-The-Brotherhood-and-the-Manipulation-of-Society-by-Ivan-Fraser and Mark-Beeston

-The-Brotherhood-and-the-Manipulation-of-Society-by-Ivan-Fraser and Mark-Beeston, updated 2/11/16, 7:50 PM


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Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston

Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past
(from '1984') George Orwell


Part 1 – The Main Manipulating Groups

Part 2 – The Main Protagonists

Part 3 – Economic Control

Part 4 – Political Control

Part 5 – The World Army

Part 6 – Population Control

Part 7 – Who We Are

Part 8 – Further Example of Manipulation

Part 9 – The Pharmaceutical Racket

Part 10 – Seeing Beyond The Veil


From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life
apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of
life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us. Formal education through
schools, colleges and universities continues the systematic indoctrination where the 'correct' views and
interpretations of science, history and society result in exam passes and the ability to 'get on' in life. Alternative
views and the rejection of establishment education lead to supposedly lesser jobs and a struggle against economic
poverty. Our entire understanding of the world and current affairs is filtered through the mass media, interpreted
by journalists and so-called experts. Their views become our views simply because we are not offered any
alternatives. To overcome daily problems within society we turn to elected representatives of our community. We
give our decision-making abilities to these few people who are increasingly remote, as local council power is
removed to national government and ever more to Europe.
Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of
each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western
multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit.
Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have
been, according to their own definition, 'successful' within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the
status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care,
cultural and sporting events, religion etc.
With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the
perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon
find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions
to promote it. Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control
education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our
lives, our thoughts and opinions.
The vast majority of the world's population are merely sheep happily following the herd. Whatever is broadcast in
the media as being desirable to the masses suddenly and miraculously becomes desired by the masses. Whatever
our neighbour owns or achieves becomes the object of great envy and we lust to acquire what we believe to be
ours by right. Thus, when we are shown a solution to a problem, any old solution to anything which interferes
with our need to follow the latest trends, we accept it without question and cease to seek any further for ourselves.
Problems abound and so do solutions; but it is the easiest and most profitable proffered option which is seized by
the majority whilst the minority are trampled underfoot in the stampede to acquire the latest object of idolatry.
And just like sheep who follow blindly and without question the direction of the herd, we are led through the
gates of a pen to be confined at the shepherds convenience until it is time for the final journey, once again without
hesitation and happy in the knowledge that we are with the 'in-crowd', through the gates of the slaughterhouse
However, this framework has not been constructed by chance or appeared by accident. It is a deliberate policy
which has been implemented over the centuries and continues with ever more sinister repercussions today. It is
the identities of these shepherds, their methods and motivation with which the following chapter is concerned.
Since Biblical times, the esoteric knowledge, outlined briefly in this book, has been largely withheld from the
majority of people throughout the world. Initially, this information was the remnant of Atlantean knowledge but
was gradually dispersed and further diluted by cataclysmic events such as the Great Flood. Throughout the ages,
lost information has been returned to the collective consciousness of mankind via prophets and channellers. Great
Mystery Schools, such as the Essene order, set themselves apart in order to carry forward this knowledge via
carefully selected initiates. These initiates were the mystics and magi as well as the scholars, healers and
philosophers, such as Pythagoras, who, it is said, was very much influenced by the Druid culture.
Secrecy was maintained by these orders to avoid persecution and to prevent the very powerful information from
falling into the hands of those who would use it for imbalanced reasons. Knowledge was concealed within myth
and fable, often passed between generations by word of mouth alone, as in the case of the Celtic Druids. Any
written documents were careful ciphered, with the keys to the code known only to selected initiates. Covens
formed throughout the world and maintained secrecy through secret signals and codes which would reveal their
meeting places. This practice persists today amongst secret orders such as occultists and Freemasons etc..
Eventually, a large number of sects, which were initially sub-divisions of essentially the same orders, began to lose
sight of the original purity of their doctrines. Gradual misinterpretation of codes and myths as well as the uprising
of egotistical desires caused many of the groups to become separated in their intent; some of these have
developed into cult organisations and religions. Luciferic influence has seen to it that most dogmatic religion owes
more to misunderstanding of basic truths than anything else. Differences are amplified and seen as more
important to followers of such creeds than the common ties between them – all due to misinterpretation of the
same fundamental knowledge. All of the world's major religions share a pagan origin but have gradually moved
their sights further and further to the left of the centre where Truth inevitably lies.
Despite this, some of the purer mystery schools have survived through the ages in areas all over the world. The
ancient Egyptian magicians, the ancient Greek philosophers, the Celtic Druids, American Indian shamen,
Australian aboriginal shaman and oriental magicians have all possessed arcane knowledge pertaining to the true
nature of Creation. Initiates were often revered as holy men by the laity and were spared the distractions of daily
life in order to keep alive the flames of the inherent magic of life.
However, within certain of the more secretive societies, the Luciferic consciousness has managed to take hold
with disastrous consequences for mankind.
For millennia, human history has been a chronicle of the power struggle of man against man and of man against
nature. In his over-physical five-sense-perception state, that which man could acquire for himself as an individual
