Stoma Stifler™ The Lightweight, Noise-Suppressing Game-Changer in Stoma Protection

Stoma Stifler™ The Lightweight, Noise-Suppressing Game-Changer in Stoma Protection, updated 7/23/23, 4:15 PM

BEAMM LLC has defied convention in the ostomy market with their dual functioning stoma guard and noise suppressor, the Stoma Stifler. Further information can be found at

The Wellthie One 3225 McLeod Drive Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89121, United States Website Phone +1-248-854-4463 Email

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Breaking the Mold: How Stoma Stifler™ is
Changing the Game in Stoma Guard Care
BEAMM LLC today reflected
on its release of the Stoma
Stifler 10 years ago, which
was in development for almost
two years.
The main aim was always to
help suppress stoma noise
and provide stoma protection
in one robust yet flexible
hybrid product.
There isn't another hybrid
product on the market that
comes close to working as well
by acting as both a stoma
guard and a stoma noise
The Stoma Stifler™ features
a sleek, body-contoured
design, which allows it to be
worn anywhere, anytime.
The Stoma Stifler™ is
particularly useful during
sports activities, social
gatherings, and for seat belt
protection in the car.
The Stoma Stifler™ is
lightweight, soft, and
flexible, ensuring comfort for
its users.
The Stoma Stifler™ is
designed to be just that - a
lighter, sleeker, and more
comfortable alternative to
traditional stoma guards.
With its engineered geometry for impact
protection and closed-cell polyurethane
foam for noise suppression, the Stoma
Stifler™ is robust enough to protect the
stoma during physical activity while
being discreet enough for quieter
In essence, every aspect of
the Stoma Stifler™ was
designed with the user's
comfort, convenience, and
confidence in mind.
To find out more, go to the
official Stoma Stifler
website https://www.
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