
Chen_Halawa_Pang_FastVideoStabilization.pdf, updated 4/7/22, 1:30 AM


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Efficient Video Stabilization Using
Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
Derek Pang, Huizhong Chen, Sherif Halawa
Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
System Overview
Experimental Results
Related Work
 Robust stabilization at
efficient computational cost
 Scalable in complexity

Insensitive to illumination
changes and noises
 Optimal motion smoothing
 Motion fidelity
enhancement for sharp
motion changes
PSNR between current frames and
their respective previous frames
Matlab Implementation (320x240 Input)
Best Mode (per frame)
Fast Mode (per frame)
Wavelet Transformation
47.2 ms
7.0 ms
Motion Estimation
23.2 ms
1.4 ms
Motion Smoothing
2.5 ms
0.2 ms
16.4 ms
5.0 ms
89.3 ms (11.2 fps)
13.6 ms (73.5 fps)
N G Kingsbury, "Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysis and filtering of signals", Journal of Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, May 2001.
Y Matsushita , E Ofek, W Ge, X Tang; H Y Shum; , "Full-frame video stabilization with motion inpainting“, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , July 2006.
F Liu, M Gleicher, H Jin and A Agarwala. ”Content-Preserving Warps for 3D Video Stabilization”, ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2009.