Magento 2 Product Question Answer | Userguide

Magento 2 Product Question Answer | Userguide, updated 7/5/24, 1:13 PM

Enhance customer engagement and provide better support with the MageAnts Magento 2 Product Question Answer Extension. This tool allows customers to ask questions and get answers directly on product pages, improving the shopping experience.

Key Features:

Customer Interaction: Enable customers to ask questions and receive answers about products directly on product pages.

Admin Moderation: Approve, edit, or delete questions and answers to maintain quality and relevance.

SEO Benefits: Improve SEO with user-generated content that addresses common customer queries.

Email Notifications: Notify customers and admins about new questions and answers to keep everyone informed.

Enhanced Product Pages: Provide detailed product information and insights, helping customers make informed decisions.

Boost your Magento 2 store’s customer support and engagement with the MageAnts Product Questions Answers Extension. Foster a community of informed shoppers, reduce return rates, and increase customer satisfaction.

About MageAntsStore

MageAnts is your trusted partner of Magento Custom DevelopmentHyvä theme development solutions provider. Put your trust in us to create an online presence for you. Let us bring you into the digital age to embark on an incredible journey. Enhance your Magento store with our Magento 2 extensions & extend store functionality.

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Product Question Anwser - Magento 2

Table Of Contents
Installation Guide...….....…........................................…....4





5 2

Mageants Product Question/Answer is a perfect extension for the
store owners who wants to help customer to clear customer mind
confusion. It’s allow customer to ask question about product and get
answer for that. All question and answer can only show which is
approved by admin.
- Enable / Disable Product QA.
- Set question display per page in product page question answer tab.
- Like/Dislike on question and as well on answer to.
- Question/Answer only display when admin approve.
- Search and sorting feature available.
- Set character limit for question.
- Captcha Enable/Disable for question form.
- Email send to questioner answerer customer regarding new update. 3

Installation :-
There are two ways of installing extension in magento2.
 Manually Install extension.
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE

Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app
directory If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System -> Cache Management.
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade and
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and login back to the
admin panel and switch to Stores→ Configuration→

Mageants→ Product question answer, the module will be
displayed in the admin panel. 4

Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app
directory If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System -> Cache Management Edit
app/etc/config.php file and add one line code :
‘Mageants_ProductQA’ => 1
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade and
php bin/magento setup:static-tent:deploy
Step 5: Disable the cache under System -> Cache Management
Step 6: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the
admin panel and switch to Stores→ Configuration→
Mageants→Product Question Answer, the module will be
displayed in the admin panel. 5

After Installation of Extension log in to Magento admin panel to set

configuration of the extension.
Product QA management menu :
Go to Store → Configuration → Mageants → Product Q/A and set the
configuration as shown in below images. 6 7

Product QA Captcha Configuration :
Go to Store →Configuration →Customers→ Customer Configuration→
Set Yes to enable CAPTCHA on storefront and select Question / Answer Form from
forms field For CAPTCHA activation. 8

wysiwyg Configuration:
Go to Store → Configuration → General → Content Management → Wysiwyg
Options. Set Yes to Use Static URLs for Media Content in WYSIWYG.
- When added images show in frontend admin needs to enable default magento
configuration for image. 9

Back-end Example:
To manage contact messages Please go to Catalog → Product Question / Answer
there you can manage all Product Question Answer. You can create ,edit or delete
Question/Answer from here, Menu.

Product Question Grid:
Go to Catalog → Product Question/Answer → Questions to view Product
Question Grid. It shows all the questions submitted by customers. 10

Question edit tab:
On selecting edit for any question, admin can edit that question status from pending
to Approved/ Rejected.
Multiple select product:
Admin can also add the same question to multiple products by selecting multiple
products from question edit tab 11

Answer Tab :
Admin can add answer for the question which he/ she is editing
On submitting the answer, it get displayed on answer tab with Approve Now button. 12

Answer edit tab:
Admin can also edit or reject the submitted answer by clicking on Reject Now ans
Answer Edit button after approve.
Edit Answer pop-up apperas for editing approved answer. 13

Product Answer Grid:
Go to Catalog → Product Question/Answer → Answers to view Product Answer
Grid. It shows all the answers which are submitted by customers.
Product Answer Edit Grid:
Here Admin can edit answer which are submitted by customers. 14

Fronted-end Example:
Product Question tab
Customer can view Product Question tab on product details page.
From here customers can eaisily
- Ask Questions.
- Sort Questions by Latest First / Oldest First / Most Like / Most Dislike.
- Write Answer.
- Search Questions & Answers.
- View each Question’s and Answer’s Like & Dislike count. 15

Ask Question form
On click of Ask Question button, Question form appears. Here customers can write
their name, e-mail and question for that product. In this form, customer gets an
option to ask their question privately by selecting the “Is Question Private”
When the question is submitted as private, then that question will not be visible to
any other customer. Only admin can view / answer the private question and
customer receives the answer on mail for his/her private question. 16

Write Answer form
On click of Write Answer button, Answer form appears. Here customers can write
their name, e-mail and answer for asked questions of that product.
After submiting the answer, admin approve / reject the answer. And when the answer
is approved by admin then customes can see their answer on product question tab. 17

Responsive View
It shows the responsive view of Product Question tab.
Product Questions in My Account
Go to My Account → Product Questions tab, here customers can see the list of
questing whichever they has submitted from there account. 18

Thank you!
Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please
contact us at:

Your feedback is absolutely welcome! 19