Overcome Addiction With This USA First Responder Trauma Informed Care Center

Overcome Addiction With This USA First Responder Trauma Informed Care Center, updated 3/23/21, 11:38 PM

Utah Addiction Centers announced that their new first responder trauma informed care program is now available for emergency responders throughout the United States. Go to https://utahaddictioncenters.com/first-responders for more info!

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Overcome Addiction With This USA First
Responder Trauma Informed Care Center
If you are a first responder looking for mental health treatment, this new center is the
solution for you! Utah Addiction Centers announced the launch of their new first
responder trauma informed care center in the United States.
This new recovery center specializes in providing
mental health and substance abuse residential
treatment to first responders.
With the latest announcement, the team at Utah
Addiction Centers are dedicated to protecting the lives
and livelihoods of first responders nationwide.
As a first responder, you are constantly
exposed to trauma and life-threatening
situations, you frequently witness acts
of violence and put yourself in danger.
This stressful work can have a major impact on
your physical and mental well-being, It is
estimated that 30% of first responders develop
behavioral health conditions including, but not
limited to, depression and post-traumatic stress
The team at Utah Addiction Centers are trained and experienced in identifying and
addressing PTSD and other mental health concerns such as addiction,
depression, and anxiety that often accompany symptoms of PTSD.
They work with active and retired
veterans, police officers, correctional
officers, Emergency Medical Service
workers, and firefighters throughout the
Group participation allows first responders to
increase their compassion and empathy for others,
avoid isolation, discover similarities, and achieve
cognitive and emotional growth from self-
However, depending on your individual needs, the center can offer
individual outpatient therapy, day treatment and residential treatment
24/7 for a minimum of 30-days.
The center also provides weekly
aftercare groups and family
therapy for loved ones.
The team at Utah Addiction
Centers includes physicians, floor
staff and master level clinicians.
Go to
com/first-responders for
more info!