has been the main motivating factor, often seen as essential for survival. Survival has been perceived as for the
fittest, the most powerful, the wealthiest and this has perpetuated imbalance all the way to its most bitter
conclusions which are war, bondage and persecution. Domination through conflict and might over meekness has
seen aeons of feudalism and social hierarchy in the worst possible expressions.
To perpetuate their claim of deserved superiority over the masses, the rulers of the past have explored
innumerable ways to achieve their goals, both subtle and violent. One method has been recognised as being the
most effective and has been employed by the ruling aristocracy throughout the world since pre-history right up to
the present day through governments, businesses and monarchies. That is, by keeping the masses in ignorance of
their true potential and power; to keep them at a low level of education, preoccupying their minds away from who
they truly are from birth; to manipulate them via a systematic education programme, in all areas of their existence,
into channelling their lives in pursuit of handing over power to their rulers. If this can be done in such a way that
the masses have no recourse and believe this condition to be the only way to live, then they will be highly unlikely
to challenge the status quo.
The present System has been engineered throughout the ages by these imbalanced secret societies in order to
perpetuate their wealth and power. It is they who designed the System and it is only they who know every
individual link in the chains which have kept us in bondage for millennia. Today we have a global network of
secret societies, initiates into the 'Mysteries', whose only motivation is to serve the Luciferic consciousness. How
many times have we heard such phrases as 'It's the money men who really rule the world', but how many of us
realise the accuracy of this sentiment and its full implications?
Armed with vast amounts of wealth and esoteric knowledge, the negative secret society network has flourished as
the aristocracy of the world. Power, wealth and information has been gained and maintained via warfare,
exploitation, and especially in the last century, through control of the world's economic systems. Collectively
these organisations, led by the self-appointed global Elite, have become known as the 'Brotherhood'.
These days, initiation into the various secret societies which form the Brotherhood is relatively easy. Potential
initiates are hand picked and invited to join certain exclusive clubs, such as the Freemasons and certain mutually
beneficial business cartels which are merely Brotherhood front organisations. Candidates are tempted with the
promise that, once accepted into the organisation, many personal advantages would be on offer: improved career
prospects with promotion easier to achieve, more prosperous lifestyles and obstacles to success would be made
to disappear. In other words this mutually beneficial 'old-boy network' would take care of its own.
The only way for the Brotherhood to prosper is to keep the world in ignorance of who they really are. By
convincing people that they are little more than robots, they can use those robots to perpetuate their power
base. Power always seeks power and will never stop until all power is focused solely in the hands of the most
In the last century, with the acceleration in technological development, particularly in terms of communication,
the Elite have sought to realise their ambitions more swiftly with more blatant and definable aims: the creation of
a World Government; a world currency and bank; a world army; the control of public opinion culminating in a
microchipped population connected to a central computer; the destruction of any alternatives to their System; and
to make huge amounts of money in the process. This sinister plan by the Elite has become popularly known by
researchers as the New World Order.
The situation within the hierarchy of the Elite is necessarily complex as the activities are concealed behind a large
number of front organisations of varying degrees of secrecy. Everything is based upon the pyramid principle with
the very few Elite at the apex as the All-Seeing-Eye and ultimate controllers right down to those at the bottom
who, in the largest numbers, have no idea about the true agenda which is being ministered to them from above.
Through the levels of initiation from the bottom to the top, only the most ambitious and ruthless are filtered out
to occupy more and more select positions of power and knowledge of the ultimate agenda. This is further
enforced at each step of the pyramid by the process of COMPARTMENTALISATION which is the operation
of the 'need to know' principle; this way even those upon the same level of the pyramid know very little of their
fellow initiate's business and role within the overall plan. The vast majority of people working to further the Elite's
aims of a New World Order, do so unknowingly but others whose names constantly recur will have a pretty good
idea of what is happening.
The USA was founded by the Elite for the very reason of executing the plan to control the world. It is this nation
which is the hub of its wheel of influence. Christopher Columbus and his voyage was backed and financed by the
Brotherhood, with his ships' sails bearing a red cross on a white background, the symbol of the Knights Templar
(the chivalric order who went on to become the Freemasons etc., whose symbol is the red rose or cross upon a
white background which represents blood and semen in Satanic ritual). Almost a century before Columbus, the
Templars had reached North America and had already begun trading with and exploiting the native nations there.
Since its 'discovery', the history of the USA has been the history of ethnic cleansing, imposition of power, slavery,
mass exploitation and the worship of wealth. The U.S. president, generally accepted as the most powerful man in
the world, is a slave to his prime allegiance, the Brotherhood. Even he is probably not a top-level member as it is
wiser to hide behind the tools of corruption in anonymity and to pull the strings in this way.
I do not seek to condemn these people for their beliefs – everyone should be free to develop their own belief
system – but I feel that they are seriously misguided in the ways they seek to impose them on the majority and
conceal the truth. They have allowed themselves to become slaves to and also the major implementers the
Luciferic consciousness which has taken this planet to the brink of destruction.
Presenting the information concisely is a difficult operation due to the complexity of the interconnections
between people, organisations and events. I have attempted to simplify the situation into a manageable amount
but it remains merely the tip of the iceberg. It should be remembered also that nothing is black and white, no
one is 'good' or 'evil' – such simple distinctions are part of the manipulation which encourages us to judge our
neighbours in order to create conflict.


