Find Your Music’s Target Audience With This Targeted Spotify Playlisting Service

Find Your Music’s Target Audience With This Targeted Spotify Playlisting Service, updated 10/17/22, 7:06 PM

Do you want your tracks to go viral? Would you like to reach more listeners who love your genre, but don’t know how to get on the right playlists? Playlist Plugger is here to help with its curated marketing services!

Visit for more information.

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Find Your Music’s Target Audience With This
Targeted Spotify Playlisting Service
Getting your music to the ears of listeners is
much harder than simply uploading a track
to Spotify and hoping for the best.
You need to get onto active
playlists with large audiences,
and that’s where Playlist Plugger
can help.
The company’s marketing services can
increase the number of Spotify listens and
audience for your tracks by submitting your
music to active Spotify playlists via their
The playlist services are available in a range
of package plans that vary based on the
number of playlist positions, audience reach,
and song streams you want for your track.
Once purchased, your track will remain on
playlist placements until it reaches the
plan’s target streaming criteria, giving it an
increased chance of going viral.
Playlist Plugger has a range
of other marketing services to
help independent artists and
labels to increase their online
engagement and audience
Get your music heard by the right
audience by adding it to curated and
genre-specific playlists!
for more information.