Custom Digital Content.pdf

Custom Digital Content.pdf, updated 8/1/22, 10:29 PM


About Global Documents

Global Documents provides you with documents from around the globe on a variety of topics for your enjoyment.

Global Documents utilizes edocr for all its document needs due to edocr's wonderful content features. Thousands of professionals and businesses around the globe publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content.


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Access to Food Processing’s e-newsletter subscriber and registered website user
databases is available for direct marketing purposes. Email addresses are not
released; supplied HTML and/or text creative is delivered to selected opt-in email
addresses on behalf of the client. For more on Database Access contact Patty
Donatiu,, or via telephone at 610-690-7442.
For Custom Digital Content Packages Contact Polly Dickson,, or via telephone at 630-467-1300 x396
Custom Digital Content
In addition to site advertising, e-newsletter sponsorships, webcasts,
and our core lead-generation programs, Food Processing offers a
variety of other digital marketing opportunities to connect our
readers and marketing partners. We will work to lead our clients
to make decisions which will enable them to run their businesses
more efficiently, safely and profitably.
Contact Polly Dickson, Digital/Print Sales Specialist • Phone: 630-467-1300 x396 •
are designed to combine lead generation
with thought-leadership positioning.
Knowledge Centers bring together
essential decision-making resources on
a specific technical topic—whitepapers,
webcasts, video clips, articles, application
notes, etc.—in a resources page
Our Knowledge Center platform
combines a sophisticated content
management tool and robust
back-end reporting to facilitate
high-end, integrated campaigns.
The site user’s ability to access
multiple downloads from a single
registration facilitates the user
experience as well as allowing
the sponsor to qualify leads
based on specific interests and
readership habits.
A Food Processing client services
specialist will actively manage
available digital inventory on our
website and in our e-newsletters
to drive traffic and registrations
according to mutually agreed
upon expectations.
Recent Example:
A Management Resource Knowledge
Center sponsiored by Grant Thornton
Editorial and design services are available to create and distribute custom
e-newsletters according to specific parameters and marketing goals.
Delivering feature articles, headlines with direct links to the top news stories that are critical to staying
up to date on the industry—company news, product announcements, technical issues and more.