The basic recruitment of members to further the Elite's plans is through the secret society network of
Freemasonry which is the latest incarnation of the Christian/military order known as the Knights Templars who
gained staggering riches and a wealth of esoteric knowledge during the Crusades, in which the 'righteous'
Christians were dispatched to the Holy Land with free reign to slaughter the Jews and Moslems in a series of
campaigns between the 11th and 13th Centuries.
The vast majority of members are on the first three rungs of the thirty-three level hierarchy and have no idea of
the hidden agenda.
Once initiated into the lowest level – the first of thirty three degrees – vows are taken to pledge allegiance to the
society above all else. Most initiates are willing to do this as the temptation of power, wealth and knowledge is
hard to refuse. It is hinted that there are penalties to pay for betraying their society and revealing its secrets but at
this level the organisation is viewed by its members as little more than a secretive social club with a morality based
upon chivalry. Certain of what appear to be esoteric secrets are revealed to them upon initiation as a 'taster' for
what is to come as long as the initiate remains faithful to the order. Money is then paid by the initiate in order to
progress to the second degree through a ceremony involving the revelation of yet further secret knowledge with
the promise of more to come at each stage.
Initiation into higher degrees requires increasingly larger sums of money and still the clues keep coming;
promises of wonderful arcane knowledge are continual yet the actual knowledge revealed remains encoded and
only serves to whet the appetite. No one is ever given the full scenario, only pieces of what appears to be a
picture of the most awesome significance. As more and more is revealed and the higher up the ladder the initiate
is allowed, the greater are the personal perks provided and doorways opened in terms of career and social status.
Moreover, the warnings against transgression of the secret society's rules become blatant and more sinister at
each step.
It is impossible to achieve high levels of initiation within Freemasonry unless one is hand picked by those of the
higher degrees. In order to do this, one must meet their criteria of wealth, status, social class and character type.
By the time the twentieth degree is reached a minimum of professional level income is required to fund
progression through the system. The result of this financially dependent progression is that the top level members
of the Brotherhood elite are among the richest, and most powerfully influential people in the world. They are also
responsible, directly and indirectly for most of the money/power based crime such as the illegal drugs industry,
political assassinations, Satanism and mind control which goes on every day, all round the world.
At the apex of the pyramid of the Brotherhood are the select few who actually know the full agenda of the
organisation. These privileged elite have become known as the 'Illuminati', which is Latin for 'illuminated ones'.
All other members (nearly five million world-wide) are ignorant of the true purpose of their individual
organisation as a front for the Illuminati. Only the most suitable are selected to rise in the ranks, those recognised
as being wealthy, ambitious and corrupt enough to perpetuate the ultimate goal which is world domination. No
one but the Illuminati actually knows anything of importance and therefore cannot betray the game plan.
Everyone else provides a front, a smoke screen of ignorance and misinformation and all must offer complete
obedience to the will of their organisation or be banished (or worse). The same thing also happens in our
universities whereby particularly talented scholars are approached with magnificent offers of wealth and status in
order to follow unofficial secret research programs into such topics as UFOs, psychic warfare and advanced
energy sources.
Betrayal of the Brotherhood is the worst crime possible in the eyes of its members and is ultimately punishable by
death. The Brotherhood is all powerful: all top level members of the police and military forces around the world
are placed there through the Brotherhood as Brotherhood tools. Judges and lawyers, media moguls, businessmen
and politicians are recruited so that no member of the Brotherhood elite is ever in danger of being held
accountable by the System for any crime or misdemeanour. The Brotherhood can, and quite literally does, get
away with murder because it is also the law which opposes it. If a non-Brotherhood member should slip through
the net and achieve high status then there are ways to ensure that such people are unable to achieve their full
potential. For example, I doubt if Prince Charles will ever fulfil his right of kingship as he has publicly refused to
enrol with the Freemasons. It infiltrates every area of our society at all levels, but at the top, in the highest social
and monetary bracket, the Brotherhood prevails almost in total. It is the single largest vehicle for the perpetuation
of the Luciferic consciousness on Earth.
One of the ways by which the faithfulness of members is ensured, especially in the higher levels is by the
insistence that the initiated give details of their most intimate secrets to the organisation, so that if any
transgression of the rules were to occur then this information would be revealed and used to publicly destroy the
individual concerned. As an example of this, one Masonic branch, the Skull and Bones Society, centred around the
Harvard and Yale universities, was founded on opium money, is blatantly racist, has some particularly bizarre
rituals including an initiation which includes lying in a coffin with a ribbon tied around the genitalia whilst
masturbating and shouting out one's greatest sexual fantasies. It boasts amongst its members (who, remember,
swear complete allegiance to the society above all other commitments) George Bush, Percy Rockefeller, Winston
Lord (one time CFR chairman) and nine members of the board of the Morgan Guaranty Trust (see House of
Also associated with Freemasonry within the Elite's own hierarchy are other esoteric societies such as the Grand
Orient Lodges, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, P2 and the Black Nobility.
The Brotherhood owns the law, they own the military, they own the oil companies, pharmaceutical companies
and just about everything which provides fuel for the status quo. It sets the standards for education, it sets the
