Regenerative Nutrition Beginner's Guide: Paul Lee's Book Has Real Tools To Live Longer

Regenerative Nutrition Beginner's Guide: Paul Lee's Book Has Real Tools To Live Longer, updated 8/9/24, 2:40 AM


Professor Paul Lee and Regeneration Man have released an incredible new book on regenerative nutrition and medicine that is helping people unlock their body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate itself.

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Regenerative Nutrition Beginner's
Guide: Paul Lee's Book Has Real
Tools To Live Longer
Professor Paul Lee is pleased to be bringing you his new
book on regenerative nutrition, called ‘Regeneration by
Design: The Science of Superhuman Ageing.’
Described as a beginner’s guide
to regenerative nutrition, the
book turns advanced science
and medicine into actionable
steps that you can take to alter
your diet.
Prof. Lee said, "With ‘Regeneration by Design’, I will teach you how you can leverage
advanced dietary insights to fuel your body’s innate healing and regeneration processes.”
Paul Lee will not only teach you how to eat well but
how to harness the full vitamin and mineral profiles
of the food you eat, how to reduce inflammation in
your body, and more.
He also integrates food into a holistic lifestyle and
medical plan that is designed to help you unlock your
body’s natural healing and regeneration capabilities at
every level.
Professor Lee’s goal is that, by actioning his comprehensive nutrition, lifestyle and medicine plans, you
can both live longer and live better.

Go to to find out