Eliminate Sensitive Tooth Symptoms With Long-Lasting Treatment In Westchase, Houston

Eliminate Sensitive Tooth Symptoms With Long-Lasting Treatment In Westchase, Houston, updated 5/21/23, 12:00 PM


If your teeth scream when you eat ice cream, there’s likely a treatable issue causing your tooth sensitivity. So, to eat ice cream pain-free, why not arrange a consultation with Dentist 101 of Houston (713 773-1300) in Westchase?

Visit https://txdentist101.com/westchase.html for more information.

Dentist 101 of Houston 9180 Bellaire Blvd Ste B, Houston, TX 77036, United States Website https://www.txdentist101.com/ Phone +1-713-773-1300 Email txdentist101bellaire@gmail.com

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Eliminate Sensitive Tooth Symptoms With Long-Lasting
Treatment In Westchase, Houston
If you’re like me, you put off visiting the dentist
despite the chronic tooth pain that triggers
whenever you eat something cold or hot or sweet,
or sour…the list never ends.
But what if I told you that once I
gritted my teeth and made a
dentist appointment, they
managed to treat and completely
eliminated my tooth sensitivity?
That’s exactly what
Dentist 101 of Houston’s
team does with their
tooth sensitivity
diagnosis and treatment
services in and around
Westchase, Houston.
The dental practice
provides you with a range of
dental treatments, including
fillings, implants, root canal
work, deep cleaning,
restoration, gum treatments
& tooth extractions.
Pain from sensitive teeth is
often the result of a tooth’s
protective enamel being worn
away or its root being
exposed due to cavities,
cracked teeth, or gum
Once the cause of your
pain is identified, it will be
addressed by either
cavity filling or cracked
tooth through to root
canal repair.
Enjoy eating ice cream
again without
toothache with Dentist
101 of Houston!
for more information