curriculum, it plants seeds via the media and education systems of what will later become, through tender
nurturing, power hungry, dis-satisfied, spiritually unaware slaves to their System. If it was not so sinister it would
be purely perfect in its all encompassing design.
While the first three degree Masons and Round Table members are raising money for charity and enjoying
relatively harmless social events, their superiors in the Craft are organising wars, drug pushing, co-ordinating
assassinations, mind-control, raping and murdering young children in Satanic abuse and formulating plans for
world domination.
History has convinced me that it is possible to get away with virtually any crime as long as it is on a large
enough scale.
The U.S. presidents, also thirty-third degree Masons, are financed into the position not as leaders of men but as a
tool of the Brotherhood. All allegiance come secondary to the bonds within their secret society, on pain of death.
Political systems are also a front for the Brotherhood elite. Not as representatives of the people, elected by the
people, for the people, but as tools of and for the Brotherhood. Science is controlled to the benefit of the elite,
wars are created and manipulated to the benefit of the elite. Every time a bomb is dropped or a tank built,
ultimately it is the multi-national businesses who profit, especially the oil industries and world bankers. All is
Brotherhood controlled. The scale of the manipulation in all areas of the status quo is almost immeasurable and
for this reason virtually unbelievable to most prisoners of the System.
The Round Table
The Round Table was established in the 1891 as a Masonic-like secret society to manipulate events to lead to a
centralised global government. The leading lights were Cecil Rhodes, whose wealth largely derived from the
exploitation of South African diamond reserves, and Alfred Milner, a Rothschild agent who took over after the
death of Rhodes. Financial backing also came from the Rockefellers. Groups were established throughout the
world, working behind the scenes through a co-ordination of world banks in order to bring pressure on
governments to promote the New World Order.
As well as Milner, who effectively controlled Lloyd George's War Cabinet during the Great War, members in
the first half of this century included Arthur Balfour (then Foreign Secretary, later Prime Minister and whose
Balfour Declaration created the State of Israel); Lord Astor who owned The Times; and Nathan Rothschild,
Governor of the Bank of England. After WW1, the Round Table was instrumental in the formation of the
League Of Nations, the forerunner of the Elite-controlled United Nations.
Rhodes' legacy includes a bequeathal of funds for the financial sponsorship of selected overseas students who
attend Oxford University to be sold the New World Order. These 'Rhodes Scholars' include Bill Clinton.
The influence of the Round Table and that of the various groups it has spawned is prevalent today, although the
majority of members will have no idea of what they are involved in.
Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
One of the more public Round Table creations is the Royal Institute of International Affairs which is based at
Chatham House in London and was formed in 1920 by the Anglo/American delegations from the Treaty of
Versailles meetings. Prominent in the British delegation was Alfred Milner. The RIIA's patron is the Queen of
Supposedly, the RIIA is a 'think tank' but in effect it determines British policy. And yet, its membership list is
never divulged and it is shrouded in secrecy. Information that has been obtained reveals that its current joint
presidents are Lord Carrington (former Foreign Secretary, director-general of NATO and close business partner
of Henry Kissinger), Lord James Callaghan (former Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister) and Lord Roy Jenkins
(former Chancellor of the Exchequer and president of the European Commission).
Funding is derived from its corporate members which is a vast list including government departments,
petrochemical companies (who also fund its Environment Programme!), merchant and high street banks,
newspapers, television stations, the Church of England, Amnesty International ...etc..
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
In 1921, funded by the Rockefellers, the RIIA founded its American wing – known as the Council on Foreign
Relations. As its membership is marginally more public than its British counterpart it is clearly seen that anyone
who has had any influence on American or global politics ever since has been a member of the CFR. This includes
14 of the last 18 US Secretaries of State; the previous eight CIA directors; the majority of presidential and vice-
presidential candidates including Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, Mondale, Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Bush and
The Bilderberg Group (Bil)
This was convened for the first time in May 1954 by Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, a major voice behind the
European Union. Also instrumental in its creation was Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the
Netherlands (former German SS officer an spy via chemical company I.G. Farben and who later became chairman
of Shell Oil). It was to be a group of leading politicians and their advisors, executives from media, banking and
multinational corporations, educationalists and military leaders who would meet to discuss the global future by
addressing matters of critical importance in an off-the-record manner so that the distractions of politics could be
kept out of the way.. The group has since met annually in strict secrecy and despite the considerable high level
media representation in the group the meetings are never reported.
Leading the group is an unelected steering committee, the chairman of which since 1991 has been Lord
Carrington. Members outside this committee probably do not know the agenda towards which the group is
working and are merely invited to be sold the public face of the New World Order for them to expound its
virtues in their areas of influence.
The Trilateral Commission (TC)
Also known as the 'Child of Bilderberg', this group was founded by David Rockefeller in 1972-73 to covertly
unify the policies of the US, Europe and Japan. Jimmy Carter's presidency was their first major coup with the
president and many members of his administration being Trilateralists, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, his
national security advisor and the first director of the Trilateral Commission.


