Moline Physical Checkups & Family Health: Short Wait Times At Top Local Clinic

Moline Physical Checkups & Family Health: Short Wait Times At Top Local Clinic, updated 2/12/25, 5:20 AM


When was your last health checkup? If you live in Moline, Bettendorf, or Rock Island, arrange an appointment with the local team at Amana Care Clinic (563-388-7000), because prevention is always better than cure. Go to for more information.

Amana Care Clinic City: Davenport Address: 2162 W Kimberly Rd, Website:

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Moline Physical Checkups & Family Health: Short
Wait Times At Top Local Clinic
Inconvenience or distance should not stop you from
having regular health checkups, which is why Amana
Care Clinic offers fast appointments in its advanced
The center uses state-of-the-art
diagnostic equipment and has
very short waiting times, so you
can begin taking control of your
long-term well-being.
The US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion states that regular health
checks can help to identify problems at an early stage, when treatment may be more
Amana Care Clinic aims to promote preventive
medicine in local areas by offering a readily
accessible and modern facility.
The center’s waiting times are typically very short, and
you can reduce them even further by using the online
booking feature.
In addition to annual health reviews, the clinic offers general medical consultations and primary care if
you’re experiencing health problems or unusual symptoms.

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