
● Allow access by a list you input to upload documents
And, edocr added in October 2019 a new Collection type
called Collaboration Collections. This allows you to create
a collection and provide access to a defined group to
submit documents to you that only the collection owner
can view and edit. Read more here.
The settings you choose will apply to all of the documents
in that Collection, overriding any contrary Document
Creation of a Collection with one of these options, or just
publicly available looks like this:
Examples of why you might choose various privacy
settings are:
● This collection is about a certain subject someone
may wish to 'follow'
● this collection is private to my 10th grade math class
● this collection requires a valid email address to be
accessed (for #leadgen)
● this collection requires a $2 monthly subscription fee
● these documents are 'for sale'
● this collection is private between me and my friends
● This collection is for my students to upload there
documents to, but only I can read and mark them up
A collection may also be completely open to the
public for exposure and SEO, that anyone can view.
This is the default setting.
Sellers of content, users with a .edu registration,
published authors, charities, and our paid
Professional Level ($9.95 per year) can have up to
twenty total collections. (Even More if you ask)
Once you have created a collection, you may also
use a collection web link to provide direct access to
the collection, by clicking on and copying the link
icon next to the collection name on your main Profile
Page, provide a RSS link, or search the collection for
document content, as shown here:
On the top right of every collection is the edit
collection and 3 dot ellipsis icons. Here you can edit
the name and the privacy of the collection, or control
the location of the Collection on your Profile Page,
as well as delete all the documents in the collection
and/or the Collection itself; as shown below:
Hope you love our progress! And we love feedback &
suggestions, so keep them coming! info@edocr.com