House of Rothschild
The Rothschild empire was founded by Mayer Amschel Bauer (born 1743 in Frankfurt) with money
embezzled from a German prince, William IX, who had in turn stolen the money from soldiers he was
supplying to the British in the American War of Independence.
Nathan, the son of Bauer (now Rothschild), set up the London branch and established the banking interest,
N.M. Rothschild and Sons, which also had branches in Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Naples. Control passed through
Nathan's son Lionel to Nathan Mayer Rothschild who became Governor of the Bank of England, was awarded a
peerage in 1885 and was a member of the Round Table. At this time (1886-87) Randolph Churchill (Winston's
father) was Chancellor of the Exchequer, funded by the Rothschilds and a close friend of Nathaniel Rothschild.
Other notable family members include:

Lord Victor Rothschild, the alleged '5th man' in the KGB spy ring, who was in charge of the 'Regulation
18b' prosecutions under Winston Churchill whereby a person could by arrested and imprisoned merely 'on
suspicion'. He was head of Edward Heath's policy unit (1970-74) and allegedly head of an unnamed subversive
organisation designed to manipulate the introduction of a Federal Europe. He was also once a governor of the

Baron Edmund de Rothschild was instrumental in the 'debt for equity' schemes whereby Third World
countries gave up 'environmentally sensitive' land as a payment for debts.

Evelyn de Rothschild is the current chairman of N.M. Rothschild and is a member of the board of the
Daily Telegraph, owned by the Hollinger Group.

Associated Companies/Families
Since the late 1800s, business interests in America have been largely represented by Kuhn, Loeb and Co and
controlling interests are often concealed by companies with 'City' or 'First City' in their names e.g. First City
Financial Corporation of Vancouver, First City Development Ltd.
The operation is largely co-ordinated through Rothschild Inc (New York) and PowerCorp, a Canadian
company with strong links to the Hollinger Group.
The Rothschilds are allegedly behind the Morgan Empire which derives from the London based George
Peabody and Co which became J.S. Morgan and Co in 1864 on the death of Peabody (a Rothschild agent).
Control passed to J.S. Morgan's son, John Pierpont Morgan, and the company acquired its present name of
J.P. Morgan. The Morgan Empire now includes General Electric and all its subsidiaries, Morgan Guaranty
Trust, National Bank of Commerce…etc..
The House of Rothschild also has strong connections with the Warburg banking family which includes Paul and
Felix, who were instrumental in the setting up of the US Federal Reserve System, and their brother Max who ran
the German interests.
Rockefeller Empire

The Rockefeller Empire is based on oil, largely the Standard Oil company set up by John D. Rockefeller in
1853. (Part of this is now more familiar as Exxon and Esso.) Its influence on the political arena has been fairly
open and obvious.
J.D. Rockefeller III set up the Population Council in 1952 which, ever since, has been advocating zero
population growth in the US. In 1972 this sentiment was echoed by Lawrence Rockefeller (CFR, Bil, TC) who
was appointed by Nixon to lead a commission into population growth.
When Ford became president as a result of Nixon's resignation in the aftermath of Watergate, Nelson Aldrich
Rockefeller became vice-president (1974-77). A member of the CFR, he had formerly been part of the US
delegation at the creation of the UN.
A key family member is David Rockefeller who is head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, was chairman of the CFR
(1946-53), is an omnipresent Bilderberger and creator of the Trilateral Commission.
Percy Rockefeller is on the board of the Morgan Guaranty Trust and a member of the Skull and Bones
The Rockefellers donated money for the construction of the League of Nations headquarters in Geneva and
donated the land in New York on which the UN headquarters are built.
Associated Companies/Families
The companies in which the Rockefellers have a controlling interest include Chase Manhattan Bank, Standard
Oil (Esso/Exxon), National City Bank, Hannover National Bank, United States Trust Company, Equitable
Life and Mutual of New York.
Cousins of the Rockefellers are the Dulles brothers who were appointed to the US State Department during
World War I, participated in the Treaty of Versailles meetings, became part of the RIIA/CFR network and had
connections throughout US, English and German banking. John Foster Dulles, very much in favour of a 'super
race' and a prominent supporter of Hitler, became Secretary of State at the same time as his brother Allen was
head of the CIA.
Dr Henry Kissinger
A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, leading Bilderberger and head of
Kissinger Associates (with Lord Carrington), Henry Kissinger is also connected with the RIIA, the Chase
Manhattan Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation and is international advisor to the Hollinger Group. His public
offices include being Head of the State Department and National Security Council under Nixon (1969). Kissinger
was the leading international diplomat in the events that precipitated the Vietnam conflict and the Yom Kippur
war between Egypt/Syria and Israel and yet was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. He is also a member of
the Alpine Freemasons Lodge in Switzerland and was (is?) possibly a leading figure in P2.


