Tips for Growing Air Purifying Plants Successfully

Tips for Growing Air Purifying Plants Successfully, updated 12/18/24, 10:58 AM

Enhance your indoor air quality naturally with easy-to-grow air purifying plants. Start with low-maintenance varieties like spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies, which thrive in indirect light and require minimal care. Keep plants healthy by ensuring proper watering schedules, using well-draining soil, and placing them in rooms with adequate light and humidity. Regularly clean plant leaves to maximize their air-filtering benefits.

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Tips for
Growing Air
Learn how to grow indoor plants that purify
the air, enhancing your home's freshness
and creating a healthier living space.
How Do Plants Purify the Air?
Plants engage in photosynthesis to
take in carbon dioxide and release
Absorption and
During photosynthesis, plants also
absorb and neutralize other
harmful gases, purifying the air.
The process of Stomata allows
plants to physically take in carbon
dioxide through their leaves and
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10 of the Best Indoor Plants That Clean the Air
Spider Plants
Hardy, low-maintenance plant that efficiently
removes toxins like formaldehyde and xylene
from the air.
Boston Fern
Lush, green fern that excel at capturing
formaldehyde, making it a great choice for the
kitchen or bathroom.
Aloe Vera
Succulent that is particularly adept at
removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
from the air, ideal for placement near cleaning
product areas.
Vibrant flowering plant that can strip the air of
chemicals like ammonia and benzene, though
toxic to pets.
Peace Lily
Elegant plant that thrives in low light
conditions and refreshes the air at night by
releasing oxygen.
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Spider Plant
The Spider Plant is a resilient and low-
maintenance houseplant that thrives with
minimal care, making it an ideal choice for
both novice gardeners and busy
homeowners. This hardy plant offers
maximum air-purifying benefits, effectively
removing toxins and improving indoor air
Discover more
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Safety Concerns Before You Buy a Plant
Toxic and Poisonous Plants
Some plants like oleanders and
poinsettias can be highly toxic and
dangerous, especially for children
and pets.
Thorns and Prickly Leaves
Plants with sharp features like
thorns, needles, or prickly leaves
can pose a physical threat,
especially around young children.
Invasive Bugs
Houseplants can bring in unwanted
pests and insects that can multiply
and negatively impact air quality.
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How Plants Supplement Air Filters
Air filters, particularly
high-quality pleated
MERV filters, are much
more efficient at
capturing a wide range
of airborne particles
and pollutants as they
cycle through the HVAC
system. Plants should
not replace these filters.
Importance of
Effective Air
The ideal approach is to
use a combination of
air-purifying plants and
effective air filters to
maximize indoor air
quality. The plants can
enhance the filters'
performance by
capturing additional
Balancing Plants
and Air Filters
Houseplants can
capture particles that
air filters may miss,
such as those that
enter the home from
outside. They provide
an additional layer of
protection to
supplement the
primary air filtration
Role of Plants
Houseplants alone
cannot completely
clean indoor air of all
pollutants and VOCs.
Their purification
capacity is limited
compared to
dedicated air filtration
Limitations of
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many plants do I need to purify a
NASA suggests using about one plant per 100 square feet
of space for effective air purification, though more
plants may be needed depending on room size and air
filter quality.
Which plants release oxygen at night?
Orchids, Spider Plants, Peace Lilies, Chrysanthemums,
and Snake Plants are great for bedrooms as they
release oxygen during the night, enhancing sleep
Which plants purify air the most?
NASA found that Spider Plants, Snake Plants, Peace Lilies,
and Aloe Vera are highly effective at removing common
indoor pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and
carbon monoxide.
What plants remove toxins from the air?
Philodendrons, Aglaonema, Aloe Vera, Dracaena, Spider
Plants, and Peace Lilies are excellent at absorbing and
neutralizing airborne toxins, improving indoor air quality.
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