Florida LGBTQIA+ Friendly Substance Use Outpatient Program At Inclusive Center

Florida LGBTQIA+ Friendly Substance Use Outpatient Program At Inclusive Center, updated 12/27/23, 6:40 PM


If you're ready to start your recovery process in 2024, Calusa Recovery offers open registration for its intensive outpatient program, welcoming LGBTQIA+ participants alongside others. Visit https://calusarecovery.com for more details.

Calusa Recovery City: Fort Myers Address: 15611 New Hampshire Ct Website https://www.calusarecovery.com Phone +1-866-798-3232 Email info@calusarecovery.com

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Florida LGBTQIA+ Friendly Substance
Use Outpatient Program At Inclusive
There's no time like the present to take the first steps
towards recovery from dependence on drugs or alcohol.
You've struggled
long enough.
Why not seize the day
and register for Calusa
Recovery's intensive
outpatient program, in
Fort Myers?
The rehabilitation’s center’s
program is inclusive and
makes you feel welcome
and comfortable, no matter
what your gender, sexual
identity, or ethnicity might
You'll get a chance
to work on the roots
of your substance
use disorder so you
can heal and move
The experienced team at Calusa Recovery helps you address
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your
While participating in the intensive outpatient program, you'll have a
chance to identify and address sources of prevalent trauma and mental
health concerns.
Find Out More At