Moves towards the New Word Order have been aided by the development of the current banking and
economic system. As I have said before, it does not take a leap in imagination to realise that, at present,
those who own the money in the world, control the world. And this is exactly how the Brotherhood has
achieved its extensive influence.
During the middle ages, when wealth was measured in riches, property and treasure – in gold especially – the
Brotherhood, mainly in the guise of the Templars, managed to set themselves up as high level money lenders
and repositories for wealth of the rich. Over time a system was devised whereby IOU tokens were supplied
which represented the gold in store, instead of moving the cumbersome treasure itself. It was realised that
vast sums could be made by the Brotherhood by lending out – in the form of paper representations of wealth
– more than they actually had and charging interest on this wealth which did not exist. The returns were real
wealth and gold as interest on worthless paper. Eventually, the world's gold reserves fell into the hands of the
Brotherhood who initiated a now world recognised system of paper bartering which merely represented the
wealth which lay in the vaults of these mega-wealthy few. Thus was created the system which rules the world
today – known now as a respectable business it is the system called banking.
Since Babylonian times usury – the lending of wealth at interest – has been one of the main causes of war
and empire building. Nations such as Persia and Rome became great due to their massive debts incurred by
lending money from wealthy nations. Later, unable to return the wealth, but rich and with great armies
funded by this borrowed wealth, they soon realised a need to conquer these lending nations in order to
nullify their debts. This was also the reason for the introduction of taxes, a global system which is in use right
up to today.
The charging of interest inflates the prices of goods as a large percentage of an item's cost is spent in
servicing the debts of the suppliers/ manufacturers/distributors etc. The greater the debt, the higher the
price. Banks use this high 'rate of inflation' to justify raising interest rates in order to discourage borrowing.
This serves to create more debt on the existing loans and further reduce the amount of money in circulation.
Economic depressions and booms are simply created by the banking institutions at will, by controlling the
amount of money and credit in circulation.
Banks extend their influence to every aspect of life by manipulating the stock markets to gain controlling
interests in multinational companies. For example, a company seeking expansion is refused a loan by a bank.
The value of the shares fall, the bank buys them before changing its mind and granting the loan.
In order for a nation to prosper on a global economic basis it must borrow from private money lenders other
people's money and money which does not exist in real terms, to pay for the implementation of its policies
and then take real wealth back out of the nation's hands, plus interest, in order to pay back the debt. At the
same time people are borrowing from the same banks to pay their taxes, their mortgages (other money lent at
interest!) and to maintain the lifestyle they feel they deserve. This means that the banks can never lose. All
wealth in circulation around the world, in effect, either belongs to them, is owed to them or will eventually be
dragged into their vaults via the banking system. In 1993 the UK paid £24.5
billion in interest, more than twice that in the education budget!
And yet, there is nothing to stop governments from printing their own money and lending it interest free.
Abraham Lincoln did so – just before he was murdered by John Wilkes Booth (allegedly a Rothschild agent)
and J.F. Kennedy had proposed to revive government printed money just before he too was removed in the
same way.
The Elite-controlled banking system is partly co-ordinated through the Bank of International Settlements in
Switzerland and handled in individual countries by the national central banks which are either private banks
(e.g. US Federal Reserve) or privately controlled banks under a facade of nationalisation.
In England, the national bank was established in 1694 by the new King William of Orange, manoeuvred into
place by the Orange Order which is directly controlled by the Black Nobility. It was a private venture under
the House of Rothschild which has maintained its influence since nationalisation.
The US Federal Reserve System was manipulated into place by the Elite bankers in 1910 through the
efforts of Paul and Felix Warburg and Colonel House. The imposition of a Federal Income Tax required
an amendment to the 16th constitution and therefore needed the agreement of 36 states. It was never
actually ratified as only two states agreed but Congress was lied to and the bill was passed as 'law'.
In 1985 the fact that all US Federal Tax collection has been illegal was acknowledged when a court
granted a total refund to a businessman on this basis. As a letter from the Commissioner of the Internal
Revenue Service to his regional directors says:
'… every tax paid into the Treasury since 1913, is due and refundable to every citizen and
business'. However, he advised that 'we will not publish or advertise this finding' and 'you are
to destroy this memorandum'.
Today we see the British government asset stripping in virtually every area of our society and promising great
improvements in standards of living and health care whilst standards continue to fall and we wonder where
all of the money is going to. The answer is simple, they are not selling the nation's assets to release money for
the nation's good, they are taking it to pay the national debt.
And why, in a world so rich in resources, are there people dying in their millions in second and third world
countries through war and starvation? Again, it is because these private companies, the banks, would rather
keep these nations in debt to the tune of billions of pounds than allow them the chance of developing their
own societies to a healthy level. At present these nations need to borrow money to produce goods to sell to
other nations in order to raise the money to pay back the banks at interest whilst their people starve and die.
Many researchers have come to the conclusion with which I agree, that this is a deliberate policy of the
Illuminati; to destroy the poorer nations through famine, disease and manipulated war in order to take total
control of their lands which are often rich in mineral wealth. The penalty for not being able to pay debts is the
loss of property and land, whether through an inability to pay one's mortgage or an inability to pay one's
national debt.
In reality, very few people are almost entirely responsible for the vast majority of negativity and suffering in
the world. It is an ingenious system which has us all at its mercy. The great god 'Banking', together with its
spin off deities of 'Economic Growth' and 'Gross Domestic Product', has seen to it that the majority of the
world's nations are drowning in an ocean of debt whilst the minority elite are floating on staggering amounts
of wealth. It makes little secret of its origins either: the symbol of the Illuminati for the Brotherhood, the 'All
Seeing Eye' which sits inside a triangle/pyramid, is the symbol which adorns the U.S dollar bill.
Whilst the world is controlled by the economics of banks and whilst survival depends upon lending money at
interest, there will always be rulers and the ruled and a need for war. This is because there will always be vastly
more money in circulation than there is actual wealth to back it up; and when the borrowers run out of money
to pay their lenders they have merely two choices: to become enslaved to their debtors or to conquer them. It
is for this reason that the bankers must maintain their position of ownership over the military, law, oil,
pharmaceuticals, media and education etc..
In order to maintain this position of absolute power, the world's borrowers must be kept in ignorance of the
truth of the situation which is that they are little more than slaves to their lenders. True history, which is the
story of billions of individuals, including their manipulation, must not be taught. Indeed, it most certainly is
not. The history books are full of kings and queens, 'goodies' and 'badies', wars and conquered nations, when
they should more accurately be described as the chronicles of greed and wealth. For the System to survive it
must also suppress true science, true history and the full exploration of spirituality.
Steps towards a Global Bank
The World Bank
This lends money to finance projects in the Third World to meet the needs of the multinationals. By
financing projects which are totally irrelevant to the needs of the local people; the local economy is
destroyed and rainforests are decimated. This conveniently adds to the environmental 'problem' (see
Bill Clinton nominated the current president of the World Bank – James Wolfensohn from the
Schroder Bank, Population Council, Bilderberg Steering Committee, CFR and business partner of
the Rothschilds.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
When poor countries get into Elite-engineered financial trouble, the IMF intervenes to offer more
loans (thereby increasing the debt) on the condition that the Elite's policies are followed e.g. giving up
land, which should be used to grow crops to feed the country's population, to produce luxury cash
crops instead, which are exported at cut down prices to the multinationals.
Free Trade
Agreements such as GATT, NAFTA and APEC are promoted as 'good' things, showing close co-
operation between the peoples of the world. In fact, 'free' trade serves to make all countries reliant on
global consumerism dominated by the multinationals. With no tariff on imported goods there is no
financial protection for home production, so Third World countries become dependent on imported
goods. Land and people in the developing world are therefore open to exploitation by global
companies, and industries in the developed countries can be undermined at will.
European Monetary Union
The most obvious stepping stone to a global bank and currency is the move by the European Union
towards a centralised bank and single currency. Despite the apparent debate, this has already been
decided upon with the UK's supposed opt-out clause in the Maastricht Treaty being over-ruled by
Also in the Maastricht Treaty are details of the control of the European currency and the reserves of
each member state by six members of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank who,
through their eight years of guaranteed security of tenure, 'may not seek or take instructions from
Community institutions…or any other body'.
Control of Food
One of the more unbelievable examples of corporate exploitation of particularly the Third World is the
systematic destruction of natural agricultural seeds, replacing them with patented genetically
engineered ones. According to UN estimates, 75% of genetic diversity in agricultural crops has been
lost this century and in England, 1500 'unapproved' seed varieties have been withdrawn. The situation
now is that, instead of using native seed varieties, Third World countries must pay royalties to the
multinational companies for genetically engineered seeds, which have been distributed and chemically
produced by the same corporations, and which are useless in a Third World environment. As a result
the same people control the actual food that we can eat – 90% of all food trade is in the hands of five
multinationals: 50% are controlled by Unilever (who's chairman, Paul Rykens was at the heart of the
formation of the Bilderberg Group) and Nestlé alone.


