Concord, CA Homeowners Choosing Certified Solar Panel Installers For Energy Independence

Concord, CA Homeowners Choosing Certified Solar Panel Installers For Energy Independence, updated 1/5/23, 10:31 AM

If you live in Concord, CA, you'll want to partner with the certified and trusted solar panel experts at Semper Solaris (925-320-3933). With a 10-year limited warranty and the highest safety standards, they make your switch to solar a stellar experience. Learn more at

Semper Solaris 1805 John Towers Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States Website Email

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Concord, CA Homeowners Choosing Certified Solar
Panel Installers For Energy Independence
If you live in Concord and you took a minute
to review your energy bill this past August,
you know it's time for a change.
If you're also someone who's
committed to supporting American-
made products, Semper Solaris can
help you knock both goals off your list.
Bolster the economy, reduce your utility bills
and your carbon footprint, and significantly
increase the value of your home with a solar
system from the team at Semper Solaris.
Sure, now is a good time to switch to
solar but do you know which products
are best suited to your home’s roof
design and your annual energy needs?
Named 2022’s Top Solar Installer and the
winner of 8 other industry awards, Semper
Solaris is a trusted solar energy company
here to help you make all the right decisions.
The Semper Solaris
brand was inspired by the
Marine Corp’s motto
Semper Fidelis, which
means “always faithful.”
We built our company on military values that
include duty, respect, honor, and integrity. And for
homeowners committed to buying American, we
are your one-stop shop.
Find Out More At