Applying good work-from-home ergonomics is crucial to having a successful and healthful work setup. It can be difficult to notice the grave consequences of poor, long-term posture.
To alleviate the symptoms of potentially deep-rooted problems, it’s best to practice these helpful tips for maintaining a safe and pain-free work-from-home environment.
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Advanced Digital Media
We live in an ever-changing digital world. At ADMS, we combine and apply latest software and cutting-edge practices, giving our clients verifiable results in website design, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing. We also provide logo design creation, website hosting and maintenance, and myriad other services.
Work-From-Home Ergonomics
www.advancedch i roprac to rsg roup .com
Because of the COVID-19 outbreak,
countless people have been forced to set
up workspaces at home without the right
set of equipment.
With long hours spent in front of screens –
whether it’s on couches, beds, or at-home
desks – chiropractors can’t help but notice
how some common work-from-home
behaviors, like hunching over a coffee table
or sitting awkwardly for long hours, have
become widespread, resulting in poor
postures and back pain.
Some never even realize that a bad setup can
negatively impact their posture and
musculoskeletal health. If you’re suffering from
neck, back, or head pain while working, it may be
due to poor ergonomics at home.
What Is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is the process of arranging and
designing products, workplaces, and systems
in a way that fits your workstyle. Usually,
ergonomics is associated with proper seating
or car control designs; however, it also applies
to the design of everything that involves
people, including their workspace.
Ergonomics aims to improve one’s workspace
and environment to lessen the risk of injuries or
harm. In the workplace, ergonomics incorporates
human abilities and limitations — which includes
one’s size, strength, speed, skill, attitudes, and
sensory abilities — into the workspace design.
Without the proper work-from-home ergonomics,
improper posture leads to potential harm and
puts injuries under a lot of stress and strain in
your new work environment.
How You Can Have an Ergonomically-Correct
Remote work can put the neck, back, and
shoulders under a lot of stress. Given that desk-
type work setups are expected to persist even
post-pandemic, it is important to practice self-
care and minimize the pain points around our
As experts in joints, muscles, and spines, our
dedicated team of affiliated chiropractors has
provided some helpful tips for a more efficient,
healthful, and posture-friendly work-from-home
1. Maintain Good Posture
According to chiropractor Dr. Hardick, when
people are at the computer, their posture is
often wrong, which can cause misalignment
and pain if not corrected immediately.
Also, people make the common mistake of
looking down at their computer and protruding
their necks towards the screen. This causes the
shoulders to roll forward.
It is important, when applying the best
ergonomics for working from home, to ensure
that you establish good working posture. To
achieve this, try sitting in a neutral position while
keeping your spine relaxed, and elevating your
monitor to a position slightly above your head.
2. Stretch Your Hands
If you are suffering from wrist strain and finger
pain while working, this may be due to carpal
tunnel-like symptoms from excessive typing
and clicking.
The longer hours attributed to this activity can
only worsen the issue. One way to tick the box
on your working-from-home ergonomic
checklist, as per Dr. Hardick, is to keep some
rubber bands at your desk for occasional
hand stretches.
Extend your fingers, wrap a rubber band
around your thumb and pinky, and engage
the extensor muscles at the back of your hand
by flexing. Doing so is better than a stress ball,
as the latter only keeps your fingers stretched
and positioned forward.
3. Move Your Body
Movement is a great way to keep yourself
free from pain. Apart from having an
ergonomically correct workstation,
another good application of work-from-
home ergonomics is moving around from
time to time.
It’s not healthy to remain idle for hours
without breaks. Given the amount of
stress that someone can experience on a
daily basis, it’s important to rest and
calm your mind and body.
4. Have a Designated Workspace
Another of the best ergonomic strategies for
working from home is having an area dedicated
specifically for work. Having this space is crucial
to ensure the privacy of your life, your clients, and
your company.
It also helps to condition your mind to maintain
proper posture while at the workstation while
allowing you to relax elsewhere at your leisure. By
practicing a strict routine, you can reduce back
problems and work at a more optimal pace.
5. Seek Professional Advice
Spending long hours in front of a screen can
stress your health. Poor posture — while
negligible at first – can result in cumulative
trauma disorder or repetitive stress injury.
It’s vital that, if you start experiencing any
problematic pain that hinders your way of
life, you stop it in its tracks. Don’t allow these
issues to go untreated.
These tips may serve as sufficient initial
steps to a more comfortable work-from-
home setup; however, for the best possible
care, we at the Advanced Chiropractors
Group can connect you to the best and
most dedicated ergonomic professionals to
provide you with the necessary therapies.
Nurture your overall health with the best
ergonomics for working from home today.
Call us for any inquiries, and we will not
hesitate to get your health back on track.
877 237 6969