Underpinning the Elite's control of the political systems throughout the world is the philosophy of 'divide and
rule'. This manifests in many ways on different scales, e.g. the Cold War between Eastern communism and
Western capitalism; managed conflicts in the oil rich Middle East (aided by the creation of Israel after World
War I); the illusion of choice in apparent democracies. To achieve this, the same organisations finance and
covertly encourage sides that are portrayed as being opposites.
Wars are used to abruptly change political systems, so are seldom fought for the simplistic 'good versus evil'
reasons declared publicly. Instead, they are deliberately engineered to further the progress to the New World
Order. After all, as decided by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (one of the tax-exempt
foundations established by the Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford families) wars are the 'most effective way to
alter the lives of an entire people'. They also make vast amounts of money for the armaments companies and
the banks who lend money to governments.
Such control has been going on for centuries through the Knights Templars who could 'make kings', the
manoeuvring of particular Royal Houses into power throughout Europe in the 15th-17th centuries, the
French Revolution, the American War of Independence etc.. In this century the manipulation is
demonstrable but, because it is clandestine and apparently contradictory, the situation is very complex.
However, a brief look at the events from the First World War onwards reveals the true motivation behind
major events and the organisations/people behind them.
Behind the First World War/Russian Revolution
In 1914 the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, who had received death threats from Freemasons, was killed (at
the second attempt) by a Serbian secret society. This was used as an excuse for Austria, backed by Germany,
to declare war on Serbia, backed by Russia and France. Rasputin (the peasant mystic who gained favour and
thereby actual political power in the house of Nicolas II because of his apparent ability to heal the crown
prince Alexis' haemophilia), who effectively ran the administration in Russia, could have averted the war but
was temporarily removed by an assassination attempt which occurred at almost exactly the same time as the
murder in Serbia.
In Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm's Chancellor was Bethman-Hollweg, a cousin of the Rothschilds and his
personal banker was Max Warburg. The German newsagency, Wolff, was owned by the Rothschilds who also
had a controlling interest in Havas and Reuters, the French and British newsagencies. Britain entered the war
against Germany and America did likewise in 1917, as was always planned; the ostensible reason of the
sinking of the (arms carrying) Lusitania (which knowingly sailed into German patrolled waters) was merely a
publicity stunt to 'outrage' the American people and so give them the impression that they had entered the
war through choice. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace which, despite its name, had
manipulated America into the war, consequently telegraphed the US President Woodrow Wilson requesting
that he 'see that the war did not end too quickly'.
To remove Russia from the war, Germany openly supported the Russian Revolution by funding Bolshevik
propaganda and safeguarding Lenin's passage through Germany. However, it was also co-ordinated by the
Rockefellers and Rothschilds (via Kuhn, Loeb and Co) who funded both Trotsky and the anti-Bolshevik
reaction in America. Trotsky himself was most probably a German who left the US in 1917 on a passport
arranged by President Wilson. Final details were arranged in a 24 man Red Cross mission to Russia in 1917 –
a 'medical' mission in which only seven were doctors, the others being leading financiers including William
Boyce Thompson, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. With the Bolsheviks successfully installed,
media opposition in Britain and America was suppressed and agents dispatched to control diplomatic and
intelligence reports.
After the war, the treaty negotiations were held at Versailles, hosted by Baron Edmund de Rothschild.
Accompanying Lloyd George was Alfred Milner and the US delegation with Wilson included Colonel House,
Max and Paul Warburg, the Dulles brothers and Thomas Lamont of J.P. Morgan. The Treaty of Versailles
served three main purposes: it spawned the League of Nations which was the first attempt at world
government drafted by House with its Genevan headquarters built with Rockefeller money; it confirmed the
State of Israel creating instability in the Middle East; and it created the financial situation to lead inevitably to
a second war through which the New World Order could consolidate its position. This was achieved through
setting German reparations at a level to cripple the new German republic and by returning all economies to a
gold standard which affected all the European countries who were already in serious debt to the American
banks, especially to J.P. Morgan.
The Second World War
Through the 1920s and '30s, loans from Wall Street financed German rearmament and the rise of Hitler. One
German company which benefited substantially from these loans was I.G. Farben which by 1939 had become
the biggest chemical manufacturer in the world, and enabled Germany to become self-sufficient in rubber,
petrol, oil and explosives. (This company used the inmates of Auschwitz as slave labour at their massive
chemical plant during the war and are estimated to have worked at least 25,000 inmates to death; others were
killed in their drug testing program. In the Nuremberg Trials after the war twelve of I.G. Farben/Germany's
top executives were sentenced to minor terms of imprisonment for slavery and mistreatment offences whilst
many others were acquitted. None of the Americans who also sat on the same board as the convicted were
ever tried as a war criminal). On the supervising board of I.G. Farben was Max Warburg and on the board of
American I.G. Farben were US and German bankers, friends of Roosevelt and members of Nazi intelligence.
Rockefeller's Standard Oil assisted I.G. Farben's programme of research into making oil from coal (which
Germany had a plentiful supply of). I.G. Farben were Hitler's major financial backers along with US money
channelled through the German subsidiaries of General Electric Company (GEC), International Telephone
and Telegraph (ITT) and Ford.
Having supplied the loans to rearm Germany, repayment was demanded in cash causing the German
economy to crash, ensuring Hitler could seize power with popular support of his economic solution. In the
same year, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt took the American Presidency in a remarkably similar situation, offering a
'New Deal' type solution in the wake of serious economic depression. Both Hitler and Roosevelt were advised
by people connected with the American-German cartels and the Bank of International Settlements.
Meanwhile, Britain had adopted a policy of appeasing Germany. This was promoted by the PM Neville
Chamberlain as advised by Round Table members such as Lord Halifax, Lord Lothian, Leopold Amery and
the Astors (who owned The Times). In order to be self-sufficient through a lengthy war, Hitler's Germany
needed the resources of Czechoslovakia, so the British government continued promoting appeasement until
Austria and then Czechoslovakia were taken in 1939. The Bank of England then relinquished the £6 million
of Czech gold deposited in London to the conquering Nazis. The erstwhile appeasers (Milner, Lothian, Astor
and Amery) turned on Chamberlain and on the ensuing wave of pro-war opinion Churchill swept to power.
There is evidence to suggest that before Churchill became Prime Minister coded messages passed between
him and Roosevelt which confirm that the war was a premeditated set-up. On taking office Churchill
immediately appointed Victor Rothschild to implement 'Regulation 18b' to imprison, without trial, anyone
suspected of opposing the war.
Thus, the protagonists were in place – Roosevelt, otherwise known as the Knight of Pythias, a 33rd degree
mason and member of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Churchill, a freemason who
had several meetings with the esoteric guru Aleister Crowley; and Hitler who, with Himmler, Goering and
Hess, were steeped in the esoteric traditions of groups such as the Thule Society, the Vril Society and the
Edelweiss Society, all of which preached anti-Semitism and a Master Race. Occult symbolism and ritual
pervaded Nazi Germany from the swastika to the Nuremberg rallies and the organisation of the SS.
World War II was fought to the game plan laid down by the Elite. Despite Roosevelt's assurances to the
