Ethical Travel Company Brings Urgent Action Against Shark Finning & You Can Help

Ethical Travel Company Brings Urgent Action Against Shark Finning & You Can Help, updated 3/11/24, 8:20 PM


Ever Wonder Adventure is committed to stopping shark finning, a cruel practice that killed over 86 million sharks last year alone, but they need your help. Go to to see how you can fund their incredible work.

Ever Wonder Adventure City: Singapore Address: One Oxley Rise Website:

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Ethical Travel Company Brings Urgent
Action Against Shark Finning & You
Can Help
Ever Wonder Adventure is on a mission to reveal the cruelty of shark
finning, show you the consequences of shark extinction and put an
end to this ugly and horrific practice.
Tragically, in 2023 86
million sharks or more were
killed because of shark
fishing, with 80% of those
attributed to the fin trade.
Ever Wonder Adventure believes
this is an unacceptable figure,
which is why they are now
focusing on both raising
awareness about the practice
and eradicating it.
Their team describes sharks as
‘guardians’ of biodiversity. However,
sadly, because of these widespread
finning practices, today 31.2% of all
sharks are threatened with
In order to support their
conservation work, they ask you
to purchase a piece of
environmentally and ethically
produced merchandise from their
new Save Earth collection.
They have a selection of designs available that you
can buy, including their new ‘Save Our Fin-tastic
Friends’ line.
If you purchase something from their Save Earth Collection, you can
help Ever Wonder Adventures to fund their important advocacy and
conservation work at locations worldwide.
Go to
upport-us to find out more.