Denver CO Jeweler Designs Custom Sapphire Engagement Rings Your Fiance Will Love

Denver CO Jeweler Designs Custom Sapphire Engagement Rings Your Fiance Will Love, updated 5/7/21, 11:23 PM

Denver, CO jewelry store Kortz Originals, available at (720) 439-9810, launched updated customization services for clients looking to create a unique engagement ring with any gemstone centerpiece. Go to to find out more!

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This Denver Jeweler
Designs Custom
Sapphire Engagement
Rings You Will Love
Looking for an engagement ring that goes beyond the traditional diamond
design? Look no further! Kortz Originals, a family-owned jewelry store in
Denver, Colorado, has launched updated engagement ring customization
Bob Kortz, a fourth-generation
jeweler, works one-on-one with
you to help you design your ideal
gemstone or diamond ring.
For centuries, engagement rings have served as life-long
symbols of the love, honor, and commitment between a couple.
Kortz Originals' customization process
can provide you with a unique yet
elegant engagement ring that
accurately reflects your partner's style
and personality.
Kortz Originals offers a range of gemstones for you to choose
from, including sapphires, moonstones, amethysts, emeralds,
rubies, and more.
The jeweler’s wide selection of
gemstones allows you to select a
symbolic centerpiece that represents
a special memory, a sentimental
location, or your partner’s birth
You can begin the jewelry customization process by sending in your initial ideas to Kortz
Originals. To find inspiration for your bespoke ring design, you can refer to the company’s
online portfolio or to external sources like magazine advertisements and Pinterest.
Next, you can schedule either an in-
person or virtual consultation with Bob
to discuss the specifics of your design
and to receive an initial cost estimate.
Using the virtual jewelry design program Countersketch,
Bob can produce an instant 3D rendering of your
engagement ring design.
This tool can also be used to view a
variety of settings and centerpiece
options, as well as the type, color,
cut, quantity, and weight of any
You can call Kortz Originals at (720) 439-9810 to schedule a
free custom design consultation.
A spokesperson for the company said: “Kortz will
be there at every step of the process to make
sure you get everything you need. There is no
other jeweler in Colorado with the experience we
have. Our ability to source the best products is
Go to for more details.