contrary, American entry into the war was a foregone conclusion and was engineered by the Council on
Foreign Relations who advised that the US adopt an anti-Japanese stance in the China-Japanese war, including
a trade embargo and refusal of entry into the Panama Canal. Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbour was to be
bombed from eight independent intelligence sources and 'fortunately' the cream of the US navy was not in the
harbour on the day of the bombing. The invasion of Britain by Germany was not part of the plan so, despite
having the ideal opportunity after Dunkirk, Hitler did not cross the channel. However, the Elite's script
required the creation of an apparent east/west divide, so as the Allies swept victoriously into Germany, they
allowed the Soviet Union to extend to and divide Berlin.
During the war, the American-German cartels made fantastic amounts of money. Their German factories
were left amazingly unscathed amidst the bomb devastation, and after the war the same people were
appointed by Roosevelt to supervise the fate of German industry. These decided that German industry
could only continue if the German people accepted full responsibility for Nazism, thus diverting public
scrutiny away from the truth.
At the farcical Nuremberg Trials only insignificant German directors of the cartels were tried and few found
guilty. Elsewhere at the trials defendants were barbarically tortured and, due to a change made by a professor
at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in April 1944, 'following orders' was not an admissible
defence. The major Nazi leaders were probably smuggled out of Germany to South America and the
scientists responsible for their advanced rocket and mind-control technology were re-situated in prestigious
posts in major colleges, universities and NASA in the US. This relocation and infiltration spanned forty
years and was known as Operation Paperclip. These scientists are still in positions of influence and are
involved in covert high-tech mind-control experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and
Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) which are under National Security Agency (NSA) known as Operation
MK-Ultra (see Who We Are – Mind Manipulation).
The outcome of this was just as planned by the Elite with the public crying out for any means to prevent
future wars. Many of the solutions offered by politicians have been moves towards global government and the
centralisation of power.
The United Nations
This was created to solve future disputes by words, not war, but was in fact one of the main reasons that
the Second World War was fashioned. The UN had been created by the Council on Foreign Relations as
early as 1941, four years before its official foundation by representatives of more than 50 countries. The US
delegation to the founding meeting in San Francisco, June 1945, included 74 members of the CFR.
The majority of people working for the UN are genuinely seeking to bring peace to the world. However, it is
one of the main vehicles for world government and world army and all six UN Secretary Generals have
promoted New World Order type attitudes.
More and more areas of our lives are being globalised through UN organisations under different excuses
for international jurisdiction—the World Health Organisation, UN Population Fund, UN Environment
Programme, UNESCO (for education, science and culture).
European Union
The three trading blocks of Europe, the Americas and Asia-Australasia are the stepping stones through
which government is being centralised before global control.
NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement), which has recently been extended, and APEC (Asia-Pacific
Economic Co-operation) look set to follow the example of Europe which is developing from a trade co-
operative to a United States of Europe.
The European Economic Community (EEC) was largely the brain-child of Jean Monnet and Joseph Retinger
(a founder of the Bilderberg group). It was funded by loans devised by Monnet and the CFR and was
formally created in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, drafted by Monnet and the CFR. If any country showed a
reluctance to join, the US pro-Europe position was made very clear to the 'offending' country.
The EEC has since become the European Community and now the European Union. Monetary union has
been confirmed by the Maastricht treaty and the situation moves ever closer to a Federal Europe. In 1980, the
EC drew up a map of regions within a proposed Federal Europe. England did not feature as an administrative
unit and the regions defined in the former Yugoslavia are those which have since been created by the recent
war. The public have always been kept in the dark about the extent of the union, with Prime Ministers Heath,
Wilson and Callaghan all accepting the renunciation of sovereignty and incorporation into a Federal Europe.
Margaret Thatcher served her economic purpose with Reagan in the 1980s but her resistance to European
Union ensured her downfall in 1990. Her demise was decided upon by the 1989 meeting of the Bilderberg
In the June 1995, Bilderberg meeting, attended by Norman Lamont and William Waldegrave, John Major
was threatened with a similar fate if he didn't back a Federal Europe. The leadership challenge by John
Redwood, supported by Lamont, was based on their alleged opposition to Federalisation. Major conveniently
won and purged his Cabinet of anti-federalists.
The Illusion of Democracy
Centralisation of power would not be accepted by the public if it was imposed directly; but by offering an
apparent choice in the democratic elections of Britain and the US, people are sold the illusion that actions of
politicians are accountable to the majority.
In America, presidencies are won through money, so those who control the financial resources dictate who
becomes president and the president is then under obligation to those who funded him. The apparent
differences between Republicans and Democrats are a façade as epitomised by George Bush, the Republican
President 1989-1993, and Bill Clinton, the current Democratic President. Both are members of the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission; both are 33rd degree masons; both support GATT,
NAFTA, centralisation and economic growth at the expense of humanity and the environment; and both are
heavily involved in drug trafficking, child abuse, murder and the Iran-Contra affair.
In the British 'democracy' a person's allegiance to a political party is largely dictated by income and image. The
majority of constituencies are 'safe seats' because due to the affluence, or otherwise, of an area the people
automatically vote Conservative or Labour, respectively. Any candidate who toes the Elite line can be easily
installed in parliament through these seats and subsequently MPs are instructed how to vote by their party.
Those who attempt to be individuals and not support their party on certain issues face sanctions, whereas
those who are willing to do as they are told advance rapidly. MPs are bribed to ask questions on behalf of
certain companies, they often have external directorships and consultancies and on leaving government they
often move into top commercial posts. For example, Lord Wakeham, who was instrumental in the
privatisation of the electrical industry, became a director of N.M. Rothschild who had made a fortune from
the privatisation. Other directors of N.M. Rothschild include Norman Lamont (former Chancellor), Lord
Armstrong (one of Thatcher's cabinet secretaries during privatisation), Clive Whitmore (Home Office
permanent secretary) and Frank Cooper (Ministry of Defence permanent secretary).
As early as 1940 Harold Wilson was preaching a centralised Federal Europe and outlined a plan of
infiltration of the Labour and Conservative parties to form a centre party of moderates which could brand
any genuine opposition as extremists. The plan also included the destruction of the British manufacturing
industries. Between 1964 and 1975, Wilson (Labour) was Prime Minister, except when he was replaced in
1970-74 by his Bilderberg colleague Edward Heath (Conservative). The two of them ran down British
industry, limited MI5 investigational powers and moved towards European Union. Wilson was aided by Lord
Victor Rothschild as the head of his Central Policy Review Staff, and his Chancellor Denis Healey
(Bilderberger, TC, RIIA).
Today, all political parties agree on the major issues—Major, Blair and Ashdown are all in favour of
European Union, a single currency and bank, Maastricht, GATT and Western consumerism.


A world army is to be achieved through the manipulation of conflicts leading to extra military powers for the
United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. Meanwhile, NATO is expanding to absorb more